[新聞] 馬競想買Belluschi

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/09 02:52), 編輯推噓7(702)
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Atletico's Belluschi bid By Patricio Figueroa - Created on 8 Aug 2006 River Plate have turned down a $7 million (£3.7 million) bid from Spanish side Atletico Madrid for their new midfielder Fernando Belluschi. 河床隊拒絕了馬競對他們的新中場Bellushci出價(€7M) The hotly-tipped Argentinian youngster was the subject of much interest from Spanish clubs before completing his $5 million (£2.7 million) move from Newell's Old Boys in June. 這位炙手可熱的阿根廷年輕球星是許多西班牙俱樂部感興趣的對象 But Belluschi has only played one game for boss Daniel Passarella so far, and club president Jose Maria Aguilar is not ready to cash-in on his player after just six weeks there. 但到目前為止Belluschi只代表河床隊出賽過一場,河床隊主席不想在他到這裡才六星 期就把他賣掉 "Belluschi is not going to leave River, he has just arrived and we made a huge effort to get him here," Aguilar explained. Aguilar說"Belluschi哪也不會去,我們費了好大的功夫才得到他" "He is one of the players that Passarella had asked us for this season, so we can't sell him now." 我們無法出售他,他是我們老闆這賽季要求簽下的球員 Meanwhile, Atletico new boy and countryman Sergio Aguera is another Albicelestes starlet tipped for the top. 同時,馬競新成員兼同鄉"大空翼"是另一個閃耀的新星 But the youngster, who was linked with Liverpool earlier in the year, wants to avoid being compared with other Argentinian heroes and forge his own way in world football. 但是這個今年稍早才與利物浦有過聯繫的年輕人想避免與其他阿根廷英雄做比較而用 自己的方式踢球 "I want to write my own story in football," Aguera commented. "我想要自己的方式踢球" "I don't want to be compared with Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi. I want to make my own name in football." 我不想與馬拉度那或梅西做比較.我想以自己的名字在足球界踢球 "With great players like Torres, Mista and Kezman, I will have to work very hard in each training session and play very well each time I have the chance to play. 像Torres,Mista及Kezman那樣偉大的球員,我必須在每個訓練中非常努力及在每次的 上場機會表現得很好 "If I have to be a substitute I don't mind because I know that I am in a team that has players of great quality." 我並不介意我會是個替補,因為我知道我是待在一個擁有許多優秀球員的球隊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dhand 來自: (08/09 03:34)

08/09 08:43, , 1F
08/09 08:43, 1F

08/09 08:49, , 2F
馬競到底想幹嘛阿 買人買成這樣是怎樣(汗)
08/09 08:49, 2F

08/09 09:26, , 3F
馬競今年是挖到金礦嗎= =?
08/09 09:26, 3F

08/09 12:17, , 4F
08/09 12:17, 4F

08/09 15:11, , 5F
雖然似乎澄清了Kun和大空翼沒關係 可是...大家還是很任性地
08/09 15:11, 5F

08/09 15:11, , 6F
08/09 15:11, 6F

08/09 17:50, , 7F
08/09 17:50, 7F

08/09 20:12, , 8F
OK...改正: 似乎還有不少人(包括媒體)喜歡把這兩個名詞連在
08/09 20:12, 8F

08/09 20:13, , 9F
08/09 20:13, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #14sDrylz (LFP)