[賽果] 2009 Paris SF

看板Mauresmo作者 (L'Arc~en~Ciel)時間16年前 (2009/02/15 21:21), 編輯推噓71(710100)
留言171則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(8) Amelie Mauresmo (FRA) d. (2/WC) Jelena Jankovic (SRB) 62 06 61 記者問第二盤為什麼領了個貝果?某人說讓我們忘了貝果這件事, 她說自己第二盤狀態很低,打算打第三盤,嚐試要振作一點, 某人說這比場比賽的關鍵點是第三盤的第三局, 她說jj應該很失望,沒有完成破發點 某人說即使輸掉這局,也會奮戰到最後 下一場也拜託奮戰到最後 影片: http://www.badongo.com/file/13397956 訪問視頻: http://www.opengdfsuez.com/multimedia.php?page=videos&vid=163&language=uk 賽事精華: http://www.opengdfsuez.com/multimedia.php?page=videos&vid=164&language=uk Amelie Mauresmo, what happened in the second set? Let's try to forget about that. I probably hit a low spot. That's what I was thinking on the court. But good thing I picked up on the third set like I did in the first one. I was trying to get my energy back and the crowd really helped me out on that. They were there for me when I needed them. Was the turning point in the match the third game of the third set when you managed to lead by saving break points? It may have been the turning point for her. She must have been let down for not going through with her break points. As for me, I was intending to keep on fighting even if I was to lose that game. Everything went better after that. I really loved the rest of the third set and I'm still loving it. This is your second consecutive victory against a Top 10 member. It must boost your confidence level... Sure does. I have been going after it for two years now, and so it really feels good. So is this Amelie Mauresmo's big comeback, or is it just an effect of the tournament? I don't know.We'll see a little later on in the season. It's only February. For now, I'm enjoying what I've earned and shared here at Coubertin. As for everything else, we'll see during the season. All I know is that I want to keep the good feeling that I got back. Can you say a few words on your opponent in the finals, Elena Dementieva... She has been playing really well since the season opened. She has already won two Australian tournaments. She was already playing well late last year. We know each other already because we've played against each other many times. She's the favourite, but I have some good arguments to slow her down and impose my strength. In any case, I have what it takes to play a good match. http://www.opengdfsuez.com/tips.php?detail=296532&language=uk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lynn7117 來自: (02/15 21:21)

