[外絮] LBJ: 皇子不在乎輿論 我也沒參與教練聘請

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (usmarine2008)時間3月前 (2024/07/08 10:51), 3月前編輯推噓193(24653210)
留言509則, 307人參與, 2月前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/aq3djD Dave McMenamin, ESPN Staff Writer "I don't know if people really understand Bronny," James told ESPN..... "He doesn't care. I actually care a little bit. When I came in [as a rookie], I wanted people to like me and some of the things that people were saying about me kind of bothered me early on in my career. .. He doesn't give a f---. LeBron接受ESPN提到「 我不知道人們是否真的了解Bronny。」 「他根本不在乎。我其實有點在乎。當我剛進聯盟時,我希望人們喜歡我, 職業生涯早期一些人說我的話確實困擾了我一段時間。但他根本不在乎。」 "He does not care about nobody. He doesn't even listen to that stuff. He's like the coolest. He's like the complete opposite of his dad. His dad will say something [to address the critics]. Bro does not care. ... Everything that's being said about him, he really does not care." 「他不在乎任何人。他甚至不聽那些閒言閒語。他是最酷的。他完全和他爸爸相反。 我會試圖回應批評者,但皇子根本不在乎。所有針對他的言論,他真的不在乎。」 LeBron said Bronny has not let all that success affect who he is as a person. "Just imagine if you were a kid, you were born into a situation where your dad was super famous, super wealthy and you the kid still had the drive to want to be able to accomplish things for yourself," LeBron continued. "I personally don't know if I would've been able to do that if the roles were reversed. ... LeBron說皇子並沒有讓所有的成功改變他作為一個人的本質。 「想像一下,如果你生來就有一個超級有名、超級富有的父親, 你還能保有為自己奮鬥的動力嗎?老實說,我不確定如果角色互換,我是否能做到。」 "When I was coming up, I had no choice. I literally had no choice. ... I had to make it out for me. My mom, my family, my hometown, my city. Bronny has all the choices in the world. If Bronny wants to stop right now or never played basketball or just wanted to be a gamer or wanted to be a chef or wanted to be nothing to whatever, he could have done that. ... People don't understand how hard that is and the commitment for him to be coming out of heart surgery less than a year ago, for him to be able to be in the NBA, the kid, he's special. 「我成長的過程中別無選擇,我必須努力出人頭地,為我媽媽、家人、家鄉和城市而戰。 皇子擁有全世界所有的選擇。如果他現在想停下來,或他從沒打過籃球,或只想成為一名 電競玩家、廚師,或者什麼都不做,他都可以。人們不理解他做出的決定有多難, 以及他不到一年前接受心臟手術後還能重返 NBA,這孩子,他很特別。」 "But he doesn't care. He doesn't. It doesn't bother him." 「但他不在乎。他真的不在乎。這些都不會影響到他。」 LeBron談到新的教練 "I'm not involved in the coaching hiring, but I'm excited about JJ," LeBron said. "I'm excited about working with coach [Nate] McMillan. I haven't worked with him since the Olympic run [in 2008]. First time working with coach [Scott] Brooks, looking forward to that. So I'm excited about that. That's been the extent of it all this summer as far as the Lakers." 「我沒有參與教練聘請過程,不過對 JJ很興奮 ,我也很期待能和McMillan教練再次合作 自08年奧運後就沒和他共事過了。這也是我第一次和 Brooks 教練合作,非常期待。 總之,這就是這個夏天關於湖人的全部了。」 備註 https://i.imgur.com/D1sQmJJ.gif
LeSpokesperson for the Lakers -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720407103.A.561.html

07/08 10:52, 3月前 , 1F
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07/08 10:53, 3月前 , 7F
喔喔 是喔
07/08 10:53, 7F

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07/08 10:54, 3月前 , 9F
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07/08 10:54, 3月前 , 10F
也許他只在乎你的願望 父子一起上場
07/08 10:54, 10F

