[Live] Doncic, KI 訪問全文

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (YA)時間3月前 (2024/05/30 01:26), 編輯推噓26(28213)
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D77的前半不知道為什麼記者不拿麥克風,聽不到問題就沒辦法了 Doncic: That's fine. I think that game is on me. I just didn't give enough energy. So we got to do better. They won one game. We just got to focus on the next one. 這場的責任在我,我沒有打出正確的能量,他們贏下了一場,我們需要的是改進並專注 在下一場。 Doncic: I always got to believe. I believed in the end. So it was close to the end, but we couldn't. So they won the game. Like I said, we just got to focus on the next one. 我們本來有機會終結比賽的,但我們沒做到,所以他們贏了,就像我說的,我們必須專注 在下一場。 Doncic: Yeah. I mean, he's a big piece to our defense and offense, so we miss him a lot. (應該是談Lively缺陣) 他是我們攻防很重要的一塊,所以我們很需要他。 Doncic: Great. I just told him, keep going. You know, when you open, shoot the ball. When they close out, you drive it like you do, just... hoop. 我告訴他,當他有空檔的時候就出手,當他們包上來你就切入、對抗。 Doncic: It's fine. We won three games. Like I said, it's first to four. No matter if you win in four or in seven. You just got to win four. 沒什麼,我們領先了三場。就像我說的,先贏四場的人贏,不管是第四戰還是第七戰, 你需要的是贏下四場。 Q: How do you feel? Karl-Anthony finally kind of broke out of his slump. Did you guys, were you guys doing, did he do anything differently to kind of thwart your defense, or did he just finally just start making shots? 對於KAT打出好表現有什麼想法? 你們有針對他的防守做調整嗎? 還是單純只是他開始投 得進球了? Doncic: No, he had, I think he hit two big, big threes for them. I don't know, we were up one, he had two big threes. So that was really clutch. So we got to do a better job on him. 他投進了兩個關鍵的三分球,當時我們一分領先,然後他投進了兩個很關鍵的三分球,我 們對他的防守必須做得更好。 Q: Luca, from star to star watching Anthony today, what did you think about his effort in that must-win game for them? 以球星的角度,你覺得KAT在這場必須贏的比賽中的表現如何? Doncic: Yeah, great effort. He played amazing. He's an amazing player, so he's going to play great. 他做得很好,他是個很好的球員,所以他有能力並且能打出這樣的比賽。 Q: Luca, what's the mindset going into Minnesota? 你們下一場回到明尼蘇達的心態是什麼? Doncic: We've got to win four games. What mindset? We've got to win one more game, that's it. 我們必須贏下四場比賽。就這樣。 @fortuneafeaneku8868 11 小時前 This man is pisssssed 這傢伙很火大 @Vampagan 7 小時前 All those years of journalism school, and they continue to ask the most mind numbingly boring clichéd questions. 讀了這麼久的書,他們還是在問這些腦死的無聊問題 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://youtu.be/paODfP9PUaQ
Q: Kyrie, obviously a chance to close it out tonight at home. What stands out from a loss like this? 今天本來有機會在主場結束比賽,這場輸球讓你看到了什麼? KI: What stands out is just our competitive spirit, especially throughout the game. In the first quarter, we only scored 20 points and gave up 27. It's uncharacteristic for us to be in that type of battle in the first quarter. We usually like to keep the game pretty close, even though later in the game we caught up. But how I started off in particular, the game with a few turnovers. If I'm setting an example like that, then other guys are going to follow suit , unfortunately at times. It just leads to that lackadaisical play, so that's on me taking accountability. I've got to start off the game a lot better and just get a shot up at the rim instead of turning the ball over. Starting off the game, we just weren't in a great rhythm as of yet. We picked it up in the second half a little bit more. Just a few costly turnovers and some miscommunications on the defensive end during some crucial times in the game felt like that was the difference tonight. 