[情報] Blake Snell本季最終戰不投了

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間3小時前 (2024/09/29 23:36), 編輯推噓3(304)
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https://t.co/Z8S78rMoed Snell was scheduled to start the Giants’ penultimate game of the season Saturda y against the Cardinals but was scratched late Friday night and replaced by Tris tan Beck. 原本表定在昨天先發的蝸牛,最終沒有下去投 “Just looking at it, I wanted to pitch as long as we were in it and had a shot. We played playoff teams, so I wanted to face them as well. Not playing a playof f team, this game has no meaning,” Snell said. “I think it was just probably t he best case. If they were a playoff team, I’d be pitching. 蝸牛表示如果是面對季後賽球隊 那他會丟(但那天是對紅雀) The integrity of the game. I want to make sure I give my all. If I have a chance to ruin someone’s playoff hopes, I’d love to do that. Just talked about it wi th people very close to me and thought that this was best.” 他會想阻擋別人的季後賽機會 While manager Bob Melvin said he would have liked Snell to make his scheduled st art, Snell said the organization was “understanding of it and my position.” Th e two-time Cy Young winner, 31, all but confirmed plans to opt out of a $30 mill ion salary for 2025 and seek a long-term deal in free agency. 蝸牛表示球團也理解他的立場 即將要跳脫合約了 這次能$$$$$$$$了吧 整季 G GS W L IP ERA WHIP BB/9 K/9 均速 20 20 5 3 104.0 3.12 1.05 3.8 12.5 154.3 下半季 G GS W L IP ERA WHIP BB/9 K/9 12 12 5 0 68.1 1.45 0.85 3.6 13.6 https://i.imgur.com/Gb0oxYA.jpeg
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09/29 23:40, 3小時前 , 1F
上半季聯手鄧凱威場場炸10分以上 回來後跟鬼一樣
09/29 23:40, 1F

09/29 23:47, 3小時前 , 2F
09/29 23:47, 2F

09/29 23:58, 3小時前 , 3F
看採訪九局賽揚那場對他意義重大 考慮留巨人嗎
09/29 23:58, 3F

09/30 00:27, 2小時前 , 4F
09/30 00:27, 4F

09/30 01:46, 1小時前 , 5F
09/30 01:46, 5F

09/30 02:16, 1小時前 , 6F
Penultimate game是倒數第二場!不然做啥不用final game呵
09/30 02:16, 6F

09/30 02:17, 1小時前 , 7F
我是指Snell原定的本季最終戰 不是指巨人
09/30 02:17, 7F
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