[情報] George Mikan 今天過世 ...

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (美麗奴羊)時間19年前 (2005/06/03 08:45), 編輯推噓17(17021)
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現在季後賽殺的正激烈 似乎沒人會注意這條新聞(也許是大部分人不知道他吧) 雖然沒看過您打球的英姿 但久仰您的大名(默哀.....) http://espn.go.com/classic/obit/s/2005/0602/2074322.html Thursday, June 2, 2005 Mikan was first pro to dominate the post Associated Press PHOENIX – George Mikan, the "gentle giant" who a half-century ago brought fam e and stability to the fledgling world of professional basketball and literall y transformed the game, has died 18 days shy of his 81st birthday. George Mikan, right, led the Minneapolis Lakers to five NBA titles. Mikan died Wednesday night at a Scottsdale rehabilitation center following a l ong fight with diabetes and kidney ailments. His right leg was amputated below the knee in 2000, and he had undergone kidney dialysis treatment three times a week for five years, his son Terry said. Prior to the start of Thursday's Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals betwe en the Detroit Pistons and Miami Heat at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami, ther e was a moment of silence to honor Mikan. A superstar decades before the term existed, Mikan was the first big man to do minate the sport. No one before had seen a 6-foot-10 player with his agility, competitiveness and skill. When the Minneapolis Lakers came to New York in December, 1949, the marquee at Madison Square Garden read "Geo. Mikan vs. the Knicks." "He literally carried the league," Boston Celtics great Bob Cousy said. "He ga ve us recognition and acceptance when we were at the bottom of the totem pole in professional sports. He transcended the game. People came to see him as muc h as they came to see the game." College basketball instituted the goaltending rule because of him, and the NBA doubled the width of the free throw lane. Slowdown tactics used against him - - his 1950 Lakers lost 19-18 to the Fort Wayne Pistons in the lowest-scoring g ame in NBA history -- eventually led to the 24-second shot clock. "George Mikan truly revolutionized the game and was the NBA's first true super star," NBA commissioner David Stern said. "He had the ability to be a fierce c ompetitor on the court and a gentle giant off the court. We may never see one man impact the game of basketball as he did, and represent it with such warmth and grace." Ray Meyer, who was in his first year as DePaul coach when he began transformin g Mikan into a basketball star, said that despite Mikan's longtime illnesses, he was shocked and saddened at the death of his lifelong friend. "He had the most positive attitude you ever heard," Meyer said. "Never once di d he feel sorry for himself. He was a great basketball player, but I think he was a better human being. I loved the guy. I thought he was one of my family." Mikan was moved last weekend from a Scottsdale hospital, where he had been for six weeks for treatment of a diabetic wound in his leg. "He had a fierce determination to excel, which he exhibited in his athletic ca reer and business career," Terry Mikan told The Associated Press on Thursday, "and that probably extended his life five years." Mikan led the Minneapolis Lakers to five league titles in the first six years of the franchise's history. Nearsighted with thick glasses, he was as rough on the court as he was mild-mannered off it. Mikan led the league in personal fo uls three times and had 10 broken bones during his playing career. He averaged 23.1 points in seven seasons with Minneapolis before retiring because of inju ries in 1956. Mikan was the league's MVP in the 1948-49 season, when he averag ed 28.3 points in leading the Lakers to the title. "Ed McCauley was our center. Eddie was 6-9, but weighed about 185 pounds where George was probably 250," Cousy recalled. "When we'd walk down the street in a group, Eddie would brush against a pole or big tree and say `Excuse me Georg e.' Even to someone close to his height, George seemed humongous." A statue of Mikan taking his trademark hook shot was dedicated at the Target C enter in Minneapolis in April 2001 at halftime of a Timberwolves-Lakers game. "We were in hiatus a long time, the old-timers," Mikan said at the time. "They forgot about us. They don't go back to our NBA days." Timberwolves star and 2004 MVP Kevin Garnett knew of Mikan, though. "When I think about George Mikan, I skip all the Wilt Chamberlains and Kareem Abdul-Jabbars and I call him the 'The Original Big Man,"' Garnett said. "Witho ut George Mikan, there would be no up-and-unders, no jump hooks, and there wou ld be no label of the big man." The Lakers