[情報] Jacob deGrom完成45球牛棚,目標本月復出

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間1月前 (2024/08/01 23:04), 編輯推噓12(12014)
留言26則, 12人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/rvx2q1 DeGrom (elbow) threw a 45-pitch bullpen session Tuesday, MLB.com reports. DeGrom threw three sets of 15 pitches and came away from the session feeling goo d. The right-hander reiterated once again the goal is to pitch this year and hop efully get the Rangers into the postseason. Texas general manager Chris Young ad mitted that return timelines are fluid, but the organization's goal is to have d eGrom pitching for the Rangers at some point in August. 去年開TJ的Jacob deGrom 在美國時間週二完成了45球的牛棚,然後本人感覺良好 目標是在八月能復出 ------- 5yr/$185M 2023 35歲 $30M 2024 36歲 $40M 2025 37歲 $40M 2026 38歲 $38M 2027 39歲 $37M ---------------------------------有條件觸發(已觸發) 2028 40歲 $20M or $30M or $37M Texas has a conditional option for 2028 that would be triggered if from 2023-26 deGrom has Tommy John surgery on his right elbow or has any right elbow or shoul der injury that causes him to be on the injured list for any period of 130 conse cutive days during any season or 186 days in a row during any service period. 2023-2026 如果開TJ,就會讓條子擁有第六年(2028)的球團選項 The conditional option would be for $30 million if deGrom finishes among the top five in Cy Young voting during the contract or pitches at least 625 innings. Th e option price would increase to $37 million if he finishes among the top five t hree times or more or pitches at least 725 innings. If he falls short of those s pecifications, the conditional option price would be $20 million. 金額 $37M→三次賽揚前五 or 共計投了725局 $30M→一次賽揚前五 or 共計投了625局 $20M→都沒達成 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1722524665.A.CD9.html

08/01 23:45, 1月前 , 1F
08/01 23:45, 1F

08/02 00:13, 1月前 , 2F
08/02 00:13, 2F

08/02 11:18, 1月前 , 3F
08/02 11:18, 3F

08/02 20:09, 1月前 , 4F
08/02 20:09, 4F

08/02 20:09, 1月前 , 5F
配速沒有很難吧 可以保護手臂
08/02 20:09, 5F

08/02 20:20, 1月前 , 6F
08/02 20:20, 6F

08/02 21:12, 1月前 , 7F
我是因為地瓜這幾年常常躺傷兵才這樣說的 跟其他人
08/02 21:12, 7F

08/02 21:12, 1月前 , 8F
08/02 21:12, 8F

08/02 22:35, 1月前 , 9F
08/02 22:35, 9F

08/02 22:36, 1月前 , 10F
08/02 22:36, 10F

08/02 22:37, 1月前 , 11F
08/02 22:37, 11F

08/02 22:41, 1月前 , 12F
怎麼不能比 難道地瓜配速還能保證有一樣壓制力嗎
08/02 22:41, 12F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 13F
誰不想降低受傷機會 但大聯盟打者不是吃素的 投手都能
08/02 22:49, 13F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 14F
打出牆 有保留一定被懲罰阿 連降速求控球的人都很少了
08/02 22:49, 14F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 15F
變因太多了 這是個很大的議題 有些人機制手臂出力比較
08/02 22:49, 15F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 16F
多 有些人是核心 手臂長度和關節肌肉韌帶的形狀和強度
08/02 22:49, 16F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 17F
也不一樣 非常複雜 也有可能他輕鬆丟就沒有那麼好的威
08/02 22:49, 17F

08/02 22:49, 1月前 , 18F
08/02 22:49, 18F

08/02 22:58, 1月前 , 19F
就簡單推論 沒人這麼做=>沒人敢or做不到or沒意義
08/02 22:58, 19F

08/02 23:02, 1月前 , 20F
真的要改的話就是練蝴蝶球 但能巧妙控制的人真的很少W
08/02 23:02, 20F

08/02 23:02, 1月前 , 21F
aldron還不錯 Dickey之前好像也是因為韌帶的關係改練的
08/02 23:02, 21F

08/02 23:49, 1月前 , 22F
08/02 23:49, 22F

08/03 06:48, 1月前 , 23F
08/03 06:48, 23F

08/03 12:13, 1月前 , 24F
08/03 12:13, 24F

08/04 08:42, 1月前 , 25F
08/04 08:42, 25F

08/04 15:07, 1月前 , 26F
08/04 15:07, 26F
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