07/08 10:54, 3月前 , 11F
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07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 13F
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07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 14F
07/08 10:55, 14F
他曾叫過喔 https://i.imgur.com/UDsyBBV.png
"Fly high my son aka Young King"

07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 15F
確實 皇子這挺難得的
07/08 10:55, 15F

07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 16F
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07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 17F
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07/08 10:55, 3月前 , 18F
胡大哥你好 我爸爸是喇不讓
07/08 10:55, 18F

07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 19F

07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 20F
上面是認真問的嗎 不是有原文
07/08 10:56, 20F

07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 21F
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07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 22F
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07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 23F
確實 布朗尼大可以直接耍廢放推
07/08 10:56, 23F

07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 24F
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07/08 10:56, 3月前 , 25F
這番話說得不錯,Bronny 的確可以爽爽過,但選擇了
07/08 10:56, 25F

07/08 10:57, 3月前 , 26F
確實 其實他可以不用這麼辛苦打nba 反正錢已經花不
07/08 10:57, 26F

07/08 10:57, 3月前 , 27F
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07/08 10:57, 3月前 , 28F
07/08 10:57, 28F
※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 07/08/2024 10:58:05

07/08 10:57, 3月前 , 29F
不喜歡這咖 但翻皇子超譯的很硬要的感覺
07/08 10:57, 29F

07/08 10:57, 3月前 , 30F
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07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 31F
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07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 32F
他當然不在乎 在乎還會是這種騷操作???????????????
07/08 10:58, 32F

07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 33F
酸民看不懂原文 ,沒關係隨便翻就好,給他們高潮就
07/08 10:58, 33F

07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 34F
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07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 35F
07/08 10:58, 35F

07/08 10:58, 3月前 , 36F
姆咪大喜 今天又保皇了
07/08 10:58, 36F

07/08 10:59, 3月前 , 37F
07/08 10:59, 37F
還有 432 則推文
07/08 16:28, 2月前 , 470F
無心流宗祖 數據好不好不重要?
07/08 16:28, 470F

07/08 16:49, 2月前 , 471F
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07/08 18:00, 2月前 , 476F
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07/08 18:08, 2月前 , 477F
預期信他 還不如相信地平說
07/08 18:08, 477F

07/08 18:09, 2月前 , 478F
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07/08 18:09, 2月前 , 479F
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07/08 18:12, 2月前 , 480F
不重要啦 夏季聯盟沒AD擋拆 發揮不了100%的實力
07/08 18:12, 480F

07/08 18:18, 2月前 , 481F
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07/08 18:27, 2月前 , 482F
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07/08 18:30, 2月前 , 483F
兒子不在乎 老爸很在乎
07/08 18:30, 483F

07/08 18:53, 2月前 , 484F
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07/08 20:25, 2月前 , 492F
大家都會搞裙帶關係 就你姆斯搞得最噁心
07/08 20:25, 492F

07/08 20:47, 2月前 , 493F
其實他只是孝順 幫老爸圓夢
07/08 20:47, 493F

07/08 21:38, 2月前 , 494F
湖人簽布朗尼就是為了賣票啊 這麼簡單
07/08 21:38, 494F

07/08 21:38, 2月前 , 495F
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07/09 00:13, 2月前 , 500F
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07/09 02:54, 2月前 , 501F
完全兩件事 靠裙帶關係勒索球隊進NBA就是噁
07/09 02:54, 501F

07/09 05:02, 2月前 , 502F
這點倒是真的 當你永遠全世界所有的選擇
07/09 05:02, 502F

07/09 05:02, 2月前 , 503F
07/09 05:02, 503F

07/09 05:02, 2月前 , 504F
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07/09 08:16, 2月前 , 505F
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07/09 08:29, 2月前 , 506F
為什麼要翻皇子 很故意齁
07/09 08:29, 506F

07/09 09:29, 2月前 , 507F
Gamer Chef 你看看你們
07/09 09:29, 507F

07/09 10:36, 2月前 , 508F
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07/09 17:36, 2月前 , 509F
07/09 17:36, 509F
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