Another lockout looming for NBA?

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (chimp)時間20年前 (2004/06/29 21:22), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1 節錄 LAS VEGAS -- Expressing pessimism after reviewing NBA owners' initial collective bargaining proposal, the director of the players' union said Monday the league could be heading toward a work stoppage at the conclusion of the 2004-05 season. Union director Billy Hunter addressed several dozen players at the union's annual meeting during a session devoted mainly to labor issues. His message was that history could very well repeat itself, with a distinct possibility there could be a lockout next summer. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/05 12:06, , 1F
12/05 12:06, 1F
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