[轉錄] 退出反禁藥計畫 法網禁前球后參賽

看板Mauresmo作者 (Loser.)時間13年前 (2011/05/26 14:02), 編輯推噓2(202)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1DtTuW8- ] 作者: WBUltimatum (叭叭遊天下) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞]退出反禁藥計畫 法網禁前球后參賽 時間: Thu May 26 12:59:09 2011 更新日期:2011/05/26 09:33 (路透巴黎25日電)主辦單位今天說,前世界女子單打排名第一的茉莉絲摩(Amelie Mauresmo)被禁止參加法國網球公開賽混雙比賽,因為她沒有加入反禁藥計畫。 2度拿下大滿貫賽冠軍的茉莉絲摩2009年引退,今年拿到外卡,與羅德拉(Michael Llodra)搭檔爭取混雙冠軍,不過她沒計畫再出山。 主辦單位發表聲明說:「茉莉絲摩與羅德拉這個組合,他們獲得外卡參加混雙比賽,但沒 有資格參加這項賽事。」 聲明說:「事實上,茉莉絲摩2009年引退的時候就退出反禁藥計畫。但要參加正式賽事, 選手比需參加這個計畫至少3個月。」中央社(翻譯) http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110526/16/2s7f2.html ===============以下是原文======= Open-Mauresmo barred from mixed doubles over anti-doping PARIS | Wed May 25, 2011 4:31pm EDT (Reuters) - Former world number one Amelie Mauresmo has been barred from playing the French Open mixed doubles because she is not registered in the anti-doping program, organizers said on Wednesday. Two-times grand slam champion Mauresmo of France, who retired in 2009, had received a wildcard to play the mixed doubles at Roland Garros with compatriot Michael Llodra -- although she was not planning a comeback on the tour. "The pair Amelie Mauresmo/Michael Llodra, who had benefitted from a wildcard for the mixed doubles, are ineligible for the event," organizers said in a statement. "Indeed, Amelie Mauresmo, who retired in 2009, had at the time withdrawn from the anti-doping programme. But to take part in an official event, one must be registered in the programme for at least three months." Mauresmo, 31, won the Australian Open and Wimbledon in 2006, but she never found her stride on clay and therefore failed to make it past the last eight at her home slam. (Reporting by Julien Pretot; Editing by Martyn Herman) http://tinyurl.com/moReuters 少了一場好比賽 Q.Q~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/26 13:02,
不過她沒計畫再 出山 ...
05/26 13:02

05/26 13:33,
05/26 13:33

05/26 14:02,
借轉 Mo 版, 謝謝.
05/26 14:02
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/26 18:59, , 1F
主辦單位幹嘛發了外卡又不給打咧 ==
05/26 18:59, 1F

05/26 21:35, , 2F
根據網球版 megar 版友的推文, 是法網官方給她外卡,
05/26 21:35, 2F

05/26 21:36, , 3F
後來 ITF 跟法網說 Momo 不能打.....
05/26 21:36, 3F

05/26 21:49, , 4F
05/26 21:49, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1DtUpjSL (Mauresmo)
文章代碼(AID): #1DtUpjSL (Mauresmo)