[情報] 一位總管表示:第一次感覺有29隊想贏球已刪文

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間5月前 (2023/11/06 10:46), 5月前編輯推噓19(1909)
留言28則, 23人參與, 5月前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/l74Mrl While trades and free agent signings are extremely rare at these meetings, this is where the groundwork traditionally starts, only this year feels different, GM s and executives say. 過往的總管會議, 一般總管都是在做一些前置作業 比較少在這時候就發動交易、敲定自由球員簽約 但根據各球團人士透露,今年感覺會不一樣 This is the first time, they can remember, where 29 of the 30 teams are actually trying to win. 他們是第一次感受到,30支球隊有29支想贏 The Oakland A’s still are rebuilding and planning to keep payroll as low as pos sible, but every other team is trying to compete in 2024. 恩對,唯一不想贏的那隻是綠帽XD Everyone just saw an 84-win team reach the World Series, a $60 million team win the AL East, and the three-highest spending teams sitting home for the playoffs, and figure, hey, why not us? 他們看到84勝的隊伍打進世界大賽 看到60M組成的隊伍拿下美東冠軍 團隊薪資前三的隊伍被拒在季後賽大門之外 這讓很多球隊也想拼拼看 “I’ve never seen anything like it," one GM said. “It’s the first time we’ve had 29 teams all talking about winning. Every team you talk to wants to be aggr essive.’’ 一位總管表示他以前從未遇到這種氛圍 每一隻他有交談的球隊都是想贏的 This means the free-agent market will be hot and heavy, with even teams like the Tampa Bay Rays telling agents they plan to spend this winter. 這也代表這次FA市場會很熱 連光芒都告訴經紀人說,他們這休賽季打算花錢了 話說當初他們也有開6yr/$150M給自由人過XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1699238774.A.0EA.html

11/06 10:54, 5月前 , 1F
11/06 10:54, 1F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/06/2023 10:55:52

11/06 10:59, 5月前 , 2F
我綠帽粉拉 今年冬天重點在搬家不是簽球員
11/06 10:59, 2F

11/06 10:59, 5月前 , 3F
11/06 10:59, 3F

11/06 11:06, 5月前 , 4F
11/06 11:06, 4F

11/06 11:09, 5月前 , 5F
綠帽:等等 我什麼都沒說耶
11/06 11:09, 5F

11/06 11:10, 5月前 , 6F
11/06 11:10, 6F

11/06 11:12, 5月前 , 7F
這樣綠帽大贏家吧 沒人搶得贏狀元
11/06 11:12, 7F

11/06 11:15, 5月前 , 8F
11/06 11:15, 8F

11/06 11:18, 5月前 , 9F
11/06 11:18, 9F

11/06 11:20, 5月前 , 10F
還好吧 擺爛還怕人說啊
11/06 11:20, 10F

11/06 11:41, 5月前 , 11F
11/06 11:41, 11F

11/06 11:42, 5月前 , 12F
11/06 11:42, 12F

11/06 11:42, 5月前 , 13F
11/06 11:42, 13F

11/06 11:56, 5月前 , 14F
11/06 11:56, 14F

11/06 12:03, 5月前 , 15F
綠帽已預定will smith,FA什麼的看不上眼
11/06 12:03, 15F

11/06 12:09, 5月前 , 16F
明年剩28隊 教士不是不玩了
11/06 12:09, 16F

11/06 12:11, 5月前 , 17F
11/06 12:11, 17F

11/06 12:12, 5月前 , 18F
說沒錢看看教士 用貸款跟你拼
11/06 12:12, 18F

11/06 12:24, 5月前 , 19F
11/06 12:24, 19F

11/06 12:25, 5月前 , 20F
11/06 12:25, 20F

11/06 12:26, 5月前 , 21F
11/06 12:26, 21F

11/06 12:46, 5月前 , 22F
11/06 12:46, 22F

11/06 12:49, 5月前 , 23F
11/06 12:49, 23F

11/06 12:50, 5月前 , 24F
11/06 12:50, 24F

11/06 12:50, 5月前 , 25F
的 但不是6/150M
11/06 12:50, 25F

11/06 13:02, 5月前 , 26F
11/06 13:02, 26F

11/06 13:03, 5月前 , 27F
11/06 13:03, 27F

11/06 13:07, 5月前 , 28F
11/06 13:07, 28F
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文章代碼(AID): #1bI5Ds3g (MLB)