[討論] 集噓囉! 救小牛~

看板Mavericks (達拉斯 小牛)作者 (力歐流)時間13年前 (2012/05/04 01:43), 編輯推噓-40(1411)
留言43則, 42人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC! 大家噓爆我吧 ~!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/04 01:44, , 1F
"Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 01:44, 1F
※ 編輯: leoliu0812 來自: (05/04 01:47)

05/04 01:46, , 2F
"Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!!BEAT OKC!"
05/04 01:46, 2F

05/04 01:49, , 3F
"Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!!BEAT REF!
05/04 01:49, 3F

05/04 01:54, , 4F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!!BEAT REF!
05/04 01:54, 4F

05/04 01:59, , 5F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 01:59, 5F

05/04 02:02, , 6F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:02, 6F

05/04 02:05, , 7F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:05, 7F

05/04 02:08, , 8F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:08, 8F

05/04 02:14, , 9F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:14, 9F

05/04 02:24, , 10F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:24, 10F

05/04 02:26, , 11F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:26, 11F

05/04 02:26, , 12F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:26, 12F

05/04 02:46, , 13F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 02:46, 13F

05/04 03:09, , 14F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 03:09, 14F

05/04 03:21, , 15F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 03:21, 15F

05/04 03:32, , 16F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 03:32, 16F

05/04 05:48, , 17F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 05:48, 17F

05/04 06:03, , 18F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 06:03, 18F

05/04 06:21, , 19F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 06:21, 19F

05/04 07:08, , 20F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 07:08, 20F

05/04 07:39, , 21F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 07:39, 21F

05/04 07:46, , 22F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 07:46, 22F

05/04 07:48, , 23F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 07:48, 23F

05/04 08:35, , 24F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 08:35, 24F

05/04 08:36, , 25F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 08:36, 25F

05/04 08:44, , 26F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 08:44, 26F

05/04 08:59, , 27F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 08:59, 27F

05/04 09:00, , 28F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:00, 28F

05/04 09:00, , 29F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:00, 29F

05/04 09:10, , 30F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:10, 30F

05/04 09:12, , 31F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:12, 31F

05/04 09:21, , 32F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:21, 32F

05/04 09:27, , 33F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:27, 33F

05/04 09:39, , 34F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:39, 34F

05/04 09:41, , 35F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:41, 35F

05/04 09:46, , 36F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:46, 36F

05/04 09:59, , 37F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 09:59, 37F

05/04 10:21, , 38F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 10:21, 38F

05/04 10:33, , 39F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 10:33, 39F

05/04 11:10, , 40F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/04 11:10, 40F

05/04 11:15, , 41F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!!BEAT REF!
05/04 11:15, 41F

05/04 12:19, , 42F
.............so sad.......
05/04 12:19, 42F

05/05 00:38, , 43F
Let's Go!Mavs!!!We are the Champion!!! BEAT OKC!
05/05 00:38, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1FeiFO-w (Mavericks)
文章代碼(AID): #1FeiFO-w (Mavericks)