[新聞] Reyes轉會皇馬?

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/10 17:23), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Reyes hopeful after bench role By Lewis Rutledge - Created on 9 Aug 2006 Jose Antonio Reyes believes a move to Real Madrid could be imminent after being left out of Arsenal's UEFA Champions League qualifier against Dinamo Zagreb. Reyes沒有出現在阿森納的冠軍聯賽資格賽名單中,提高了他轉會皇馬的可能性 Gunners boss Arsene Wenger explained his decision to omit Reyes from Tuesday's first leg clash by saying the 22-year-old was too unsettled by all the speculation to play. 溫格解釋是因為Reyes飽受交易流言困擾而狀態不穩定所以決定不讓他出賽資格賽 Wenger is confident that Reyes will play for Arsenal again but, by not picking him against Zagreb, he has done Real a favour, as he would still be eligible to play European football for the Spanish giants if he did eventually move to the Bernabeu. 假使Reyes轉會皇馬,他依然有資格代表皇馬出賽歐洲冠軍盃 Wenger確信Reyes將會再次代表阿森納出賽歐冠資格賽 Reyes is now eyeing a quick resolution to the long-running saga, with further developments expected before the end of the week. Reyes正密切注意這一切的動向,並希望能在這週末結束 "I don't know if Wenger thought I was ready to play or not, but maybe he thought I was a little too distracted," Reyes was quoted as saying in sports daily AS. "我不知道Wenger是否認為我己經準備好,但或許他覺得有點不集中"Reyes引述他在阿 斯報上所說的 "I want things to be sorted out as soon as possible and I will have my mobile turned on all day on Wednesday in case there are any important calls. "我希望事情能儘快得有個結果,而我會整天打開手機免得漏掉重要的電話 "Me and my family are a little tense at the moment and want to make sure things don't collapse, but I'm hopeful that things will work out in the end." "我和我的家人正操心是否無法成功,我希望此事最後能有個滿意的結果 ------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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