之前關於 Wade 的討論中, RickymarU 網友 提到 eFG% = (FG+0.5*3P)/FGA
乍看下讓我很納悶如果是一個外線的加權 FG 為什麼反而把 3pointer 加權更低的 0.5 呢
原來是我笨, FG 裡面就包括 3pointer 了, 所以等效的加權是 1.5
以下是我 google 到在 nba.com 中的一篇關於 nba statistics
(http://www.nba.com/sonics/news/stats101.html) 有關 eFG% 的討論:
Shooting Efficiency - If there is an on-base percentage in the NBA -
a statistic that has traditionally been undervalued - it would probably
be some measure of a player's efficiency in scoring points.
There's a stereotype that all statistical analysts think someone like
Allen Iverson (who has a 41.7% career field-goal percentage) is a bad player
that is untrue because Iverson's ability to create shots and get
his teammates better looks is valuable. Still, being efficient with
your shots is very important. The two most common ways of measuring the
concept of shooting efficiency are Effective Field-Goal Percentage
(eFG%) and what this site calls True Shooting Percentage (TS%).
Effective Field-Goal Percentage was popularized by current L.A. Clippers
Coach Mike Dunleavy and the Rick Barry's Pro Basketball Bible series. It adjusts
for the added value of three-pointers by counting them as 1.5 field goals,
thus make it more fair to three-point shooters than field-goal percentage.
eFG% = (FGM + .5*3PM)/FGA
True Shooting Percentage goes a step further by factoring in a player's
performance at the free-throw line and considering their efficiency on all
types of shots.
TS% = Pts/(2*(FGA + (.44*FTA)))
Because he is shooting 54.8% from the field and gets to the free-throw
line regularly, Fortson currently leads the NBA with a 69.5% true shooting
percentage. Getting the picture that he's a pretty valuable player.
※ 引述《RickymarU (失蹤的力丸 )》之銘言:
: 今年Wade的出手中 外線跳投佔53% eFG%為38.9%
: 同隊的E.Jones老大哥在跳投方面的比例是77% eFG%則有48.5%
: eFG%==>(FG + 0.5*3P) / FGA 將三分球加權後的綜合跳投得分率
: 這項數據裡大約可以當做球員在禁區外的得分能力
: 順便找了幾個當今最具破壞力的幾個後衛其中幾名的數據
: 跳投比率 eFG%
: AI 68% 41%
: Nash 79% 54.4% orz...鬼...
: Ray 81% 47.6%
: Kobe 71% 43.2%
: Starbury 63% 47.2% 這傢伙應該算後衛裡除了Wade外最愛殺到籃下的
: V.Carter 70% 47.6%
: T-Mac 77% 44.3%
: Kidd 81% 46.6%
: (去年Kidd)78% 41.6%
: 亂入的長人
: Dirk 80% 45.7%
: 對Wade這個一年三分球投不到50個的人來說 這幾乎就可算是他中距離的命中率
: ......
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