[外電] 大聯盟邁向連兩年進場人數成長

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間17小時前 (2024/09/24 21:10), 編輯推噓1(100)
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MLB's rising attendance reaches new milestone With the regular season drawing to a close, Major League Baseball is set to achi eve its second consecutive year of rising attendance. 大聯盟目前預計要連兩年進場人數成長了 On the year, MLB games have drawn a total of 68,440,732 fans, up 0.7% compared t o the same point in 2023, the first season after a number of rule changes were i nstituted to improve pace of play and increase in-game action. This will be the first time MLB has had consecutive years of attendance gains since 2011-12. 目前共計68,440,732人入場,比去年同期微升0.7% 也將是自2011-2012以後,大聯盟首次連兩年進場人數上漲 Compared to 2022, the last year before the rule changes, attendance is up approx imately 10%, with a 12% increase in weekday attendance and a 7% increase at week end games. 和新制推行前最後一年相比,進場人數上漲10% 周間+12% 周末+7% MLB drew a total of 1,553,235 fans this past weekend across 45 games for an aver age of 34,516 per game, the largest September non-final weekend in any season si nce 2015, both by total and average. 上個周末大聯盟45場比賽共計1,553,235人入場(場均34,516) 是自2015年後最高的九月周末票房(非最後一周) When all is said and done, MLB is expecting to have its highest attendance since 2017, again surpassing 70 million for the season and continuing its run as the most attended sports league in the world by far. 預期將達成自2017年後的最高票房 https://reurl.cc/eynmdK 就看綠帽票房那一年能恢復正常 = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1727183421.A.DA1.html

09/24 21:55, 16小時前 , 1F
09/24 21:55, 1F
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