02/15 21:37, , 1F
有人說我是福星讓我很高興 所以先來報到(挺)
02/15 21:37, 1F

02/15 21:40, , 2F
戴娃會說法語!!!抱歉我太孤陋寡聞 不過真的很吃驚
02/15 21:40, 2F

02/15 22:14, , 3F
02/15 22:14, 3F

02/15 22:14, , 4F
02/15 22:14, 4F

02/15 22:14, , 5F
02/15 22:14, 5F

02/15 22:15, , 6F
adv 戴娃
02/15 22:15, 6F

02/15 22:16, , 7F
網前失誤 被破了>.< 1-0戴娃領先 戴娃狀況不錯
02/15 22:16, 7F

02/15 22:21, , 8F
02/15 22:21, 8F

02/15 22:21, , 9F
一開始就戶破 1-1
02/15 22:21, 9F

02/15 22:25, , 10F
02/15 22:25, 10F

02/15 22:25, , 11F
又被破了 吼~~
02/15 22:25, 11F

02/15 22:28, , 12F
02/15 22:28, 12F

02/15 22:29, , 13F
02/15 22:29, 13F

02/15 22:29, , 14F
02/15 22:29, 14F

02/15 22:30, , 15F
02/15 22:30, 15F

02/15 22:30, , 16F
02/15 22:30, 16F

02/15 22:30, , 17F
02/15 22:30, 17F

02/15 22:32, , 18F
再次網前失誤 15-15
02/15 22:32, 18F

02/15 22:33, , 19F
戴娃的動作真可愛 哈 要不是支持某人也想支持她XD
02/15 22:33, 19F

02/15 22:34, , 20F
40-15 趕快保發
02/15 22:34, 20F

02/15 22:35, , 21F
不爭氣40-40 (≧<>≦)
02/15 22:35, 21F

02/15 22:37, , 22F
錯過局點 快保發
02/15 22:37, 22F

02/15 22:37, , 23F
又變成戴娃BP了 是有沒有人要保發一個啊
02/15 22:37, 23F

02/15 22:38, , 24F
戴娃破發了 *3-2
02/15 22:38, 24F

02/15 22:41, , 25F
很快就4-2了 吼~
02/15 22:41, 25F

02/15 22:47, , 26F
又錯過局點 某人是不能保個一局嗎?
02/15 22:47, 26F

02/15 22:49, , 27F
*4-3 又換戴娃發球了 再破一個吧
02/15 22:49, 27F

02/15 22:50, , 28F
某人網前得分只有54% 戴娃85%
02/15 22:50, 28F

02/15 22:55, , 29F
02/15 22:55, 29F

02/15 23:01, , 30F
02/15 23:01, 30F

02/15 23:06, , 31F
我恍神的時候某人就振作了 *5-6
02/15 23:06, 31F

02/15 23:11, , 32F
今天網前失誤太多了 很好的一個機會說 唉
02/15 23:11, 32F

02/15 23:11, , 33F
要搶七了 原來那個鏡頭一直照的女士是某人的媽媽啊
02/15 23:11, 33F

02/15 23:13, , 34F
今天跟網子很無緣 這一點球死在網子上
02/15 23:13, 34F

02/15 23:15, , 35F
02/15 23:15, 35F

02/15 23:16, , 36F
的確是比較像戴娃 剛才有人給我亂報XD
02/15 23:16, 36F

02/15 23:21, , 37F
02/15 23:21, 37F

02/15 23:23, , 38F
02/15 23:23, 38F

02/15 23:23, , 39F
02/15 23:23, 39F
還有 92 則推文
02/16 01:06, , 132F
轉台 呵呵...
02/16 01:06, 132F

02/16 01:07, , 133F
Mo是第三次拿喔 2006那年我在現場 2001也拿過一次
02/16 01:07, 133F

02/16 01:07, , 134F
恭喜MOMO!!! 這個冠軍我想對她一定很重要! 而且又是在家
02/16 01:07, 134F

02/16 01:07, , 135F
02/16 01:07, 135F

02/16 01:08, , 136F
沒有阿 她贏過3次了吧
02/16 01:08, 136F

02/16 01:08, , 137F
鄉奪冠!意義非凡! 重回TOP5行列吧!!!!!!!!!!!
02/16 01:08, 137F

02/16 01:08, , 138F
02/16 01:08, 138F

02/16 01:09, , 139F
e版版記憶力真好 真是神童
02/16 01:09, 139F

02/16 01:09, , 140F
法國觀眾這2個禮拜在洗三溫暖 (可憐的fed cup...)
02/16 01:09, 140F

02/16 01:09, , 141F
02/16 01:09, 141F

02/16 01:10, , 142F
02/16 01:10, 142F

02/16 01:10, , 143F
其實聯邦杯就有回神的跡象 雖然輸小潘潘 不過內容有競爭力
02/16 01:10, 143F

02/16 01:10, , 144F
因為好久沒有奪冠了 而且是打敗不錯的對手 不是瞎贏來的
02/16 01:10, 144F

02/16 01:11, , 145F
蘇菲阿姨蔣小潘潘 我都浮現電視上那個小潘潘的臉 .....
02/16 01:11, 145F

02/16 01:11, , 146F
她真的是太久沒奪冠才哭那麼久 畢竟很多人都放棄支持她了
02/16 01:11, 146F

02/16 01:12, , 147F
02/16 01:12, 147F

02/16 01:12, , 148F
02/16 01:12, 148F

02/16 01:12, , 149F
有同感 有陣子我很擔心沒文章會被關版 囧
02/16 01:12, 149F

02/16 01:12, , 150F
哈 我是因為看主版有人喊小潘潘就跟著叫 很好笑啊
02/16 01:12, 150F

02/16 01:13, , 151F
02/16 01:13, 151F

02/16 01:13, , 152F
02/16 01:13, 152F

02/16 01:14, , 153F
02/16 01:14, 153F

02/16 01:16, , 154F
我要去煮飯了 今天大家好睡囉 以後又有好比賽可以看了
02/16 01:16, 154F

02/16 01:17, , 155F
人妻阿姨晚安 謝謝你這幾天的報導與加持 (握拳!!)
02/16 01:17, 155F

02/16 01:17, , 156F
我是沒有遺憾了啦 (很容易滿足的球迷) Bye囉阿姨
02/16 01:17, 156F

02/16 01:17, , 157F
^^^^^^^^ XDDDDDDD 大家晚安
02/16 01:17, 157F

02/16 01:18, , 158F
齁 lynn你插隊 討厭
02/16 01:18, 158F

02/16 01:19, , 159F
不好意思囉@@" Shak
02/16 01:19, 159F

02/16 01:19, , 160F
02/16 01:19, 160F

02/16 01:31, , 161F
因為我不敢太高調 = =" 哎
02/16 01:31, 161F

02/16 02:37, , 162F
02/16 02:37, 162F

02/16 14:59, , 163F

02/16 15:00, , 164F
02/16 15:00, 164F

02/16 16:06, , 165F
02/16 16:06, 165F

02/16 21:12, , 166F
02/16 21:12, 166F

02/17 00:15, , 167F
Shak低調沒關係,我知道你低調默默加油很久了 XD
02/17 00:15, 167F

02/17 18:11, , 168F
對不起...請問可以伸決賽嗎?? 好久沒看到這麼精采的mo了
02/17 18:11, 168F

02/17 23:05, , 169F
樓上問得好! 我也想看決賽
02/17 23:05, 169F

02/17 23:06, , 170F
我有線上記分板的截圖啦 哈
02/17 23:06, 170F

02/18 00:00, , 171F
02/18 00:00, 171F
文章代碼(AID): #19c1RIK5 (Mauresmo)
文章代碼(AID): #19c1RIK5 (Mauresmo)