[評論] Free Carlos Gomez! (from AG.com)

看板MIN-Twins作者 (雅典等等我)時間16年前 (2009/05/12 02:33), 編輯推噓24(24081)
留言105則, 9人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
今天看到這一篇評論 於我心有戚戚焉 所以跟大家分享一下 Carlos Gomez was in the lineup yesterday for just the fourth time in 17 games, as Ron Gardenhire has decided that Delmon Young in left field, Denard Span in center field, and Michael Cuddyer in right field is his preferred outfield alignment. Gardenhire has shown that he figures to start Span and Cuddyer nearly every game, so he's basically chosen Young over Gomez as the "other" starting outfielder. There are two problems with his decision, one of which is short term and one of which is long term. Gardenhire很明顯地將讓Span跟Cuddyer每天先發 他選擇了Young當第三個外野手 不過這樣的決定在短期跟長期來說都很值得討論 For most fans and far too many media members, benching Gomez for Young looks like an easy move. After all, Gomez is batting .218 and Young is batting .288. Easy call, right? Actually, no. Young's batting average is incredibly empty, as 21 of his 23 hits have been singles and he's drawn four walks in 87 plate appearances. Yes, the fact that he's "hitting" .288 looks good at first glance, but his .333 on-base percentage and .338 slugging percentage are an awful combination for a corner outfielder. 對大部分的人來說,選擇Young而讓Gomez坐板凳是再容易不過的選擇了 但.288的BA其實一點用都沒有,因為23支安打中有21支是single 而且Young選到的BB非常的少 因此,他的OBP跟SLG在corner outfielder來說,是非常差勁的 Gomez has been even worse offensively, hitting just .218/.259/.327 in 58 plate appearances, but unlike Young his value goes far beyond his production at the plate. Gomez is one of the elite defensive center fielders in baseball, saving the Twins a tremendous number of runs with his glove. His presence in center field also means that Span slides over to left field, where he's also one of the elite defenders in the game. 在攻擊上,Gomez當然是爛的多 但他跟Young不一樣,他在防守上的價值,遠遠超過打擊 Young is a better hitter than Gomez right now, but the gap isn't anywhere close to as big as their batting averages suggest and pales in comparison to the gap defensively. Last year Young hit .290/.336/.405 and Gomez hit .258/.296/.360. This season Young is at .288/.333/.338 and Gomez is at .218/.259/.327. In both cases the difference is about 80 points of OPS and even that figure is inflated by not accounting for Young's propensity to ground into double plays or Gomez's superior speed on the bases. Young現在的確是個比較好的打者,但他跟Gomez的差距並沒有想像中的大 綜合這兩年的表現,兩人OPS的差距大概是.080左右 但這並不包含Young打出的雙殺打,還有Gomez優異的速度所造成的影響 Based strictly on their production offensively as members of the Twins, Young has been about 15 runs better than Gomez per 600 plate appearances. In some circumstances a 15-run gap offensively would be a lot, but not here. According to Ultimate Zone Rating as a duo Gomez in center field and Span in left field (or right field) has been 30-35 runs above average per 150 games. Meanwhile, as a duo Span in center field and Young in left field has been 45-50 runs below average per 150 games. 以600個PA為準,Young在打擊上的RC,會高於Gomez15分 但如果考慮到Span-LF,Gomez-CF,在150場中會創造高於平均30-35RS 而Young-LF,Span-CF,則是低於平均45-50RS The latter total is inflated by Span's unsustainably horrible numbers in limited action as a center fielder, but even if you ignore them to give him credit for being exactly average in center field--which at this point is far from a safe assumption--the Young-Span alignment is 40-50 runs worse than the Span-Gomez alignment. In other words, by benching Gomez for Young the Twins are gaining 15 runs offensively and losing 40-50 runs defensively. All of which is why focusing on their batting averages is silly. 