[外絮] Kerr談川普被槍擊:可怕又悲傷的景象

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (對的事情做一千次)時間2月前 (2024/07/14 22:51), 編輯推噓67(73680)
留言159則, 81人參與, 2月前最新討論串1/1
Team USA coach Steve Kerr on Donald Trump rally shooting: ‘A terrible day’ 美國隊教練Steve Kerr談川普槍擊事件:「糟糕的一天」 Joe Vardon https://i.imgur.com/HTJ2ehs.jpeg
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Team USA coach Steve Kerr and star Stephen Curry called the assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump “s ad” and a “demoralizing day for our country” as the two decried political d ivisiveness and gun violence back home while they’re on the other side of the world. 美國隊教練Steve Kerr和球星Stephen Curry稱對前總統Donald Trump的暗殺企圖是「令 人悲傷」和「對我們國家來說是令人沮喪的一天」,他們在世界另一頭(阿聯 阿布達比 )譴責國內的政治分歧和槍支暴力。 “Just a terrible, sad spectacle,” said Kerr, whose American Olympic basketba ll team woke up Sunday in the Middle East to the news that Trump was rushed to a hospital, the gunman and a spectator were dead, and two others critically w ounded Saturday from a shooting at a campaign rally in which the former presid ent was the target. Trump was treated and declared “fine” by his campaign. 「這是一場可怕而悲傷的景象。」Kerr說。他所率領的美國奧運籃球隊星期天在中東醒來 時得知了川普被緊急送往醫院的消息。事件發生在川普造勢活動上,一名槍手和一名觀眾 死亡,另有兩人重傷,而川普則是槍手的目標。川普的競選團隊表示他經治療後「無大礙 」。 “It’s yet another example of not only our political division, but also gun c ulture,” Kerr continued. “A 20-year-old with an AR-15 trying to shoot the fo rmer president? It’s hard to process everything and it’s scary to think abou t where this goes because of the issues that already exist in the country. So this is a terrible day. Kerr繼續說:「這不僅是我們政治分歧的又一個例子,也是槍支文化的一個例子。一個20 歲的年輕人帶著一把AR-15企圖射殺前總統?很難處理這一切,也很難想像這會走向何方 ,因為我們國家已經存在的問題。所以這是糟糕的一天。 “You imagine (the victims’) family and friends today and what they’re feeli ng, and thank God Trump wasn’t (critically wounded),” Kerr said. 「你可以想像(受害者的)家人和朋友今天的感受,感謝上帝川普沒有(重傷)。」 Kerr has long been outspoken against gun violence. His father, Malcolm, was ki lled by gunmen in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1984. Kerr一直以來都直言反對槍支暴力。他的父親Malcolm Kerr於1984年在黎巴嫩貝魯特被槍 殺。 The American team of 12 NBA stars and famous coaching staff is spending the we ek in Abu Dhabi, training for the Paris Olympics that begin later this month. 這支由12名NBA明星球員和著名教練組成的美國隊本週在阿布達比訓練,為即將於本月晚 些時候開始的巴黎奧運會做準備。 “It’s obviously a very sad, just, time in general,” Curry said. “All the c onversations around the election and the state of politics in our country, and then you have a situation like this, which just invokes a lot of emotions aro und things that we need to correct as a people,” he said, citing “gun contro l, first and foremost.” Curry說:「顯然,這是一個非常悲傷的時刻。圍繞選舉和我們國家政治狀況的所有對話 ,然後又發生這樣的事情,這引發了很多情感,讓我們需要作為一個民族來改正一些事情 。」他特別提到了「首先是槍支管控」。 Curry and Kerr both described the added weight of the tragedy in Pennsylvania at a time when they and the rest of Team USA are overseas, representing the Un ited States. Curry和Kerr都描述了當他們和美國隊其他成員在海外代表美國時,這場悲劇所帶來的額 外壓力。 “For us, we’re going to use it as a unifying moment to again use this platfo rm and this opportunity to represent ourselves, our upbringings, our families, our country to the best that we can, and hopefully that channels the right en ergy back home when they’re watching us play,” said Curry, who also echoed K err’s sentiments about gun control and political divisiveness back home. Curry說:「對我們來說,我們將把這當作一個團結的時刻,利用這個平台和機會,盡最 大努力代表自己、我們的成長環境、我們的家庭和國家,希望這能在我們比賽時帶回正能 量。」 “I know that it’s bigger than that, what we’re dealing with.” Curry也重申了Kerr對槍支管控和國內政治分歧的看法。「我知道我們面對的問題比這更 大。」 Kerr said Team USA coaches and staff have talked to the players about “how im portant it is to show the best version of us as human beings to represent our country in a respectful manner,” and the tragedy Saturday “makes you want to do that even more so, because this is really shameful for us to sit here and think about what happened and what’s going on in our country.” Kerr表示,美國隊教練和工作人員已經和球員們談過「展示我們作為人類最好的一面,來 以尊重的方式代表我們國家」的重要性,而週六的悲劇「讓我們更加想要這麼做,因為這 對我們來說真的是一種恥辱,讓我們坐在這裡思考發生了什麼以及我們國內的情況。」 “Obviously what we’re doing is very trivial, just playing basketball, but we want to put our best selves out there to try to give people a glimpse of what our country can be about,” Kerr said. “And then you hear something like thi s and it’s just so demoralizing and obviously so sad.” Kerr說:「顯然我們所做的只是打籃球,非常微不足道,但我們想展示最好的一面,給人 們一瞥我們國家可以成為什麼樣子。然後你聽到這樣的事情,這真的是非常令人沮喪和悲 傷。」 So far since practice first started, Team USA has received visits from Vice Pr esident Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama. On Sunday, the Americ an team received U.S. ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Martina A. Stron g, and several marines stationed at the embassy, at practice on the campus of New York University in Abu Dhabi. 自從訓練開始以來,美國隊已經接待了副總統Kamala Harris和前總統Barack Obama的來 訪。週日,美國隊在阿布達比紐約大學校園的訓練中接待了美國駐阿拉伯聯合大公國大使 Martina A. Strong和駐使館的幾名海軍陸戰隊員。 “You want positivity and hope — it sounds cheesy, but it’s real,” Curry sa id. “That’s when our country’s at its best and (the shooting) just adds ano ther blemish to what’s going on.” Curry說:「你想要的是積極和希望——這聽起來很老套,但這是真的。那是我們國家最 好的一面,而(槍擊事件)只是給當前情況又增添了一個污點。」 https://reurl.cc/p3zO7x -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720968718.A.EB2.html

