[情報] Level-headed Torres has eyes trained …

看板LFP作者 (Volzy)時間17年前 (2007/05/09 16:57), 編輯推噓4(401)
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我是在《泰晤士報》上看到這一篇的,覺得還不錯所以貼上來... 那因為泰晤士報的文章有點長orz所以我小小翻了一下,有錯煩請指正>"< 原文:http://tinyurl.com/2ldtp2 中文:http://tinyurl.com/yo343p From The Times May 8, 2007 Level-headed Torres has eyes trained on England 引領鰲頭放眼英倫 The Atle'tico Madrid striker is maybe the best player outside the Champions League, in which he is yet to be involved 馬競的頭號射手或許是歐洲戰場外最為傑出的球員,而他將引起另一起波瀾。 Guillem Balague Fernando Torres started playing football in his district, but one day the coach of a rival team sent a formal complaint to the federation because he was not the legal age to play in that competition. It was true – his parents had faked his registration – but he was not too old, he was two years younger than permitted. And he was the top goalscorer that season. 托雷斯是在其地方的小球隊裡開始他的足球生涯,在某一天敵隊的教練提出控訴而 使他收一張聯邦的控訴狀指稱說他還沒到可以參加比賽的合法年齡。這是真的:他 的父母親篡改他的資料,因為托雷斯的年紀還太小,他還有兩年才被允許可以上場 比賽 ─ 但他在當時就已經成為那一季的頂尖射手了。 Later on, when he was a tall, thin 11-year-old, he went for a trial at Atle'tico Madrid. “He showed intelligence, explosive pace and bravery. He did not think football like a child would,” Manolo Rangel, the coach who gave marks to the youngsters and who became his mentor, said. He gave Torres 11 out of 10. 之後,十一歲時他長的高且瘦,而他考進了馬競的入隊考試。〝他展現出極具天賦 的技巧及充滿爆發力的速度,而他所展露出來的一切:讓你難以想像他還是個孩子。〞 Manolo Rangel,迄今仍然清楚地記得托雷斯當時的表現,而他現在是托雷斯的顧問 ,他當時將托雷斯自眾人中拔擢出。 What makes Torres special, though, is not his ability, but his mental strength. Listening to him in a restaurant near the Atle'tico training ground, the reaction to his words is one of amazement – he sounds older than his 23 years. 究竟是什麼讓托雷斯如此地特別?除了傑出的才能外,他更具備了堅定且果決地意 志。當你在鄰近馬競練習場的一間餐廳裡聽到他講出的那一席話時,你會驚豔他所 說出來的字句是超乎他這年齡般地成熟。 “At 17 you can earn lots of money,” he says. “If you don’t have sensible parents, you could be lost for football very soon. Some parents think they have a goldmine in their kid – I see it every weekend in the youth matches I go to. I have had colleagues that were better than me and they never made it because their parents never allowed them to enjoy their football.” 〝當你在十七歲有能力賺到很多錢時,若是沒有有遠見且理智的雙親,我想那將 會使你更快失去了對足球的熱愛;有些父母把自己的小孩看作是搖錢樹:我每週 都盡我所能地去看那些年輕球員的比賽。在這群人中有我的同儕,且才能比我更 好,但他們的父母卻沒讓他們享受到踢球的快樂。〞 Torres was born in a modest district in the southern part of Madrid. “It is a working-class area,” he says. “When you grow up in a place like that, you never forget where you are from. My parents taught me to respect the family, the authority of the elders. 托雷斯出生在馬德里南部--而他形容他所成長的地方是〝那是屬於藍領階層所住 的地區。當你在那樣的地方出生、成長,你不會忘記自己的根本為何、自己是在 怎麼樣的地方長大。我的雙親教導我要敬重家人及德高望重的長者們。〞 “Those are also the values of Atle'tico, the humble, poor club of the city. Atle'tico fans come from similar backgrounds to me and that is why there is such closeness to them. And why I will never play for Real Madrid. Once your life starts changing, it is important to remember who helped you.” 這也是馬競的價值所在,不怎麼富有但謙遜。馬競球迷們的出身有許多都跟我類 似,這是為什麼我覺得他們如此好親切的來由,而這也就是為什麼我不去皇家馬 德里踢球的原因。當生活出現許多比現今更好的機會時,你更不能忘得更該優先 考量的是:那些曾幫助過自己的人。 Torres talks with a monotone voice, looking you in the eye. The voice says shyness, the eyes confidence. And his words reveal the extent to which he has had to grow up quickly. 托雷斯專注且用著不變的語調述說這些事,聲調有些羞怯但眼神卻散發著自信,而 從他說出來的話透露出他比任何人都看得更遠且將成長得更快。 He is the youngest player, at 17, to play for Atle'tico and the youngest, at 19, to become captain. He made his debut in 2001 against Leganes and scored his first goal the next week against Albacete. After two years in the second division, Atle'tico returned to the top flight and Torres scored 13 goals. Since then, he has been the club’s top scorer in every season. 他十七歲時成為馬競隊上最年輕的球員,且隨後成為馬競最年輕的隊長─在他以十 九歲之齡接隊長之職。首披馬競戰袍出賽是在2001年對上Leganes的比賽,隔週對 上Albacete他踢進他職業生涯第一顆進球。馬競在西乙沉浮兩年後又重回西甲戰場 ,托雷斯在其中貢獻了十三顆進球。此後,他在每季賽事中皆為隊上進球榜之榜首。 “I have lots to improve still,” Torres said. “I love learning from the best forwards in the world. [Thierry] Henry has been better than any other player in the world. Till recently, people didn’t talk about the Premiership that often. But for the last two years it is almost an obligation to sit down to watch the Premiership.” 