就算保守點估計,Young-Span比Span-Gomez的組合最少也會差到40-50分 所以只關心BA的差距是很無腦的 In the short term benching Gomez for Young is costing the Twins a significant number of runs, but the move could have even costlier ramifications long term. Gomez is six months from his 24th birthday and has great athletic ability, world-class speed, and little idea what he's doing at the plate. While with the Mets he was rushed through the minor leagues, playing at Double-A as a 20-year-old and debuting in the majors as a 21-year-old after all of 36 games at Triple-A. 短期來說,讓Gomez坐板凳已經會在防守上失去更多分 但更嚴重的是如此會造成長期的影響 Gomez was rushed through the normal development process for a prospect, getting promoted to the majors far sooner than his minor-league performance warranted and then sticking in the big leagues at least in part because he was the centerpiece of a franchise-altering trade. Certainly none of that has helped him mature as a player, but compounding those mistakes by now relegating him to the bench makes even less sense. Gomez被rush的很大,20歲就上2A,21歲就在3A出賽36場以後被拉上major 比起之前Mets這錯誤的策略, 現在把他長期放在板凳則更是愚蠢 Young was born just a few months before Gomez in 1985 and also would benefit from regular playing time, which certainly makes juggling outfielders difficult for Gardenhire. However, even before planting Gomez on the bench Gardenhire found playing time for Young by starting him against all left-handers and some right-handers. Young started nine of the first 15 games, totaling 35 plate appearances. On the other hand, Gomez has four starts and 18 total plate appearances during the past 17 games. Young獲得比Gomez多非常多的PA For all his faults Gomez is a significantly more valuable all-around player than Young right now, but by focusing on batting averages and paying zero attention to advanced defensive metrics the Twins have a difficult time wrapping their heads around that. However, even if you're convinced that Young is the superior player right now and benching Gomez doesn't hurt the team in the short term, why in the world would you want your incredibly raw 23-year-old center fielder getting one or two starts per week? 只把眼睛放在BA上的話,當然不會發現其實Gomez比Young更有價值 而就算Young真的比Gomez優異很多 讓一個如此具有潛力但未成熟的CF每週只先發一或兩次是在搞什麼? If the Twins aren't going to play Gomez, they ought to at least let him continue to develop at Triple-A. By benching him for Young and keeping him in the majors to make a start every 4-5 games, they're hurting the team in both the short and long term. With his great defense Gomez would become an incredibly valuable all-around player simply by developing into a mediocre, slightly below-average hitter. With his horrible defense Young would need to develop into a great hitter just to have the same type of value. 如果不打算讓Gomez先發,就放他去3A吧!!! 他需要持續的出賽磨練打擊,只要打擊成長到slightly below-average就足夠了 讓他當Young的替補,真是他媽的腦殘!!! It's certainly clear which scenario I'd bet on, but more importantly there's no reason for the Twins to take an either-or approach yet. Given their fly ball-heavy pitching staff using a Span-Gomez-Cuddyer outfield with Jason Kubel or Young at designated hitter depending on the handedness of the opposing pitcher remains the best alignment on most days, but if the Twins can't or won't recognize that then at least let Gomez play regularly at Rochester without wasting his development and service time. 此外,Twins大部分的投手是飛球投手 所以用Span-Gomez-Cuddyer絕對比較好,讓Kubel跟Young打DH 再重複一次 讓Gomez先發吧,不然就放他去3A!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/12 10:27, , 1F
Gomez需要更多打擊 到3A目前是最好的選擇
05/12 10:27, 1F

