[新聞] Riquelme想做Ayala隊友

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/12 10:24), 編輯推噓6(600)
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Riquelme hopeful on Ayala By Francisco Acedo - Created on 11 Aug 2006 Juan Roman Riquelme is desperate for Roterto Ayala to join him at Villarreal. Riquelme希望Ayala加入他的俱樂部Villarreal Valencia are not prepared to let Ayala go for less than €5 million (£3.4 million), but the Argentine is deeply unhappy at the Estadio Mestalla and the situation is threatening to disrupt the start of their season. Valencia表示如果低於€5M不會放Ayala離開,但是阿根廷人在Mestalla過得非常不開 心,其形勢己經嚴重影響了球團的開季 Riquelme believes it is time for Valencia to accept Ayala's feelings and allow him to go to Villarreal. Riquelme認為Valencia是時候接受Ayala的感受並讓他離開前往Villarreal "I hope that Valencia understand Roberto's decision and let him come to Villarreal," said the 28-year-old playmaker. "我希望Valencia能了解Ayala的決定並讓他來Villarreal" ''It's normal that many teams want him. He has already shown that he is a great player and a good person and I wish him all the luck in the world." "許多球隊想要得到他是很正常,他己經展示他是個偉大的球員及一個好人,而我希望 他在世界上總能這麼幸運" Ayala's agent is reportedly set to meet with Yellow Submarines officials in an attempt to convince them to raise their offer. 據傳Ayala的經紀人準備會晤黃色潛水艇高層試圖說服他們提高出價 Villarreal defender Rodolfo Arruabarrena, meanwhile, has returned to training following a knee injury. Villarreal後衛Arruabarrena此時帶著膝傷返回訓練 The problem had been expected to sideline Arruabarrena for the start of the season, but coach Manuel Pellegrini is now looking ahead more positively. 膝傷預計隨著Arruabarrena到球季開打,但教練Pellegrini較實際地正在考慮未來 "Our objective is for him to arrive at the right level in time for the first match against Real Madrid (on August 27). "我們的目標是他能以最佳狀態及時趕上球季的第一場比賽好對抗皇馬" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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Argentina版#3130 老鼠大人對瓦倫超不爽 應該不會再待下去
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