[新聞] 安貞煥加盟馬競?

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/19 17:32), 編輯推噓16(1600)
留言16則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Ahn Set For Madrid According to the South Korean press, Ahn Jung-hwan is set to join Atletico Madrid. 根據南韓的新聞報刊,安貞煥準備加盟馬德里競技 If the stories are true, Ahn will join the Spanish outfit next week after completing a medical and will sign a one-year contract. The club will pay 750,000 Euros to the 30 year-old’s former club MSV Duisberg. 如果報導屬實,安貞煥將在下星期體檢後成功加盟西班牙俱樂部並簽訂一年的合同 轉會費為€750,000 Madrid, who finished tenth last season, are sponsored by South Korean car maker Kia Motors and it is thought that the club has asked the company to pay part of Ahn’s salary. 南韓Kia汽車製造廠是馬競的贊助商,據說馬競要求該廠商支付部份安貞煥的薪水 The striker, who scored his 17th goal for the national team in the midweek win in Taiwan, has been waiting for a move to one of Europe’s biggest leagues all summer. 在週中對台灣的比賽,安貞煥打入他代表南韓國家隊的第十七球並贏得比賽,該射手在 整個夏天等待著轉會至歐洲頂級聯賽的機會 The player's agent told Chosun Ilbo that Ajax and Japanese team Nagoya Grampus Eight had also expressed interest in Ahn but there had been no offers from England. 安貞煥並沒有收到來自其他俱樂部的報價 ---------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/19 17:54, , 1F
08/19 17:54, 1F

08/19 17:54, , 2F
08/19 17:54, 2F

08/19 18:10, , 3F
08/19 18:10, 3F

08/19 18:54, , 4F
哪裡有位置給他打...馬競鋒線早就爆滿了= =
08/19 18:54, 4F

08/19 19:58, , 5F
難得在外電中看見台灣 所以推一下:P
08/19 19:58, 5F

08/20 00:56, , 6F
08/20 00:56, 6F

08/20 01:01, , 7F
08/20 01:01, 7F

08/20 01:24, , 8F
08/20 01:24, 8F

08/20 01:33, , 9F
08/20 01:33, 9F

08/20 07:13, , 10F
= = 真後悔上次沒去中山足球場埋炸彈
08/20 07:13, 10F

08/20 11:41, , 11F
有點想吐血 =_=
08/20 11:41, 11F

08/20 13:19, , 12F
08/20 13:19, 12F

08/20 13:57, , 13F
08/20 13:57, 13F

08/20 14:09, , 14F
馬競這招有夠狠 話說西班牙人日韓世足後不是對韓國很感冒?
08/20 14:09, 14F

08/20 18:48, , 15F
感覺這轉會是不是Kia拉的線,然後讓安貞煥代言Kia汽車之類 XD
08/20 18:48, 15F

08/20 19:56, , 16F
08/20 19:56, 16F
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