[新聞] Arango續留馬洛卡

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/09 22:46), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Arango set to agree new deal By Francisco Acedo - Created on 7 Aug 2006 Juan Arango is poised to commit his future to Real Malloca Arango考慮是否待在Malloca The Venezuelan midfielder was tracked by several clubs, including Tottenham, last season, but The Islanders were desperate to keep hold of their man. 包括Tottenham熱刺等幾家俱樂部都在追求委內瑞拉中場球員,但是Mallorca想要繼續 留住他 Arango has now reportedly accepted a lucrative new four-year deal, and is expected to put pen-to-paper on the contract before the end of the week. Arango被報導己經接受一份四年的合約,預期這週末將完成合同 Negotiations are not believed to have run smoothly, but club bosses have expressed their confidence in a positive outcome. 談判過程並不是料想中的順利,但俱樂部老闆表示他們確信會有滿意的結果 Mallorca are also confident that the 26-year-old will secure Spanish citizenship sometime this season. Malloca確信Arango這賽季將取得西班牙國籍 Goalkeeper Miguel Moya and midfielder Cristiano Doni have already signed new long-term deals with the club this summer. 守門員Moya和中場球員Doni這個夏天己經同俱樂部簽訂新的合同 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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