[新聞] KD似乎在先前的饒舌戰爭選擇了Drake

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (培恩22)時間2天前 (2024/07/05 18:36), 2天前編輯推噓35(39420)
留言63則, 53人參與, 2天前最新討論串1/1
Kevin Durant has seemingly picked a side in the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar beef. Durant was spotted hanging out with Drake on Monday, celebrating Canada Day with the Toronto-born rapper. KD似乎在Drake跟KDot之間的戰爭 選擇站Drake那邊 在加拿大當地正舉行加拿大國慶日的時候 KD被發現跟Drake一起混 Durant's outing with Drake comes a few weeks after a handful of NBA stars were seen at Lamar's "Pop Out and Show" concert in Los Angeles in June. LeBron James, DeMar DeRozan, James Harden, Russell Westbrook and Coby White were all in attendance at the show, and DeRozan and Westbrook even joined him on stage. 在美國LA當地幾個禮拜之前KDot舉行的由Amazon贊助的Pop Out and Show中 許多球星包括LBJ Derozan Harden Westbrook and Coby white 都有參加 但Durant選擇與Drake一起出去 It's unclear whether any other NBA stars joined Durant as he bumped elbows with Drake, but the rapper at least has one athlete in his corner. Drake and Lamar's rap feud began in the spring and has been one of the biggest storylines in the music industry since. Lamar has released songs such as Euphoria, Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us aimed towards Drake while Drake has put out songs like Push Ups, Taylor Made Freestyle and The Heart Part 6 in response. 目前還不知道有沒有其他球星加入Drake這邊 但從KD跟Drake互碰手肘可以得知至少還有一個運動員站在他這邊 *beef有哪些歌因為太多了這裡先不翻譯* The beef has seemingly cooled down in recent weeks, as the last song released came in May, but Lamar's show at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles reignited chatter surrounding the two rappers, with NBA players getting into the mix by being in attendance. It's worth noting that Durant has a history of rapping, so perhaps he'll spend his offseason in the booth with Drake. 這場beef目前在最近幾週已經慢慢冷下來 但KDot的這場演唱會又讓大家重新提起這個議題 值得關注的是KD也曾經有饒舌 所以他可能在這個休賽季他都會跟這位six god一起混 心得: 之前KD受傷 也有Drake很沮喪的新聞 明顯可以看出他們很要好 source: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10126898-video-kevin-durant-hangs-with-drake-after-lebron-more-attend-kendrick-lamar-show -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720175762.A.875.html