我們整場比賽維持的競爭心。第一節我們只得了20分,掉了27分,這不像我們平常第一節 的樣子,我們通常能夠把比分維持住。而就算我們後面追了上來,但我開場的表現,我有 幾個失誤,當你做出這樣的榜樣時,其他人也會被影響,而這次帶來的是我們有很多懶散 的表現,所以這都怪我。我必須要打出更好的表現,命中投籃而不是發生失誤。我們開場 沒有打出好的節奏,下半場逐漸找回來,但後來發生幾個關鍵的失誤和幾個防守上的溝通 不良,我想這就是今天不同的地方。 Q: Kyrie, with obviously the chance to close out the series, how much, is there disappointment? Is that the right emotion to take from a game like this? 顯然今天本來有機會結束這個系列賽,你會感到失望嗎? KI: Yeah, we're human. I mean, you know, we go out there and try to win. So, you know, we come in here with the right mentality, right preparation. We feel like we put ourselves in a great position to win the basketball game. We obviously fell short. We failed at that. But there are still some positives that we can take moving forward. You know, and like I said to the previous question, just a few timely shots that they hit in that fourth quarter and that third quarter where there was some miscommunication. You know, we just got to be better. And a few breakdowns in that first half too. Mike Conley getting to the rim for open layups and just breakdowns happening. And, you know, the game is within balance and we're trying to break the lead open a little bit more. We got to do it, you know, how we've been doing it majority of the second half of the season. That's on the defensive end. You know, the offensive is going to take care of itself at times. We're going to make or miss shots. But defensively, that's where we have to make our presence be felt. And I think it also starts in terms of matching their physicality or overpowering their physicality. Beginning of the game was very physical game. Calls were going back and forth. So, yeah, there is a level of disappointment as a human emotion, but also just a natural reflection of just how we can play better moving forward and just, you know, wash our hands with this one. They got a win. They're a great team. I've been saying it all series . So we expect them to do the same thing when in Minnesota, just coming out with that physicality, playing to their home crowd and making things difficult on me and Luka. 當然,我們也是人,我們上場就是為了贏。今天我們覺得我們準備好了,帶著正確的心態 和準備上場,我們覺得我們是有機會贏的,但最後我們失敗了,但其中也有一些好的地方 是我們能帶到下一場比賽的。 而就像我剛剛說的,他們在第四節命中了幾個關鍵的投籃,我們在第三節有些溝通失誤, 我們必須改進這些。而在上半場也發生了幾個失誤,讓Conley得到了輕鬆上籃的機會,這 些失誤不斷發生。這場比賽很僵持,而我們希望能突破並取得更多領先,我們必須要能做 到這些,就像我們在這季下半場一般能做到的一樣,這是我們防守要做到的事情。進攻端 可以順其自然,我們會命中自然也會投丟,但防守端,我們必須要讓他們感受到我們的壓 力,我想從某方面來說,我們要先去做到甚至是勝過他們的身體對抗,剛開場時這就是一 場非常激烈的肉搏戰,彼此都有許多哨音。 所以作為人,沒錯這的確是讓人失望的結果,但這也是能讓我們反思如何能做得更好的機 會。我們必須放下這件事,他們拿下了一勝,就像我一直說的,他們是一支很棒的球隊, 我們知道他們有能力在明尼蘇達再做到一樣的事情,在主場打出對抗,並讓我和Luka打的 不舒服。 Q: And when you and Luka both have abnormal shooting nights, is it something where you look at it and it's a desire to get better shots for you guys, or is it just, you know, it's baked into the game plan that you guys hit tough shots and that's what you have to do? The adjustment is just making more of those tough shots. 