[新聞] Pique轉會Zaragoza

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/05 11:27), 編輯推噓2(201)
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Pique seals Real deal By Phil Jackson - Created on 4 Aug 2006 Real Zaragoza have completed a loan deal for Manchester United youngster Gerard Pique. 曼聯年輕後衛Pique租借至西甲的Zaragoza United hope that a season in La Liga will help mature the former Barcelona youngster and guarantee him a long-term future at Old Trafford. 曼聯希望這位前巴薩年輕球星在西甲的一個賽季裡能夠幫助他更成熟以保證他在曼聯 有未來 There is a sale option attached to the deal, and the Catalonian must feature in at least 20 games for the Estadio La Romerado outfit in a deal which could work out well for both sides. 這筆交易的附加條款須保證Pique在球隊中至少出賽二十場 Pique moves to Spain following his run in the all-conquering Furia Roja Under-19 side, which won the European Championships this summer. Pique是U-19冠軍西班牙的主力球員 Zaragoza have been anxious to shore up their defence after last season's 11th-placed finish in the league, in which they conceded 51 goals in 38 games, and with the promising youngster in their ranks they hope to push their way up the Spanish top flight this year. Zaragoza在上賽季得到第十一名後便渴望能整頓他們的後防, 希望藉此能夠打進西甲的前段班 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/05 12:04, , 1F
08/05 12:04, 1F

08/05 12:49, , 2F
RZ 準備要火拼了!
08/05 12:49, 2F

08/07 08:58, , 3F
08/07 08:58, 3F
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