[外電] Lamar Odom willing to apologize

看板Mavericks (達拉斯 小牛)作者 (JT)時間12年前 (2013/03/28 05:47), 編輯推噓-18(12308)
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Lamar Odom willing to apologize Lamar Odom願意道歉 Los Angeles Clippers forward Lamar Odom told ESPNDallas.com on Tuesday he would apologize to Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban if they had a conversation but felt no guilt about the role he played in his premature departure from Dallas last season. 前鋒拉Lamar Odom在接受采訪的時候表示,他願意為上賽季的事向小牛老闆Mark Cuban道 歉,但他對於那一系列的事件並不覺得內疚。 Odom returned to the American Airlines Center on Tuesday for the first time since the "mutual decision" for him to leave the Mavericks with a few weeks left in last season, a roster move that Cuban called "addition by subtraction" at the time. 自從上賽季的"共同決定"後,這是Odom 在第一次回到了美航中心。當時Cuban稱這個名單 的移動為"使用減法的加法"(ddition by subtraction)。 A sellout crowd at the AAC booed Odom every time he touched the ball Tuesday night. Cuban, who usually sits courtside by the Mavs' bench, did not attend the game. 周二晚間這天,只要Odom拿到球,AAC全場觀眾就會報已滿滿的噓聲。 Odom's brief tenure in Dallas was high on drama -- including a midseason sabbatical when he left early for the All-Star break and returned late, missing four games -- but low on production. The 2010-11 Sixth Man of the Year arrived in a post-lockout trade from the Los Angeles Lakers and averaged career lows in essentially every statistical category during his 50-game stint for the Mavericks. "Guilty? No, no, no," Odom said when asked if he felt guilt about the way his season in Dallas unfolded. "It happens. “內疚?不不不,”Odom說道,“事情就是這樣發生了。 "I was telling one of my friends, right, that you got some people, they meet and they can be married for 40 years and after 40 years they get a divorce. They could have been high school sweethearts. Then you got people that meet one night, have a glass of wine with each other and they talk and then they're married for 100 years. “我和我的一個朋友說,有的人結了40年的婚然後依舊離婚了,他們可能高中的時候就在 一起了。有的人可能只是在某一個晚上偶然相遇,一起喝了一杯,然後聊著聊著就去結婚 了,並且百年好合。(小牛跟你既沒有相識40年更沒有百年好合) "This is a relationship-built business. Sometimes people just see things differently." “人際關係就是這樣,有時候人們會從不同的角度來看問題。” Cuban had seen enough of Odom, whose lack of effort was an issue all season, after four lackadaisical minutes in an April 7 game in Memphis. After a heated halftime confrontation between the two, when Cuban challenged Odom's commitment to the Mavs, Cuban decided to send Odom home with pay for the rest of the season. Cuban已經看夠Odom了,缺乏努力是整個賽季的問題,4/7在曼菲斯的比賽中無精打采的, 兩隊激烈的半場後,Cuban開始懷疑與Odom之間的承諾,於是決定付清他所有的薪資,請 他打包回家。 The Mavs would have paid a $2.4 million buyout in Odom's contract this offseason if they couldn't find a trade partner, but they sent him to the Clippers in a four-team trade, getting nothing of basketball value in return. 小牛花240萬美元買斷與Odom的合約。 Odom acknowledged saying before the season that he wanted to apologize to Cuban, but they have not had a conversation. Asked what he would apologize for, Odom said, "That's between me and him. He might feel the same way." Odom表示他在賽季開始前就想和Cuban道歉了,但他們一直沒有機會交流,當被問到他會說 些什麼的時候,Odom說道:“這是我和他之間的事,他應該也是這樣想的。” Cuban was not available before Tuesday's game, but he has previously indicated that he has ill will for Odom. Last week, Cuban mentioned that he booed Odom under his breath during the Mavs' two losses to the Clippers in Los Angeles this season and strongly hinted that he intended to vocalize his displeasure with Odom on Tuesday night. 不過,Cuban在上週的時候提到在小牛與快艇的兩場比賽裡,他悄悄地噓過Odom。 Odom said he would let "nature take its course" instead of attempting to initiate a conversation with Cuban. Odom also questioned whether Cuban really had hard feelings for him. Odom表示,比起特地去約Cuban,他更希望事情“順其自然”地發生。 "See what someone says, I can't see what's in your heart and in your mind or what you're thinking," Odom said. "So I can say, 'F--- that garbage can,' but I love it. And you wouldn't ever know, because every time I come up to you I say, 'F--- that garbage can,' you know what I'm saying? “我不可能知道你內心深處是怎麼想的。比如,我可以在心裡說'**那個垃圾桶',我喜歡 這麼說,但你永遠不會知道,因為我每次碰到你的時候都會說'**那個垃圾桶',你懂我的 意思了吧?"(我想我懂你的意思了 'Odom你這個***垃圾') "That would be a conversation for me and Mark to have, just me and Mark." “我和Cuban的對話會只有我們兩個人,只有我和Mark兩個人。" Odom's scoring average has actually dipped even lower this season to 4.1 points per game, but he plays a significant role on a potential contending team as a solid rebounder and defender off the bench. He said he's "grown" since he left Dallas and returned to Los Angeles. Odom本賽季平均4.1分,但在一個競爭力的球隊,從替補出場,他對球隊起了不少作用。 Odom說他"成長了",自從他離開Dallas並且重新回到LA。 "At the end of the day, I'm happy or I'm in the pursuit of happiness," Odom said. "You know what I'm saying? So I wouldn't really waste my energy not to like someone. Everybody here treated me fair." “總之,我要嘛正處於幸福的狀態,要嘛就在追求幸福的路上。你懂我意思嗎?我不會浪 費我的精力去取悅別人,這裡的所有人都公平地對待我。” http://ppt.cc/3Anu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 心得:你懂他的意思了嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/28 07:31, , 1F
03/28 07:31, 1F

