[新聞] Saviloa想回Sevilla

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/05 13:39), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Saviola Favours Sevilla Return – Report Spanish daily Marca reports that Barcelona striker Javier Saviola wants to return to Sevilla. 馬卡報報導Barcelona射手Saviola想回Sevilla The Argentinian spent last season on loan at the Pizjuan, helping the club win the Uefa Cup. 阿根廷人上賽季租借至Sevilla,並幫助他們成功地奪取歐洲聯盟盃冠軍 The parties failed to make the move permanent earlier in the summer, but after interest from a host of clubs, it is now reported that Saviola wants to return to his former club. 這個夏天Sevilla錯失了永久獲得Saviola,但在眾多俱樂部對他表示興趣後,便有報導 指出Saviola想回前俱樂部 The former River Plate star, who does not figure in the plans of Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard, is said to be enchanted by the city of Sevilla, the team itself and the fans. 前河床隊球星,並不在Barcelona教練的計畫中,據說他己被Sevilla當地的城市,球隊 和球迷給深深吸引住了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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