Re: [問題] 問一個蠢問題 關於"防守三秒"

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (←這人是超級笨蛋)時間19年前 (2005/04/30 02:15), 編輯推噓5(500)
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以下英文原文摘自 RULE NO. 10 - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES ... Section VIII-Defensive Three-Second Rule a. The count starts when the offensive team is in control of the ball in the front-court. 甲. 三秒計時開始於當進攻隊伍於前場控制球權時. b. Any defensive player, who is positioned in the 16-foot lane or the area extending 4 feet past the lane endline, must be actively guarding an opponent within three seconds. Actively guarding means being within arms length of an offensive player and in a guarding position. 乙. 任何位於十六呎禁區, 或禁區外緣之三呎延伸區的防守球員, 必須於三秒內主動看 守一名敵方選手. 主動看守之定義為與一名進攻球員距離一臂, 且呈防守態勢. c. Any defensive player may play any offensive player. The defenders may double-team any player. 丙. 任何防守球員可以看守任何進攻球員. 防守方可包夾任意球員. d. The defensive three-second count is suspended when: (1) there is a field goal attempt, (2) there is a loss of team control, (3) the defender is actively guarding an opponent or (4) the defender completely clears the 16-foot lane. 丁. 當下列情形發生時, 防守三秒不發生: (1) 有投籃嘗試時, (2) 有球隊失去球權 時, (3) 防守者正主動看守一敵方, 或 (4) 防守者完全離開十六呎禁區. e. If the defender is guarding the player with the ball, he may be located in the 16-foot lane. This defender is not required to be in an actively guarding/arms distance position. If another defender actively guards the player with the ball, the original defender must actively guard an opponent or exit the 16-foot lane. Once the offensive player passes the ball, the defender must actively guard an opponent or exit the 16-foot lane. 戊. 若防守者正看守持球球員, 該防守員可位於十六呎禁區內. 該防守員不受必須處於 主動看守與一臂距離狀態之限制. 若另一防守員主動看守該持球球員, 原防守員必 須主動看守一名敵方球員或退出十六呎禁區. 一旦該進攻球員將球傳出, 防守其之 防守員必須主動看守一名敵方或退出十六呎禁區. PENALTY: A technical foul shall be assessed. The offensive team retains possession at the free throw line extended. The shot clock shall remain the same as when play was interrupted or reset to 14 seconds, whichever is greater. 罰責: 判處技術犯規. 進攻球隊於罰球線延伸之邊線處獲得球權. 進攻時計器維持球賽 遭中斷前之時間, 或重設至十四秒, 取較大者. ===== 中文是我自己翻的, 所以大概會有一些模糊和錯誤 請慢用 -- "版太乾了給我滾下站去啊!!" / | ○ | >─○ >__<" ╭批╯*kick* | \\ / ̄ | <---ptt 在線分格線 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 04/30, , 1F
推一下!! 04/30, 1F 04/30, , 2F
看起來還真有點複雜@@ 04/30, 2F 04/30, , 3F
主要用意是不要讓長人一直龜在禁區用區域吧 04/30, 3F 04/30, , 4F
推 u大 04/30, 4F 04/30, , 5F
推....你最近過的還好嗎? 04/30, 5F
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