當你和Luka失去手感的時候,你會希望你們去創造更好的出手機會,還是你們對此有心理 準備,你們就是必須想辦法去命中那些困難的出手? (不知所云的發問) KI: I mean, we're in the NBA, man. I don't think, no team's going to lay down and just give me and Luka open shots. So, you know, I think, you know, when I look at just the quality of our shots, I think a few of them could be better. A few of them were rushed. A few of them were in and out, especially like the game is in the balance. That's what I'm saying. I'm thinking about all the plays where it could have gone either way. But yeah, it just takes a higher level of focus and also just understanding that we have to run the plays that work and we have to continue to pick on the other guys that we want to see guarding us and just continue to feed each other confidence and continue to trust our teammates. You know, good things happen when you just consistently just turn to the next play. And that's what me and Luka have done. And I think he could speak for himself too, but we've seen it. We just onto the next play and down the stretch, we just got to stay together. And when the game is getting close, just go to our plays and make sure we're ready to knock down shots and be decisive. You know, a few times I got in the lane, I was indecisive. I turned the ball over late, you know, so a lot of this is on me just being able to start the game well and then also finish the game well, we had spurts, I had spurts, but you know, I got to put a full 48 minutes game together with my teammates and be better for them. 老兄,我們在NBA,我想沒有隊伍會放我跟Luka有輕鬆的空檔出手。 我想我們今天的出手,有些的確可以再改善,有些被壓迫了,有些就是彈了出來,這些是 我在這樣拉鋸的比賽中會去想到的,結果有可能會不同的那幾個play。這些正是我們需要 更專注的,去了解我們能打出怎麼樣有效的play,必須讓我們能去對位到我們想要對位的 防守者,並且相信彼此,給隊友更多信心。如果你能持續打出想要的打法,好事情就會發 生,這正是我跟Luka努力在做的。他可以代表他自己發言,但這就是我們在做的,專注在 下一球,我們必須要專注在比賽上,當比賽進入關鍵時刻,我們要打出我們的球風並確保 我們準備好果斷得分。今天有幾球我切入了但我猶豫了,在比賽後段犯下了關鍵的失誤, 這些責任在我。我必須要有能力打出好的開場,同時維持到比賽結束。我們有幾個漂亮的 表現,我也有幾個亮眼的表現,但為了隊友,我必須要48分鐘都能打出這樣的表現。 Q: Kyrie, if you don't mind sharing, was there anything you'd tell to the players in the locker room, the younger players, who maybe wanted to close out tonight and celebrate? Did you say anything to the younger players? 如果你不介意,可以跟我們分享今天你在這樣的關門賽前,是怎麼跟年輕選手交流的嗎? KI: No, that's not, it's not my place right now to tell them anything, I just allowed them to feel their emotions like I'm feeling it, you know, be human, go home, and then get a great night's rest, and come to the, you know, practice early tomorrow, be ready to watch film, consistently get better, I mean, we've been putting one foot in front of the other all season, so, you know, a loss like this, it definitely stings, it definitely hurts, and, you know, like I said to that question, it's a level of disappointment, but this is part of the competitive side of basketball too, you know, you win some, you lose some, and we would have loved to close out on our home floor, sorry fans , didn't happen, you know, I think, and moving forward, now we know, this is just us getting to know one another in stressful environments like this, first time closing out to go to the NBA finals, it's a new thing for us, so I like that we're on the side of just giving us grace, and, you know, I'll take all the pressure that comes with this, and I'm used to it, so. 這不是我現在會做的事。 我只是讓他們跟我一樣,沉浸在賽前的情緒裡面。你知道的, 像個一般人一樣,回家,好好休息,隔天早點來練球看影片,讓自已進步,這些我們這季 一直以來非常踏實在做的事情。 確實,今天這樣的輸球一定會痛,就像我剛說的,我們也會對自己失望,但這就是籃球場 上的競爭,你會贏也會輸。如果可以,我們當然也想在主場關門成功,粉絲們抱歉了,我 們沒有做到,但我們只能繼續向前。現在我們知道了,這就是決賽前關門賽的感覺,這對 我們都是一件新鮮的事情,我會接受它所帶來的壓力,而我也習慣這樣的壓力。 Q: They came out with Jaden McDaniels as the primary defender on you for the first time this series. What, if any, impact do you think that had? 