〝我仍有許多待改進的地方。〞托雷斯如是說〝我熱衷在學習仿傚那些世界一流前 鋒,而亨利是站在這些一流前鋒金字塔的頂端。以往在這裡並沒有什麼人看英國職 業足球的,直至這兩年才因祖國情誼而開始觀看這一系列賽事。〞 In 1999, he was voted best young player in Europe and Arsenal tried to sign him because he had no contract. He got one straight away. Recently it was extended until 2009, but the buyout clause was reduced from €60 million to €40 million (about £27 million). He said then that “the club will grow and me with it”, but also that “we have to make it into Europe, be top four”, which sounded like conditions to stay. 1999 年,托雷斯獲選為歐洲最佳新秀,在當時阿森納曾嘗試與他簽約,因他在當 時並沒有合約的束縛,但他隨即便獲得了一張新的合約:跟馬競。而最近他將那張 合約續至2009年,但卻將合約中薪資的條目自600萬歐元降至400萬﹝約為270萬英磅﹞ 。托雷斯對此表示說:〝我將與馬競同進退,且我們的目標是成為前四名,讓馬競 進軍歐洲戰場。〞他就是為此留在馬競的。 Rumours last summer suggested that Torres was close to joining Manchester United. There were meetings between Sir Alex Ferguson and his representatives in Paris, but after United signed Michael Carrick from Tottenham Hotspur, the chance had gone. 這就讓人想起去年夏天托雷斯欲加入曼聯的傳聞。弗格森爵士與托雷斯的經紀人於 巴黎會晤,但之後曼聯自熱刺簽下了卡里克,而這機會便為之破滅。 Two weeks ago, friends gave Torres a captain’s armband for his birthday bearing the logo “We’ll never walk alone”, which led some to speculate that he would be moving to Liverpool. “My group of mates have got that logo tattooed on their arms,” Torres says. “I have been told about Anfield and how special it is, but I haven’t managed to go yet. I would like to, though.” 兩週以前,托雷斯的朋友在他的隊長臂章上繡上〝我們永不獨行〞的字句並贈予他 作為生日禮物,這是否意味著他將轉至利物浦呢?托雷斯說:〝我這群朋友將這一 句話刺在他們的手臂上,我也聽說過安菲爾德的事積及其特別之處,但這並不代表 我能到那,縱使我如斯渴慕。〞 Torres is probably the best player outside the Champions League, a competition that he has never been involved in, even though Atle'tico are considered, in terms of fan-base, history and financial strength, one of Spain's top three clubs. “In Spain, clubs have no patience,” Torres says. “In the last seven years I have had six coaches. If there is a new boss, seven new signings, we start every year from zero.” 托雷斯可能是歐洲戰場外最傑出的球員,但卻未參與其中,馬競曾想過將他賣給西 班牙那有著廣大的球迷支持、歷史悠久財力雄厚的三大頂尖球會之一。〝西班牙的 球會大多都沒什麼耐性。光在過去七年中,我就有過六個教練。新老闆、簽七次新 合約,然後我們每一年都從零開始。〞 Some consider this the reason why his progress has faltered. Initially, he had been greeted as the next big star. He was different from the typical Spanish striker and seemed to have come from the French school of forwards, from the same mould as Henry and Nicolas Anelka, who are skilful, powerful and score goals. 還有其他原因使他這條路走得更為顛簸。起先,他被期許成為下一個巨星,因為他 是如此不同於其他典型的西班牙射手,看似出身自盛產頂尖前鋒的法國走來,因他 被認為具備有亨利及Anelka那樣有力量跟腳法高超的射門技巧。 But now people concentrate more on his weaknesses, saying that he is more interested in raising his profile, in the manner of David Beckham, than improving on the pitch. 但現在,人們將他最近的低潮歸咎於他將心思放在那喜愛打扮、營造個人特色的興 趣上,較他在球場上放得心思還要多 ─ 因有著大衛‧貝克漢的前車之鑑。 “I change my hairstyle, so what?” Torres said. “I think it shows football is becoming more like showbusiness, but what can I do about that? 〝我就是愛變換我的髮型,但那又如何?我想這代表著足球變得更像商業化更像一場秀, 但我在這當中又做了什麼?〞 Luis Aragone's, the Spain head coach, also said recently that Torres “still has a poor first touch and doesn’t finish well”, and despite fitting the profile of the player Manchester United and Liverpool are looking for, he is, as a friend said, second in many lists of potential targets. But Torres appears to be keen to play abroad. 西班牙國家隊總教頭Luis Aragone's近來也說托雷斯的表現是〝貧乏且未臻完善〞。and despite fitting the profile of the player Manchester United and Liverpool are looking for, he is, as a friend said, second in many lists of potential targets.但托雷斯表態說他希望至海外征戰。 “It is important that Spanish players go to another league,” he said. “All those in England have grown as players, they are more complete.” 〝能到國外聯賽踢球對許多西班牙球員來說是意義重大的,而那些在英超的西班牙球員將 在那更加茁壯且嫻熟。〞 Those words will have many Premiership managers pricking up their ears. 這些含意未伸的話將使那些英超主帥們側耳傾聽。 --- 其實後面幾段有些意思我不太懂= =||| 三大球會的那個、西班牙隊總教頭那個orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 17:50, , 1F
其實他心裡的聲音是 You will never walk alone!
05/09 17:50, 1F

05/10 12:28, , 2F
原來你就是草小姐 d@^^@b
05/10 12:28, 2F

05/10 17:42, , 3F
Σ( ̄□ ̄||||我...我怎麼了...||?←臭名遠播!!?
05/10 17:42, 3F

05/10 21:15, , 4F
想太多了 XD
05/10 21:15, 4F

05/11 15:00, , 5F
05/11 15:00, 5F
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