[花邊] KT跟嘴綠一樣令人心力交瘁 但Curry留嘴綠

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (usmarine2008)時間2天前 (2024/07/02 14:50), 2天前編輯推噓138(19254165)
留言411則, 272人參與, 6小時前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/957thegame/status/1807892842536489110 https://i.imgur.com/lKXexqQ.png
彎區電台 957的主持人 Matt ,Daryle 'The Guru'Johnson, Dan Dibley, Marc Grandi 跟勇士記者Jason Dumas的訪談 影片逐字稿 https://streamable.com/veblby Matt: If everything, everybody says is true, why can't we just assume Steph wanted Draymond back but he said, okay, let's let Klay walk? 如果一切都是真的,為何我們不能假設Steph想要嘴綠回來,然後他說,好吧,讓KT走? Dumas: Yeah no, I mean, that is a very fair assumption based on what everything I'm hearing. 根據我所聽到的所有消息,這倒是一個非常合理的假設 Matt: And maybe that was part of the disrespect. Maybe Klay sensed it. I don't know.或許這就是不尊重的一部分。也許Klay感覺到了,我不知道。 Dumas: Look, Steph has always been very vocal about his partnership with Draymond Green on the basketball court. Obviously, some of the things Draymond has done on the court to get himself suspended upset everybody in the organization. But when it comes to basketball and a basketball fit, Steph is the loudest person in the room saying I like to play with Draymond Green. If the reason Draymond Green is still a warrior is because of Steph Curry, because they had every reason to trade him after some of the things that has gone down this year. And he's still on the roster. That's it's intentional. You know, that's not by accident. It's not just a coincidence.Steph wants that. Like I said, and how I alluded to earlier, the last three years, I know Draymond has punched people and got himself suspended on the court. 要知道,Curry一直以來都直白地表達他與 Draymond的籃球搭配。 Draymond在場上的行為導致他被禁賽讓隊內所有人都很火大。但說到打球和球隊的搭配, Curry是隊內話語權最大的人,他說他喜歡和 Draymond一起打球。 如果 Draymond仍留在勇士的原因是 Curry,因為今年的各種事件讓勇士想交易Draymond ,但他仍然在球隊名單上。這是有意的,這不是偶然,這不是巧合。Curry想要這樣。 就像我之前提到的,過去3年,我知道 Draymond在場上打過別人,因此被禁賽。 Matt: He's ruined two seasons almost if you allow me to. I mean, basically, 如果你同意我的話,他幾乎毀了兩個賽季。我的意思是,基本上 Dumas: I'm telling you this. Klay has been equally as exhausting behind the scenes. It's not as loud. It's not as loud because it's not you stomping on someone's chest. 我告訴你吧。Klay在幕後也同樣令人心力交瘁。它不像 Green那樣引人注目。 它不像你跳到別人的胸口上那麼引人注目。 Guru: We've watched it, too, 我們也看到了 Dumas: it's not you turn around yet. So if he if he's slamming stuff on the bench and sulking and doing that on the court, how do you think it is in practice? How do you think it is in the locker room? It has been uncomfortable. It has. It just doesn't come out as loudly as Draymond Green. 還沒到那麼嚴重。所以,如果他在板凳席摔東西、生悶氣,在場上也這樣,你認為訓練時 會怎麼樣?更衣室裡會怎麼樣?這氣氛肯定不舒服,只是沒有像 Green鬧得那麼明顯。 Grandi: Also, obviously, a big part of Draymond is when he was on the floor and when he was not available on the floor. But when they were both on the floor, who do you think was more valuable to the Warriors last year? Draymond or Klay? 當然,評價 Green很大一部分取決於他是否有上場場,以及他缺席比賽時的情況。 但是當他們都健康打球時,去年誰對勇士更有價值?Green還是KT? Guru: Draymond Grandi: Most people would agree with that. 大部分人都會同意 Guru: Yeah, but he (Green) wasn't on the court. That's my whole thing (大家一起 笑) 是的,但他(Green)不在場上。這是我整個的觀點 Grandi: That's a big point. 這很重要 Guru:You're right about Steph going to bat form. I mean, that's a butcher knife. Shout out Shaski(聽不清楚) in his back of getting suspended. That's why Curry was almost in tears. It's like, dude, when is enough? enough? And the Poole thing. You got no punishment, which to me just ruined everything. When I talk about not think about this culture and then he followed that up being gone for twenty five games. 你說的 Curry為隊友出頭是對的。那簡直是火上澆油,向(某球員)致敬 ,因為這導致他被禁賽,這才是讓 Curry心碎的原因。就像,哥,夠了嗎?要鬧多久? 還有 Poole的事,Green一點處罰都沒有,這對我來說簡直毀了所有。 我指的是球隊文化蕩然無存,然後他又缺席了25場比賽。 網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/JouPLRL.png
Plot twist: It was Klay who released the video 劇情大逆轉:原來是Klay外流(Poole被揍)的影片! Oh I forgot we'd get the stored up hit pieces. Let's go 喔,我都忘了他們還藏着這些準備好的抹黑文了。衝啊! 備註 https://i.imgur.com/ZHrMJe3.gif
勇士大亂鬥? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1719903013.A.717.html