他們今天第一次派上McDaniels來主防你,你有什麼想法? KI: I mean, it has a huge impact to him. I mean, you know, he's a 6'9 wing defender that I'm seeing now for the first time from the start of the game, so it's going to be an adjustment. But I love it. You know, I relish in these type of opportunities. It's not the first time I've gone against a taller defender. So, you know, we're going to have our battles, but I don't want to make it a one-on-one battle between me and Jaden. I got to be smart on the offensive end and defensively just be in the right positions to create some mismatches on the other end when we get stops. 當然,這有很大的差別。我第一次從開賽就要面對這樣一個6呎9的側翼防守者,所以我必 須想辦法去做出調整。但我覺得這個機會很有趣,這不是我第一次面對比我高的防守者, 我不想讓我們之前的對決維持在我跟他的一對一防守,我必須要在進攻上更聰明,在防守 上想辦法去做到錯位。 Q: The first thing Luka said when he came in here was that this game's on him. He said he didn't play with enough energy. You know, what do you think of him feeling like this one was on him? 剛剛Luka一來就說這場輸球是他的責任,他沒有打出足夠的能量,你對他的這個發言有什 麼想法? KI: I mean, he's not alone in this. I expect him to say something like that, especially knowing how much he cares and how much he wants to win and how much he wants to lead our group. So I expect nothing less. You know, I think you heard me, too, just say that it's on me. And that's what you're supposed to hear from your leaders of your team. We know that we didn't play with the best energy or we didn't create enough opportunities for us to get easy baskets enough. And, you know, just got to take the hit on the chin, man. It's not the first time we've been hit. It's competitive sports. It's what makes it great. 我和他有同感。我本來就有預料他會說類似的話,因為我知道他有多在乎這場比賽、他有 多想贏、他有多想帶領我們,所以我並不意外。 我想你們剛剛也聽到我說的,這場輸球都怪我,這正是身為領導者該去承擔的。我知道我 們並沒有打出最好的表現,也沒有創造出對我們最好的出手機會,而這場敗仗就是對我們 的一記重拳。但這也不是我們第一次失利了,籃球就是這樣競爭的運動,這也是它有趣的 原因。 Q: Kyrie, you guys probably figured that Karl-Anthony Towns was due to have a good game. And it looked like he was making a concerted effort to put his head down, get to the basket. Why do you think he was, you know, in general more effective tonight? 你們應該也有預想到KAT會跳出來。他今天專注在比賽、得分,你認為是什麼讓他今天能 表現的這麼有效率? KI: I mean, despite the criticism that he's received, the unfair criticism at times, even though he's not shooting the ball particularly well or he didn't shoot for the first three games, he's a great player. You know, I respect him. I know my peers respect him and my teammates respect him. So, you know, some of the shots that he was in tonight, he missed in the first three games and, you know, he was getting to the rim. But we have bigs there, you know, contesting his shot. So it was a little bit tougher. But, you know, again, in the fourth quarter and looking back at some of those plays that he took advantage of, it was top of the key. They were running the same play. And then also some flare screens where he was the catch and shoot recipient. So we just got to be aware of him where he's moving on the floor. He's trying to hide behind the defense and get some easy ones. So, you know, that's what great players do. They figure it out, you know, and it's a series. You know, it's a small season series. So I expected him to at least come out with the aggression to put his team in a great position to win the ballgame. And he did . So he accomplished that. And now we, you know, move forward. 你知道的,他受到很多批評,很多不太公平的批評。即使他前三戰投籃狀況不理想,或者 沒有出手,他還是一個很好的球員。我尊敬他,我知道我們全隊都很尊敬他,他今天投進 了一些他之前會miss掉的出手,他也積極進攻籃框,但我們也有我們的大個子去挑戰他, 讓他感到困難。但現在回顧一些他第四節的play,弧頂的那幾個重複的play,或者他去擔 任擋拆後C&S的出手選擇,我們必須更去注意他在場上的位置,他試著躲過防守球員去找 到好的出手機會。