[外電] 海盜管理層不爽老闆Bob Nutting誤導球迷

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間2月前 (2024/07/09 23:26), 2月前編輯推噓4(512)
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https://reurl.cc/qV75ap When Bob Nutting last addressed the media on June 21, the Pittsburgh Pirates own er provided fans with hope. Nutting sounded like he was willing to expand the Pirates’ payroll – at least, within reason – so general manager Ben Cherington could bolster the team’s of fense in hopes of making a run at the postseason this year 海盜摳門老闆Bob Nutting在6/21受訪時 給了球迷希望 似乎願意在交易大限前補強,增加團隊薪資 I’m not at all sure that we won’t have opportunities well in advance of the de adline,” Nutting said, referring to MLB’s July 30 deadline to make trades. “I think we should be prepared to move early. I think we should be prepared to tak e advantage of opportunities when they arise. I know Ben has that flexibility to look across a broader range of alternatives, options but also a timeline of whe n it makes sense to strike.” 表示總管Ben Cherington有彈性能做出補強 The comment made many members of the Pirates’ front office “furious,” one mem ber of the team’s baseball operations told Pittsburgh Baseball Now. They felt N utting’s comments were “misleading, at best.” 但這言論讓海盜管理層不爽了 認為這在誤導球迷 “Bob implied we’re going to have money to spend, and he got the fans excited, ” the person said under the condition of anonymity so he could speak freely wit hout facing repercussions. “ 一位匿名人士表示 老闆這訪談讓球迷興奮,覺得他們有錢補強了 But he told us we don’t have any money to make any significant additions.” 但老闆是跟他們講:我們沒錢做重大補強 The Pirates, though, have signed left fielder Bryan Reynolds (eight years, $106 million), third baseman Ke’Bryan Hayes (eight years, $70 million) and starting pitcher Mitch Keller (five years $77 million). There is speculation within the i ndustry that the Pirates might be willing to offload Hayes’ contract. 海盜這幾年續了三張長約 Bryan Reynolds 8yr/$106.75M 2023-2030 Mitch Keller 5yr/$77M 2024-2028 Ke’Bryan Hayes 8yr/$70M 2022-2029 https://i.imgur.com/qGkGYVb.jpg
業界人士表示他們可能會願意把Hayes賣掉 合約結構 ———————————-底薪期 2022: $10M 2023: $10M ———————————-仲裁期 2024: $7M 2025: $7M 2026: $7M ———————————-FA 2027: $7M 2028: $8M 2029: $8M 2030: $12M club option/$6M buyout Ben Cherington不知作何感想 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1720538818.A.48E.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/09/2024 23:28:07 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/09/2024 23:28:23

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