07/05 18:38, 2天前 , 1F
07/05 18:38, 1F

07/05 18:38, 2天前 , 2F
Beef越多 好聽的歌越多
07/05 18:38, 2F

07/05 18:39, 2天前 , 3F
07/05 18:39, 3F

07/05 18:40, 2天前 , 4F
07/05 18:40, 4F

07/05 18:41, 2天前 , 5F
07/05 18:41, 5F

07/05 18:41, 2天前 , 6F
I see dead people
07/05 18:41, 6F

07/05 18:41, 2天前 , 7F
07/05 18:41, 7F

07/05 18:43, 2天前 , 8F
還是姆斯懂組 直接背骨
07/05 18:43, 8F

07/05 18:44, 2天前 , 9F
KD沒差 但有家庭的知道要離drake遠點了XD
07/05 18:44, 9F

07/05 18:45, 2天前 , 10F
07/05 18:45, 10F

07/05 18:45, 2天前 , 11F
這也要扯組團 大家最愛的挺兄弟呢?
07/05 18:45, 11F

07/05 18:46, 2天前 , 12F
07/05 18:46, 12F

07/05 18:46, 2天前 , 13F
07/05 18:46, 13F

07/05 18:52, 2天前 , 14F
知道D還挺 難道KD是煉銅?
07/05 18:52, 14F

07/05 18:52, 2天前 , 15F
07/05 18:52, 15F

07/05 18:54, 2天前 , 16F
07/05 18:54, 16F

07/05 18:57, 2天前 , 17F
挺朋友沒毛病吧 難道要大家都像咖哩一樣 最後隊友跑
07/05 18:57, 17F

07/05 18:57, 2天前 , 18F
光 眾叛親離
07/05 18:57, 18F

07/05 18:58, 2天前 , 19F
如果該挺的時候選擇裝死 等兄弟離開你了 才假惺惺狂
07/05 18:58, 19F

07/05 18:58, 2天前 , 20F
發照片洗版 都已經太遲惹
07/05 18:58, 20F

07/05 18:59, 2天前 , 21F
樓上小學放暑假了嗎 思考真可愛呢
07/05 18:59, 21F

07/05 19:00, 2天前 , 22F
樓上冷靜點 說的都是做人基本的道德倫理
07/05 19:00, 22F

07/05 19:04, 2天前 , 23F
KD沒有女兒 不怕Drake
07/05 19:04, 23F

07/05 19:07, 2天前 , 24F
不知道kd會不會評論說 沒那麼嚴重
07/05 19:07, 24F

07/05 19:14, 2天前 , 25F
KD小心 他下次會下注你
07/05 19:14, 25F

07/05 19:15, 2天前 , 26F
07/05 19:15, 26F

07/05 19:29, 2天前 , 27F
07/05 19:29, 27F

07/05 19:29, 2天前 , 28F
07/05 19:29, 28F

07/05 19:30, 2天前 , 29F
07/05 19:30, 29F

07/05 19:31, 2天前 , 30F
07/05 19:31, 30F

07/05 19:32, 2天前 , 31F
紅明顯 新聞分類屬台灣媒體 請修正
07/05 19:32, 31F

07/05 19:32, 2天前 , 32F
they not like us~
07/05 19:32, 32F

07/05 19:33, 2天前 , 33F
07/05 19:33, 33F

07/05 19:38, 2天前 , 34F
07/05 19:38, 34F

07/05 19:43, 2天前 , 35F
KD沒有女兒 穩的
07/05 19:43, 35F

07/05 19:48, 2天前 , 36F
Freaky ass nixxa he a 69 god
07/05 19:48, 36F

07/05 19:50, 2天前 , 37F
07/05 19:50, 37F

07/05 19:53, 2天前 , 38F
可憐哪 KD連這個都會報錯腿
07/05 19:53, 38F
※ 編輯: Payne22 ( 臺灣), 07/05/2024 19:54:57

07/05 20:00, 2天前 , 39F
07/05 20:00, 39F

07/05 20:06, 2天前 , 40F
kd已經只剩下推特 不能再失去兄弟了
07/05 20:06, 40F

07/05 20:09, 2天前 , 41F
Drake跟KD老熟了 之前跟Lil Durk的歌有找KD來客串
07/05 20:09, 41F

07/05 20:09, 2天前 , 42F
07/05 20:09, 42F

07/05 20:21, 2天前 , 43F
07/05 20:21, 43F

07/05 20:24, 2天前 , 44F
有夠菜 LBJ在tpab之前就是kdot鐵粉了
07/05 20:24, 44F

07/05 20:35, 2天前 , 45F
07/05 20:35, 45F

07/05 20:41, 2天前 , 46F
Certificate pedophiles
07/05 20:41, 46F

07/05 20:42, 2天前 , 47F
07/05 20:42, 47F

07/05 20:46, 2天前 , 48F
07/05 20:46, 48F

07/05 20:49, 2天前 , 49F
07/05 20:49, 49F

07/05 20:56, 2天前 , 50F
07/05 20:56, 50F

07/05 21:00, 2天前 , 51F
07/05 21:00, 51F

07/05 21:05, 2天前 , 52F
KD抱團抱錯 現在選邊也選錯是怎樣XDD
07/05 21:05, 52F

07/05 21:15, 2天前 , 53F
Let me hear you say OVHOE
07/05 21:15, 53F

07/05 21:18, 2天前 , 54F
LBJ以前就Kdot粉吧 他只是跟Drake也蠻熟的
07/05 21:18, 54F

07/05 21:28, 2天前 , 55F
07/05 21:28, 55F

07/05 21:39, 2天前 , 56F
07/05 21:39, 56F

07/05 21:59, 2天前 , 57F
KD選團眼光真的很差 認證
07/05 21:59, 57F

07/06 00:02, 2天前 , 58F
07/06 00:02, 58F

07/06 05:34, 2天前 , 59F
69 god
07/06 05:34, 59F

07/06 10:41, 2天前 , 60F
07/06 10:41, 60F

07/06 12:35, 2天前 , 61F
A minorrrrr
07/06 12:35, 61F

07/06 15:15, 2天前 , 62F
站錯隊了 KD真的很不會組隊
07/06 15:15, 62F

07/06 15:43, 2天前 , 63F
07/06 15:43, 63F
文章代碼(AID): #1cXyoIXr (NBA)
文章代碼(AID): #1cXyoIXr (NBA)