這就是一個好的球員會做的,他們在系列賽裡會去解讀並找到答案,所 以我知道他至少會打出積極度來帶領他的球隊贏下勝利,而他也做到了。那現在,我們只 能繼續向前了。 Q: Kyrie, you've seen a lot of great players in big moments over the years. Anthony Edwards comes out. They need to win this game, obviously. I just want to get your thoughts on his effort tonight, leading them to the win. 你看過很多偉大的球員在關鍵時刻的表現,AE今天在這場關鍵賽跳了出來,想請問你對 他的表現有什麼想法? KI: I mean, he's been pretty consistent, just in terms of coming at us and having a no-fear mentality like I talked about before. But also, he's very confident in himself, and if I'm on that other side, I don't want to lose either. So that's usually when great players go deep into their bag. They start bringing out things that they know that they're great at to adjust to what the defense is throwing at them. If they convert, they convert, but he's going to keep firing away. So we just got to be prepared to show him bodies and make it tough on him. 我認為他總是勇往直前、無所畏懼,對自己非常有信心。如果是我,我也一樣不想輸。 所以這就是偉大的球員會做的事,他們會找出他們自己擅長的事情,並且針對他們所面對 的防守做調整,只要他們能轉化成機會,他們就會這樣做。但他肯定會繼續出手,所以我 們要做的就是做好準備,並把防守加強,讓他感到困難。 Q: Kyrie, despite the loss, what are some positive areas within this game that you would like to take to the next game? 雖然輸了,但這場有什麼積極的表現你們會想帶到下一場比賽的? KI: I just feel like we have a consistent fight about us. I mean, it doesn't matter what lead we're dealing with or if another team has a lead on us. We always feel like we're in a position to win the basketball game. I think tonight, some of those shots that KAT was hitting took the wind out of our sails. Anthony got down, got a few easy layups, a few pull-ups. And then when we went down six, I just feel like we stopped pushing the ball a little bit, and that starts with me. I just got to continue to keep my pace up and get into the lane and finish my shots that I have on Rudy. Those are things that I 'm going to correct moving forward, but I just got to stay aggressive. And for our team's sake, we just have to consistently do the little things where we affirm each other in every huddle that we're OK. And coming out tonight, we felt like we were OK, but you can tell it was the emotional fatigue of fans and us, and everybody was pressured. Again, it's a new space, so now we just got to deal with this one, deal with this loss, and get ready for Minnesota and enjoy that ride there, man, because it's going to be hostile. 我覺得我們一直保持著我們的競爭心態,不管我們是領先著或者他們領先,我們一直認為 我們是有機會能贏下這場比賽的。我認為今晚KAT的幾個進球讓我們有點洩了氣,AE也拿 下了幾個輕鬆的上籃或跳投。而當我們落後六分時,我們有點把進攻放緩了,是我這邊做 的不夠好,我必須要保持我的節奏,切入籃下,並拿下那些面對狗貝的出手,這些是我必 須要改進的地方,我必須要保持積極進攻。而為了我們隊伍,我們必須持續去做到那些小 事情,在場上的球員會議時確保大家的狀態。你可以看出,今天不管是我們或球迷在情緒 上都有受到影響,大家都有感受到壓力。就像剛剛說的,這對我們是一個嶄新的經驗,我 們必須去面對它、面對這場失敗,並準備好享受下一場在明尼蘇達的比賽,因為我們將會 面對非常多的敵意。 多的敵意, @CactusJack11934 10 小時前 Kyrie still shows up for the postgame interviews even he played bad tonight , but Kat wouldn’t KI今天打這麼爛還是來受訪了,換成KAT就不會了。 @qaziaw9327 7 小時前 I respect that he was honest and most importantly, took Accountability with humility. Thats all you can ask for as a fan. On to the next game 我很尊敬他這樣真誠並且謙虛的承擔輸球的責任,做為一個球迷這就是你所能要求的全部 了。期待下一場比賽 @DerkuiDerkui 10 小時前 The way he played tonight, the Earth is round. 以他今天的表現來看,地球是圓的。 @bigmike8564 10 小時前 The Mavs missed the rim protection and other intangibles that Derek Lively brings to the table 小牛失去的就是D-Live所帶來的護框和其他的無形價值 心得: Luka看起來是真的有火,KI就還是KI,也知道自己打得爛。 今天太忙,明天有空再打灰狼雙人組的,但也有可能不打不要期待。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717003586.A.C38.html