07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 1F
07/02 14:51, 1F

07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 2F
…搞得跟八點檔一樣幹嘛 就球員離開而已
07/02 14:51, 2F

07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 3F
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07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 4F
太苦了 庫裡
07/02 14:51, 4F

07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 5F
因為嘴綠功能還在啊 這麼好用的武器放出去讓他對付
07/02 14:51, 5F

07/02 14:51, 2天前 , 6F
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07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 8F
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07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 9F
勇士又不是沒開合約給KT 一直都不是二選一阿
07/02 14:52, 9F

07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 10F
壞事.領繩交給嘴綠 老大身邊是需要這種髒活人
07/02 14:52, 10F

07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 11F
綠的重要性當然高 王牌殺手耶
07/02 14:52, 11F

07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 12F
勇士的核心精神就是整骨而不是三分 合理的選擇
07/02 14:52, 12F

07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 13F
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07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 14F
綠咖哩好吃 咖哩配四神湯不搭
07/02 14:52, 14F

07/02 14:52, 2天前 , 15F
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07/02 14:53, 2天前 , 26F
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07/02 14:53, 2天前 , 27F
的 咖哩當然捨不得他們走
07/02 14:53, 27F

07/02 14:54, 2天前 , 28F
[花邊] Green練習前買爆米花給Curry練習時享用
07/02 14:54, 28F

07/02 14:54, 2天前 , 29F
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07/02 14:54, 2天前 , 32F
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07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 33F
咖哩跟嘴綠是主力 湯只是綠葉大家都知道
07/02 14:55, 33F

07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 34F
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07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 35F
嘴綠去年早早就簽了 是KT死不簽要試自己的身價
07/02 14:55, 35F

07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 36F
平常為咖哩大展拳腳 為了幫咖哩挽尊還瘋狂針對KD
07/02 14:55, 36F

07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 37F
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07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 38F
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07/02 14:55, 2天前 , 39F
咖哩就放生他啊 如果要留一定會留的啦
07/02 14:55, 39F
還有 332 則推文
還有 1 段內文
07/02 19:27, 1天前 , 372F
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07/02 19:35, 1天前 , 376F
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07/02 19:41, 1天前 , 377F
沒辦法 綠咖哩比湯咖哩好吃
07/02 19:41, 377F

07/02 19:42, 1天前 , 378F
先處理未來少主普爾 接下在就是四爺
07/02 19:42, 378F

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07/02 19:45, 1天前 , 380F
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07/02 19:50, 1天前 , 381F
放嘴綠出來萬一被拿來揍咖哩怎麼辦 XD
07/02 19:50, 381F

07/02 19:51, 1天前 , 382F
這什麼通靈大會= =
07/02 19:51, 382F

07/02 19:52, 1天前 , 383F
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07/02 20:01, 1天前 , 385F
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07/02 20:04, 1天前 , 386F
Curry就是保綠不保湯 所有人都看得出來
07/02 20:04, 386F

07/02 20:05, 1天前 , 387F
最後普洱滾 裁掉CP3 一切變空氣也在所不惜
07/02 20:05, 387F

07/02 20:05, 1天前 , 388F
但K湯可沒有這種待遇 2次輪差不多了 給我滾
07/02 20:05, 388F

07/02 20:17, 1天前 , 389F
22年咖哩四爺先後缺戰 靠池子就頂住了~
07/02 20:17, 389F

07/02 20:17, 1天前 , 390F
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07/02 20:37, 1天前 , 396F
自己放不下面子回去的 可憐
07/02 20:37, 396F

07/02 20:38, 1天前 , 397F
某群又要雙標了 若這篇是那個人的新聞 就大酸特酸
07/02 20:38, 397F

07/02 20:39, 1天前 , 398F
燒到自己主子 就開始一直洗 又被迴力鏢打中
07/02 20:39, 398F

07/02 20:45, 1天前 , 399F
07/02 20:45, 399F

07/02 20:49, 1天前 , 400F
這篇是腦補 換個人就變確實了 嘻嘻
07/02 20:49, 400F

07/02 21:14, 1天前 , 401F
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07/03 00:46, 1天前 , 408F
畢竟哭狸知道真正的蛹核心是嘴綠 沒他弄傷對手就0冠
07/03 00:46, 408F

07/03 00:46, 1天前 , 409F
07/03 00:46, 409F

07/03 10:01, 1天前 , 410F
開頭就假設了 騙流量節目
07/03 10:01, 410F

07/04 09:27, 6小時前 , 411F
07/04 09:27, 411F
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