05/12 10:33, , 2F
尤其昨天一球Gomez找不到球 Gardy印象又更差了
05/12 10:33, 2F

05/12 10:44, , 3F
打擊可以跟Franklin Gutierrez差不多就好了 不要求太高
05/12 10:44, 3F

05/13 10:21, , 4F
有同感阿 Gomez拿不到先發的話 就去3A吧
05/13 10:21, 4F

05/13 10:48, , 5F
Gomez速度好快阿 一上來就盜壘
05/13 10:48, 5F

05/14 10:33, , 6F
05/14 10:33, 6F

05/14 10:35, , 7F
Ayala好樣的 領先的全部送回給老虎了 現在反倒還落後
05/14 10:35, 7F

05/14 10:39, , 8F
換Guerrier也被Larish來一發 真慘
05/14 10:39, 8F

05/14 11:11, , 9F
Kubel 2 run shot!! 追平了
05/14 11:11, 9F

05/14 11:22, , 10F
05/14 11:22, 10F

05/14 11:23, , 11F
Nathan如果穩住 接下來就看誰牛棚比較爛了= =
05/14 11:23, 11F

05/14 12:02, , 12F
Mijares成功穩了兩局 誰來一棒結束這場比賽吧 吃飯去
05/14 12:02, 12F

05/14 12:08, , 13F
我剛看了一下重播 Guerrier投六球被打二支HR 也太慘了吧
05/14 12:08, 13F

05/14 12:23, , 14F
牛棚輪流不穩阿 是怎樣啦
05/14 12:23, 14F

05/14 12:37, , 15F
05/14 12:37, 15F

05/14 12:43, , 16F
竟然投手犯規 送人一分 真的被噓爆了
05/14 12:43, 16F

05/14 12:44, , 17F
被Granderson玩弄了 Crain輸了面子輸了裡子
05/14 12:44, 17F

05/14 12:45, , 18F
05/14 12:45, 18F

05/14 12:45, , 19F
才再想會不會盜本壘而已 竟然被玩了 = =
05/14 12:45, 19F

05/14 12:46, , 20F
等一下從酷寶開始 還有機會 老虎牛棚也沒多厲害
05/14 12:46, 20F

05/14 12:52, , 21F
爽啦 Punto心臟真大 就這樣跑回來
05/14 12:52, 21F

05/14 12:59, , 22F
回來就看到再見滿貫阿 爽啦 :DDDD
05/14 12:59, 22F

05/14 13:00, , 23F
再見滿貫砲 爽啦!!!
05/14 13:00, 23F

05/14 13:01, , 24F
05/14 13:01, 24F

05/14 13:12, , 25F
05/14 13:12, 25F

05/15 02:46, , 26F
Baker投得很好 就是一局爆 Verlander太猛了 沒辦法
05/15 02:46, 26F

05/15 11:37, , 27F
逆轉耶 太神奇了
05/15 11:37, 27F

05/15 17:12, , 28F
05/15 17:12, 28F

05/15 17:43, , 29F
明天要打基 期待ㄐ們joke般的live推文
05/15 17:43, 29F

05/15 17:51, , 30F
沒錯 我也很期待 XDDDD 最好把他們打爆
05/15 17:51, 30F

05/16 09:55, , 31F
齁 犛牛 不是 是貓牛 可以醬肆無忌憚一直轟的嗎 ^-b
05/16 09:55, 31F

05/16 10:29, , 32F
Nathan上場關門了 面對中心打線 刺激刺激
05/16 10:29, 32F

05/16 10:32, , 33F
抖了 現在只差一分
05/16 10:32, 33F

05/16 10:37, , 34F
05/16 10:37, 34F

05/16 10:38, , 35F
剛剛九上左打者外角一直好球 A肉一樣位置壞球
05/16 10:38, 35F

05/16 10:38, , 36F
05/16 10:38, 36F

05/16 10:45, , 37F
常富寧怎麼好像很爽的樣子 XD
05/16 10:45, 37F

05/16 10:48, , 38F
05/16 10:48, 38F

05/16 10:49, , 39F
唉 連Nathan也來BS..= =不能守住來幫猛牛慶生了 氣死
05/16 10:49, 39F
還有 26 則推文
05/17 03:53, , 66F
05/17 03:53, 66F