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05/30 01:29, 2F

05/30 01:35, 3月前 , 3F
現在還是兄友弟恭 等到3:2肯定就急了
05/30 01:35, 3F

05/30 01:42, 3月前 , 4F
05/30 01:42, 4F

05/30 01:45, 3月前 , 5F
05/30 01:45, 5F

05/30 02:10, 3月前 , 6F
05/30 02:10, 6F

05/30 02:11, 3月前 , 7F
3:2會不會急不知道 但酸酸很急
05/30 02:11, 7F

05/30 06:46, 3月前 , 8F
05/30 06:46, 8F

05/30 07:29, 3月前 , 9F
05/30 07:29, 9F

05/30 07:43, 3月前 , 10F
05/30 07:43, 10F

05/30 07:57, 3月前 , 11F
KI真的好得體 而且他也坦承自己被守住了
05/30 07:57, 11F

05/30 07:57, 3月前 , 12F
不吝給對手讚美 反觀記者問的問題真的有夠腦死
05/30 07:57, 12F

05/30 08:06, 3月前 , 13F
05/30 08:06, 13F

05/30 08:20, 3月前 , 14F
05/30 08:20, 14F

05/30 08:21, 3月前 , 15F
雙星的心態看來會調整得不錯 期待下一戰
05/30 08:21, 15F

05/30 08:27, 3月前 , 16F
沒裁判是公園自己喊是不是 好了啦
05/30 08:27, 16F

05/30 08:30, 3月前 , 17F
沒裁判的比賽還能看嗎XD 好了啦
05/30 08:30, 17F

05/30 08:56, 3月前 , 18F
05/30 08:56, 18F

05/30 09:05, 3月前 , 19F
05/30 09:05, 19F

05/30 09:19, 3月前 , 20F
是要崩多久 還在那邊沒裁判 還是祈禱你狼能不能創
05/30 09:19, 20F

05/30 09:19, 3月前 , 21F
05/30 09:19, 21F

05/30 09:22, 3月前 , 22F
05/30 09:22, 22F

05/30 09:24, 3月前 , 23F
KI不管問題多屎都還是能回一長串 好強XD
05/30 09:24, 23F

05/30 09:37, 3月前 , 24F
05/30 09:37, 24F

05/30 09:50, 3月前 , 25F
沒裁判要不要收起來算了 規則就是規則 還在裁
05/30 09:50, 25F

05/30 09:57, 3月前 , 26F
05/30 09:57, 26F

05/30 09:59, 3月前 , 27F
歐神仙真的是正派人士耶 講的話都好得體 謙虛
05/30 09:59, 27F

05/30 10:01, 3月前 , 28F
05/30 10:01, 28F

05/30 10:24, 3月前 , 29F
05/30 10:24, 29F

05/30 10:29, 3月前 , 30F
05/30 10:29, 30F

05/30 10:38, 3月前 , 31F
05/30 10:38, 31F

05/30 10:44, 3月前 , 32F
05/30 10:44, 32F

05/30 11:26, 3月前 , 33F
05/30 11:26, 33F

05/30 11:45, 3月前 , 34F
05/30 11:45, 34F

05/30 12:09, 3月前 , 35F
05/30 12:09, 35F

05/30 12:51, 3月前 , 36F
05/30 12:51, 36F

05/30 13:39, 3月前 , 37F
KI真的扛 球隊頭牌靠金身討了12碗飯還能搞到全場最
05/30 13:39, 37F

05/30 13:39, 3月前 , 38F
爛的-13 這種可笑表現竟然還願意幫他背鍋
05/30 13:39, 38F

05/30 14:32, 3月前 , 39F
77沒啥好火!! 這場裁判都幫他貼金了!!!
05/30 14:32, 39F

05/30 14:33, 3月前 , 40F
05/30 14:33, 40F

05/30 16:51, 3月前 , 41F
球星角度那題是問蟻人不是軟糖 翻譯錯了
05/30 16:51, 41F

05/30 17:35, 3月前 , 42F
05/30 17:35, 42F

05/30 22:06, 3月前 , 43F
很佩服兩位球員的講話 謝謝翻譯
05/30 22:06, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1cLsL2mu (NBA)
文章代碼(AID): #1cLsL2mu (NBA)