moved to Los Angeles in 1960 and became one of the most successful franchises in professional sports. "Frankly, without George Mikan, the Los Angeles Lakers would not be the organi zation we are today," Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss said. Born June 18, 1924, in Joliet, Ill., Mikan didn't play high school basketball, but when he entered DePaul, Meyer, the young new coach, recognized the potent ial. Meyer said he worked with Mikan for six weeks alone, making him shoot left-han ded and right-handed, a procedure still known as the "George Mikan drill." He had him punch a speed bag, take some dancing lessons to improve his grace a nd also jump rope. Mikan was two-time college player of the year and led DePaul to the 1945 Natio nal Invitation Tournament title. He scored 53 points in the semifinals against Rhode Island, a phenomenal number in that era, and was named the tourney's MV P. Mikan played one season with the Chicago Gears before moving to the new Lakers franchise. "George was a giant among men in the early days of the NBA," said Celtics pres ident Arnold "Red" Auerbach, who coached against him. "He was one of the great est players of all time. He was the first player to really be an imposing and intimidating figure on the court." Mikan coached the Lakers for part of the 1957-58 season, and was commissioner of the American Basketball Association in 1967, introducing the 3-point line a nd the distinctive red, white and blue ball. He practiced law and, in his later years, began pressing the NBA and the playe rs' union to boost the tiny pensions given to those who played in the league b efore 1965. Terry Mikan said most of his father's awards and memorabilia has b een sold. Mikan received a monthly pension check of $1,700, his son said. Unde r current rules, his widow will get half that much. Terry Mikan said one of his father's reasons for fighting so hard against his illnesses "was his hope that he would be alive when the collective bargaining agreement was reached and the decision had been finalized on the pre-65ers and their surviving families. He gave his heart and soul to that effort." Mikan is survived by his wife of 58 years, Patricia; sons Larry, Terry, Patric k and Michael; daughters Trisha and Maureen, and numerous grandchildren and gr eat-grandchildren. "I've got one word that describes my dad, and that's kindness," Terry Mikan sa id. "Whenever he would make a toast at a family function, dad would ask us to raise our glass to kindness, and that's the type of man he was." Mikan's career stats* Year G FG % FT % AST REB PTS 1948-49 60 .416 .772 3.6 ** 28.3 1949-50 68 .407 .779 2.9 ** 27.4 1950-51 68 .428 .803 3.1 14.1 28.4 1951-52 64 .385 .780 3.0 13.5 23.8 1952-53 70 .399 .780 2.9 14.4 20.6 1953-54 72 .380 .777 2.4 14.3 18.1 1955-56 37 .395 .770 1.4 8.3 10.5 Total 439 .404 .782 2.8 13.4 23.1 ※ 編輯: MerinoSheep 來自: (06/03 08:46) 06/03, , 1F
為NBA第一位禁區王者哀悼 06/03, 1F 06/03, , 2F
第一代的名中鋒阿..... 06/03, 2F 06/03, , 3F
為什麼他的命中率低成這樣 06/03, 3F 06/03, , 4F
Orz..第一位偉大球員阿... 06/03, 4F 06/03, , 5F
那個年代沒啥灌籃...投籃姿勢人人比奇特的 06/03, 5F 06/03, , 6F
默哀... 06/03, 6F 06/03, , 7F
他應該也是第一位在正式比賽中灌籃的球員? 06/03, 7F 06/03, , 8F
可說是先驅 哎~~>< 06/03, 8F 06/03, , 9F
NBA的初代中鋒阿...真令人難過 >_<~ 06/03, 9F 06/03, , 10F
繼Pistol跟Chamberlain之後第三位上天堂的 06/03, 10F 06/03, , 11F
嗯 第一代最具主宰力的球星...@@ 06/03, 11F 06/03, , 12F
NBA50大球星...嗚 Q_Q 06/03, 12F 06/03, , 13F
尼克前球星 防守悍將Dave DeBusschere也已經不在ꐠ 06/03, 13F 06/03, , 14F
抱歉...我剛就隱約覺得好像有一位前輩也走了 06/03, 14F 06/03, , 15F
好差勁的數據喔 他在今天可能連NCAA都進不去吧 06/03, 15F 06/03, , 16F
嗯...時代不同不能直接比數據吧^^ 這個在當時很可 06/03, 16F 06/03, , 17F
能是神到不行的數據呢...XD 06/03, 17F 06/03, , 18F
撲 你看那個年代的每個球員的出手動作 06/03, 18F 06/03, , 19F
以及死板的進攻模式 "現代"的哪個球隊會要 06/03, 19F 06/03, , 20F
他們阿 時勢造英雄阿 06/03, 20F 06/03, , 21F
話不能降說啊 要是Mikan生在現代 營養好且已有完善 06/03, 21F 06/03, , 22F
的籃球技巧可學習 相信他仍是一名偉大的前鋒 06/03, 22F 06/03, , 23F
因為籃球智慧是與生俱來的 和時代沒太大關係吧 06/03, 23F 06/03, , 24F
他在那個籃球草創的年代 便用打法來為將來的NBA中鋒 06/03, 24F 06/03, , 25F
立下了典範 並使和隊了解如何運用中鋒去組成一個 06/03, 25F 06/03, , 26F
攻守完備的強隊  他對NBA後世的貢獻舉足輕重 06/03, 26F 06/03, , 27F
如後來的羅素和張伯倫都承襲了他在禁區的強勢風格 06/03, 27F 06/03, , 28F
直至賈霸的出現才改變這種打法 06/03, 28F 06/03, , 29F
怎麼能拿以前的數據來跟今日做比較呢 這並不 06/03, 29F 06/03, , 30F
客觀也有失公允阿 Mikan在聯盟草創初期 06/03, 30F 06/03, , 31F
確實的扮演了穩定聯盟發展的巨星角色 這貢獻 06/03, 31F 06/03, , 32F
是無庸置疑的阿 06/03, 32F 06/03, , 33F
這些姿勢怪異的老前輩, 可是為現今籃球打下基礎欸 06/03, 33F 06/03, , 34F
沒辦法有些人只會批評和看衰... 06/03, 34F 06/03, , 35F
生涯平均20+分 10+籃板 就算放在現在 06/03, 35F 06/03, , 36F
也是很厲害的數據!! 06/03, 36F 06/03, , 37F
推一代巨星仙逝 謝謝他的貢獻 06/03, 37F
※ 編輯: MerinoSheep 來自: (08/24 19:03)

01/31 23:37, , 38F
屁孩只看數據 自己對社會沒貢獻只會批評前人成就
01/31 23:37, 38F
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