[轉錄][外絮] Shawn Marion 眼睛受傷縫三針

看板Mavericks (達拉斯 小牛)作者 (Amadis)時間13年前 (2011/05/03 11:18), 編輯推噓9(903)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Dlt780I ] 作者: puppetsgame (puppetsgame) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Shawn Marion 眼睛受傷縫三針 時間: Tue May 3 11:08:53 2011 http://mavsblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/05/shawn-marions-mishap-with -portland-door.html http://0rz.tw/hVzs3 == 大意: 1. 與 Portland 的 G6 打完,要離開 Hotel 時, Shawn Marion 在門口滑了一跤 ,把玻璃門給撞壞了,臉上的眼鏡也裂開,讓他需要縫三針。 2. Marion 本人的說法是: 你看過這個廣告嗎?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqKS-hkhhh4
我就是這樣撞上去的... 3. 小牛的隨隊醫師 T.O. Souryal 在飛機上幫他縫了三針,不過他其實是骨科醫師 ,所以可能沒辦法縫的跟 Marion 預期的一樣... == Shawn Marion is sporting three stitches over his right eye, an injury from the Portland series _ or rather, after the Game 6 finale, when he accidentally butted head with a glass door while leaving the team hotel. We'll let Marion explain, in his own words. "I got into a battle with a glass door and the glass door won. I'm being serious. It was an accident. I was in a rush, trying to get on the bus and I slipped. I had my glasses on and it cut my eye." Marion said he slipped on stairs just inside the team hotel's front door. The street side wall of the hotel's street level entirely glass. "Have you ever seen that Windex commercial? That's in some ways how it happened. I slipped going up the stairs . . . You've got two doors where you can leave on that first level. Instead of me going to the left, I went to the right and that door was closed. I had my bags and my water in my hands . . . and I broke my glasses. I was more (ticked) about my glasses." Marion said the only person who saw the mishap was the hotel concierge, who helped get the blood cleaned from Marion's injury. Marion said team doctor T.O. Souryal stitched him on the team plane en route to Dallas. Souryal is an orthopedist, so this "procedure" wasn't quite as intricate as his usual work. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/03 11:09,
骨科醫師 XDDD
05/03 11:09

05/03 11:10,
05/03 11:10

05/03 11:10,
怎麼跟太陽有關的球員都會被玻璃給割傷= =
05/03 11:10

05/03 11:10,
like a G6
05/03 11:10

05/03 11:10,
05/03 11:10

05/03 11:11,
Marion復原能力驚人 不縫應該也沒關係~
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:11,
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:11,
等等 為什麼會遇到小牛隨隊醫生@@?
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:11,
他之前在太陽受傷 居然是靠打球復原= =
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:11,
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:11,
喔 看錯了= =
05/03 11:11

05/03 11:13,
05/03 11:13

05/03 11:13,
05/03 11:13

05/03 11:18,
借轉牛板 :)
05/03 11:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/03 11:19, , 1F
05/03 11:19, 1F

05/03 11:24, , 2F
05/03 11:24, 2F

05/03 11:26, , 3F
05/03 11:26, 3F

05/03 11:26, , 4F
玻璃門擦太乾淨?= =
05/03 11:26, 4F

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05/03 11:30, , 6F
05/03 11:30, 6F

05/03 11:38, , 7F
我也撞過= =因為玻璃太乾淨
05/03 11:38, 7F

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文章代碼(AID): #1DltGI6t (Mavericks)