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07/14 22:56, 2月前 , 5F
Kerr之前也有對其他槍擊案發表意見 他很反近年美國
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07/14 22:57, 2月前 , 8F
這次事件比較容易懂了 上次的反送中太難了
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07/14 23:04, 2月前 , 15F
看到川普的名字 看了看右上角的NBA 再看到KERR的名
07/14 23:04, 15F

07/14 23:04, 2月前 , 16F
字 那沒事了
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Ja: ……
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07/14 23:16, 2月前 , 24F
紅明顯提醒版友 這版不能提到政治人物 會被水桶
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07/14 23:17, 2月前 , 26F
贏三小? 美國有四位總統被槍殺 最早林肯 最近甘迺迪
07/14 23:17, 26F

07/14 23:18, 2月前 , 27F
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07/14 23:18, 2月前 , 28F
印地安人的詛咒 每20年 有總統會喪命
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07/14 23:21, 2月前 , 37F
很可能(x 幾乎確定(o
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07/14 23:27, 39F
還有 80 則推文
07/15 08:58, 2月前 , 120F
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07/15 09:22, 2月前 , 123F
造勢附近的高樓沒有先去勘查嗎? 想到甘迺迪刺殺案
07/15 09:22, 123F

07/15 09:23, 2月前 , 124F
不管怎樣都希望川普沒事啦 而且要全力阻止類似槍擊
07/15 09:23, 124F

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07/15 09:27, 2月前 , 126F
今年川普沒什麼可以打的點 這群人就專注在槍枝氾濫
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07/15 10:00, 2月前 , 135F
美國青鳥 台灣領先全球
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07/15 10:12, 2月前 , 136F
反川是一回事 槍殺候選人又是另外一回事
07/15 10:12, 136F

07/15 10:12, 2月前 , 137F
槍枝管制 問題是你民主黨執政這麼多次也...www
07/15 10:12, 137F

07/15 10:13, 2月前 , 138F
槍枝管制在米國就假議題 軍火商誰都得罪不起
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07/15 10:23, 2月前 , 139F
Kerr他爸被殺跟槍枝管制一點屁關係都沒有 他爸是美
07/15 10:23, 139F

07/15 10:23, 2月前 , 140F
國駐黎巴嫩教員 那個時代中東大反美 然後就被伊斯
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07/15 10:33, 2月前 , 143F
他可以逢槍必反 一點也不奇怪
07/15 10:33, 143F

07/15 10:47, 2月前 , 144F
可以不挺候選人但純對事情發表意見 不衝突啊
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07/15 10:59, 2月前 , 147F
柵欄仔又藉機抹黑 真的腦子有病
07/15 10:59, 147F

07/15 11:35, 2月前 , 148F
回134樓的論點 你自己禁其他州不禁一樣可以從其他
07/15 11:35, 148F

07/15 11:35, 2月前 , 149F
州偷進口槍枝 Illinois 就是很好的例子
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07/15 13:12, 2月前 , 152F
加州人 鱷魚的眼淚
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07/15 20:13, 2月前 , 157F
我 三 威 武
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