05/17 03:54, , 67F
靠 教練是西瓜喔==
05/17 03:54, 67F

05/17 03:54, , 68F
05/17 03:54, 68F

05/17 03:54, , 69F
應該要換了吧 Breslow對鐵爺
05/17 03:54, 69F

05/17 03:55, , 70F
05/17 03:55, 70F

05/17 03:55, , 71F
鐵爺追平安了啊...四打數四安 = =+
05/17 03:55, 71F

05/17 03:55, , 72F
換左投抓左打死不換 氣死人了
05/17 03:55, 72F

05/17 03:56, , 73F
鐵爺是兩打啦 但之前三打數三安了還繼續讓他投= =+
05/17 03:56, 73F

05/17 03:57, , 74F
對於這個不換的決定 Gardy去吃x吧
05/17 03:57, 74F

05/17 03:57, , 75F
一定要換的阿 氣到忘了鐵爺是switch hitter
05/17 03:57, 75F

05/17 03:59, , 76F
去年Guerrier也是差不多情況被a肉尻一發在yankee stadium
05/17 03:59, 76F

05/17 03:59, , 77F
越搞越糟了 Crain也不敢用了 Guerrier不要把人搞回家啊
05/17 03:59, 77F

05/17 04:00, , 78F
05/17 04:00, 78F

05/17 04:01, , 79F
蠻漂亮的一球 主審不買帳
05/17 04:01, 79F

05/17 04:02, , 80F
05/17 04:02, 80F

05/17 04:04, , 81F
安全下庄 要面對Mo了嗎... 要看說明書喔 >.^
05/17 04:04, 81F

05/17 04:07, , 82F
應該是Mo會上來 不過我們是後段棒次
05/17 04:07, 82F

05/17 04:08, , 83F
打到前半段了喔 有希望有希望
05/17 04:08, 83F

05/17 04:10, , 84F
至少打得到貓兒 Harris該安打了吧
05/17 04:10, 84F

05/17 04:11, , 85F
三上三下= =真的不要抱太大期望
05/17 04:11, 85F

05/17 04:11, , 86F
Mo的控球太扯了= = 兩個外角球香振
05/17 04:11, 86F

05/17 04:12, , 87F
人老了 球還是很會跑 還是厲害
05/17 04:12, 87F

05/17 04:16, , 88F
Crain最近太抖了 打越久輸面越大
05/17 04:16, 88F

05/17 04:27, , 89F
攻佔12b 0out 還是打不回來= = 今天調度有點詭異
05/17 04:27, 89F

05/17 04:29, , 90F
卡帶而今天除了保送甄的蠻廢的 12B也沒推進效果
05/17 04:29, 90F

05/17 04:30, , 91F
最近牛棚中記這還Guerrier回穩 希望不要又被操爆了
05/17 04:30, 91F

05/17 04:31, , 92F
05/17 04:31, 92F

05/17 04:32, , 93F
05/17 04:32, 93F

05/17 04:34, , 94F
操爆太不划算了啦 想想前幾年牛棚還是前幾名
05/17 04:34, 94F

05/17 04:35, , 95F
05/17 04:35, 95F

05/17 04:42, , 96F
除了M&M 其他打者都在睡覺嘛
05/17 04:42, 96F

05/17 04:45, , 97F
剛想推文有不好預感 A-rod就再見HR了= =
05/17 04:45, 97F

05/17 04:46, , 98F
被打了= =
05/17 04:46, 98F

05/17 04:47, , 99F
果然 連兩場被再見 八下的調度太關鍵了
05/17 04:47, 99F

05/17 04:52, , 100F
連兩場該贏的都沒了 在洋基主場真的見鬼 3-21 since 2002
05/17 04:52, 100F

05/17 10:28, , 101F
不要拿掃把我就滿足了 看了重播真生氣 ><
05/17 10:28, 101F

05/17 12:39, , 102F
被橫掃機率很高耶 我覺得 Burnett打得不好
05/17 12:39, 102F

05/17 12:42, , 103F
05/17 12:42, 103F

05/17 17:09, , 104F
真的有夠衰 輸球就算了 看球忘記限流量被學校鎖了 囧
05/17 17:09, 104F

07/02 19:05, 5年前 , 105F
Gomez速度好快阿 http://yaxiv.com
07/02 19:05, 105F
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文章代碼(AID): #1A26-GED (MIN-Twins)