03/28 08:30, , 2F
03/28 08:30, 2F

03/28 08:58, , 3F
03/28 08:58, 3F

03/28 09:48, , 4F
apology not accepted! go die!
03/28 09:48, 4F

03/28 09:50, , 5F
03/28 09:50, 5F

03/28 10:19, , 6F
我先!!純噓ODOM!! 原po抱歉XDDD
03/28 10:19, 6F

03/28 10:29, , 7F
03/28 10:29, 7F

03/28 10:41, , 8F
03/28 10:41, 8F

03/28 10:42, , 9F
推原PO翻譯 噓Odom.....
03/28 10:42, 9F

03/28 10:52, , 10F
03/28 10:52, 10F

03/28 10:59, , 11F
純噓Odom XD
03/28 10:59, 11F

03/28 11:08, , 12F
Hi, I'm Lamar Odom. I come from the Lakers.
03/28 11:08, 12F

03/28 11:26, , 13F
03/28 11:26, 13F

03/28 11:51, , 14F
03/28 11:51, 14F

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03/28 12:04, , 17F
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03/28 12:08, , 18F
03/28 12:08, 18F
BaiChou:轉錄至看板 NBA 03/28 12:08

03/28 12:10, , 19F
XD 幹我怎麼完全不懂他想講三小
03/28 12:10, 19F

03/28 12:37, , 20F
03/28 12:37, 20F

03/28 12:45, , 21F
原Po抱歉... 幹 你真心誠意道歉也不接受啊 吃屎啦!
03/28 12:45, 21F

03/28 14:32, , 22F
03/28 14:32, 22F

03/28 14:33, , 23F
03/28 14:33, 23F
※ 編輯: dallasjet 來自: (03/28 14:34)

03/28 14:34, , 24F
媽的還自以為Cuban應該會了解他 太驕傲了吧
03/28 14:34, 24F

03/28 14:42, , 25F
03/28 14:42, 25F

03/28 15:12, , 26F
03/28 15:12, 26F

03/28 16:17, , 27F
要道歉? 記得揪一下Fisher
03/28 16:17, 27F

03/28 17:00, , 28F
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03/28 17:02, , 29F
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03/28 17:05, , 30F
03/28 17:05, 30F

03/28 18:11, , 31F
你還有臉拿240萬 人不要臉天下無敵.....
03/28 18:11, 31F

03/28 18:12, , 32F
先是歐登 在是老魚.... 那隊出來的球員都這款嗎
03/28 18:12, 32F

03/28 18:17, , 33F
03/28 18:17, 33F

03/28 18:54, , 34F
真是垃圾 等著看他退休後的下場
03/28 18:54, 34F

03/28 20:03, , 35F
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03/28 20:17, , 36F
03/28 20:17, 36F

03/28 20:56, , 37F
03/28 20:56, 37F

03/28 21:07, , 38F
我看了兩次 還是看不懂XDDDDDDDD
03/28 21:07, 38F

03/28 21:43, , 39F
傷透Dirk跟達拉斯的心的人 沒辦法喜歡他
03/28 21:43, 39F

03/28 22:20, , 40F
03/28 22:20, 40F

03/28 22:56, , 41F
滾 欠噓
03/28 22:56, 41F

03/28 23:26, , 42F
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03/28 23:35, , 43F
這種傢伙根本沒資格講啥話吧!請閉嘴謝謝 去吃乖乖
03/28 23:35, 43F

03/29 00:23, , 44F
03/29 00:23, 44F

03/29 00:36, , 45F
這傢伙在熱火還蠻欣賞的說 沒想到回LA又被壞朋友帶壞
03/29 00:36, 45F

03/29 00:37, , 46F
03/29 00:37, 46F

03/29 01:16, , 47F
原PO sorry
03/29 01:16, 47F

03/29 04:26, , 48F
怎麼不去吃屎 F
03/29 04:26, 48F

03/29 09:39, , 49F
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03/29 09:41, , 50F
前天對快艇咩棒也是麵包絕殺 怎麼某隊出去的都一個樣
03/29 09:41, 50F
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