[外電] 去年多位白襪球員不想去Hendriks抗癌記者會

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間2天前 (2024/09/26 10:32), 編輯推噓13(13022)
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ESPN今天發了一篇白襪內部問題的長文 裡面有一段提到了Liam Hendriks https://reurl.cc/0dQ0El And he was inheriting a splintered clubhouse. Liam Hendriks, then the team's mos t prominent pitching star, is distinctly an extrovert -- loud, friendly, accessi ble to the media, chatty. Three organizational sources say a rift had grown betw een Hendriks and some of the other veterans on the team, namely pitchers Kendall Graveman, Lance Lynn and Joe Kelly. Liam Hendriks和許多陣中資深投手關係起了裂痕 包含Kendall Graveman、Lance Lynn、Joe Kelly等人 In December 2022, Hendriks was diagnosed with cancer. He went through treatment in the spring of 2023 before making his way back to the team. 之後Hendriks得癌症 In late May, the White Sox front office planned a welcome back news conference, and the team arranged for players to be in the room as Hendriks spoke with the m edia for the first time -- an elementary show of support. 然後回歸時,白襪就辦歡迎回歸記者會 並安排隊友到現場表達支持 Some veterans initially balked, and according to club sources, had to be talked into attending. The situation, one longtime White Sox staffer believed, was one of the worst things he had ever witnessed in professional sports. 結果多位資深球員一開始連出席都不太想 要派人去說服才肯走進記者會現場 一位長期任職於白襪隊的員工認為 這是他在職業運動中所見過的最糟糕的事情之一 The rifts went beyond the pitching staff, too. Former All-Star shortstop Tim And erson was mired in a season-long slump while dealing with personal issues off th e field and catcher Yasmani Grandal was described by one former teammate as some one who "tore people down instead of building them up." 白襪內部的裂痕也不只在投手群 像是Tim Anderson去年整季陷入低潮 同時還要處理場外的個人問題 捕手Yasmani Grandal則被一位前隊友形容為 「一個只會打擊別人而不會激勵的人」 "It was as negative a place as I've seen anywhere," said another club source. 超負面的地方 今年Liam Hendriks兩年約轉隊去紅襪 看哪位大神能翻譯整篇 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1727317962.A.31C.html

09/26 10:54, 2天前 , 1F
09/26 10:54, 1F

09/26 10:54, 2天前 , 2F
這篇超級長 連看完都要一陣子XD
09/26 10:54, 2F

09/26 10:55, 2天前 , 3F
沒啦 他是直接整理整個時間軸告訴你白襪整隊文化有多惡劣
09/26 10:55, 3F

09/26 10:56, 2天前 , 4F
09/26 10:56, 4F

09/26 10:56, 2天前 , 5F
09/26 10:56, 5F

09/26 10:57, 2天前 , 6F
問題最大根源主要就還是Jerry Reinsdorf很愛插手又大外行阿
09/26 10:57, 6F

09/26 10:58, 2天前 , 7F
09/26 10:58, 7F

09/26 10:58, 2天前 , 8F
最可怕的是 Jerry Reinsdorf是把白襪當親兒子 公牛乾兒子
09/26 10:58, 8F

09/26 10:59, 2天前 , 9F
09/26 10:59, 9F

09/26 11:03, 2天前 , 10F
今年這隊不就是為了解決這個問題組的 不在了很正常啊
09/26 11:03, 10F

09/26 11:10, 2天前 , 11F
09/26 11:10, 11F

09/26 11:10, 2天前 , 12F
09/26 11:10, 12F

09/26 11:11, 2天前 , 13F
這樣看介入也很大的太空人老闆Jim Crane強多了
09/26 11:11, 13F

09/26 11:13, 2天前 , 14F
https://reurl.cc/oypaL3 這篇是Rosenthal上禮拜寫的
09/26 11:13, 14F

09/26 11:58, 2天前 , 15F
09/26 11:58, 15F

09/26 12:38, 2天前 , 16F
Crane又不搞休息室 看來歐巴馬要不要強勢介入
09/26 12:38, 16F

09/26 13:08, 2天前 , 17F
09/26 13:08, 17F

09/26 13:27, 2天前 , 18F
"tore people down instead of building them up" 哇
09/26 13:27, 18F

09/26 13:33, 2天前 , 19F
09/26 13:33, 19F

09/26 13:33, 2天前 , 20F
09/26 13:33, 20F

09/26 16:40, 2天前 , 21F
09/26 16:40, 21F

09/26 16:40, 2天前 , 22F
09/26 16:40, 22F

09/26 18:40, 2天前 , 23F
09/26 18:40, 23F

09/26 19:15, 2天前 , 24F
09/26 19:15, 24F

09/26 19:19, 2天前 , 25F
09/26 19:19, 25F

09/26 19:19, 2天前 , 26F
09/26 19:19, 26F

09/26 20:44, 2天前 , 27F
09/26 20:44, 27F

09/27 00:51, 2天前 , 28F
09/27 00:51, 28F

09/27 00:53, 2天前 , 29F
09/27 00:53, 29F

09/27 05:38, 2天前 , 30F
球員問題最大吧 Reinsdorf帶公牛打造史上最傳奇王朝
09/27 05:38, 30F

09/27 05:39, 2天前 , 31F
對比之下 很明顯是現在白襪球員不受教吧
09/27 05:39, 31F

09/27 11:11, 1天前 , 32F
09/27 11:11, 32F

09/27 12:36, 1天前 , 33F
09/27 12:36, 33F

09/28 10:31, 22小時前 , 34F
09/28 10:31, 34F

09/28 23:54, 9小時前 , 35F
但公牛王朝解散另一個Jerry也概括承受所有的責難啊 呵呵
09/28 23:54, 35F
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