[情報] 登登提到勇湖聖誕大戰、斑馬以及可愛回歸

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (TrunksHOPE)時間14小時前 (2024/12/28 20:38), 14小時前編輯推噓34(35113)
留言49則, 44人參與, 6小時前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/tomerazarly/status/1872900418046681193?s=46 James Harden on watching the Lakers/Warriors Christmas Day duel between LeBron James and Stephen Curry: “It was amazing. Me and Steph was talking about that after the game as well. We love to hoop. Father Time is undefeated, it's a real thing. For us, I know LeBron probably feel the same way, we love the game of basketball. It's all we 've been doing our entire lives and we're very good at it. Now we just got lit tle nagging injuries that when you’re younger, you probably just don’t get. It’s weird, but it’s a part of life. We're going to continue to grind this t hing out. I hope the fans and people that really enjoy basketball and love the game of basketball can embrace and cherish these moments. Because once player s like us are gone, we’ll never see them again. We love the game, and hope yo u do too.” 登登談到觀看湖人和勇士聖誕大戰,LBJ與咖哩的對決: 「那場比賽太精彩了。我賽後也和Curry聊到了這個話題。我們熱愛打籃球。時間不饒人 ,這是無法改變的事實。對我們來說,我知道LeBron可能也有同樣的感受,我們熱愛籃球 。這是我們一輩子都在做的事情,而且我們也非常擅長。現在,我們開始有一些小傷小痛 ,而在年輕時這些情況可能不會發生。這很奇怪,但也是人生的一部分。我們會繼續努力 拼搏下去。我希望那些真正喜歡籃球的球迷和觀眾,能夠珍惜這些時刻。因為一旦像我們 這樣的球員離開了,就再也看不到了。我們熱愛這項運動,也希望你們同樣熱愛。」 https://x.com/tomerazarly/status/1872901246094598438?s=46 James Harden on Victor Wembanyama: “Beast. Beast. On both ends. And his shot looks way more confident, he's shoo ting it with confidence. Defensively, he's active, blocking shots. He's doing it all. Guys like us are leaving and guys like Wemby are coming in. We thought we've never seen certain players before and then Wemby come in like, come on, what are we doing.” 登登談到斑馬: 「野獸,真的是野獸。他在攻防兩端都很出色。他的投籃現在看起來自信多了,而且是帶 著自信在投籃。防守端,他非常活躍,不斷蓋火鍋。他什麼都能做。我們這些老將逐漸退 出,像Wemby這樣的新人正在接班。我們原本以為已經見識過各種球員了,結果Wemby一來 ,讓人覺得,我們這是在幹什麼啊?」 https://x.com/tomerazarly/status/1872905952476971436?s=46 James Harden on how his role will change when Kawhi Leonard returns: “It's funny, me and Kawhi talked about that on the bench today. Whenever his return is, I said just work your way in. Like, he feels like he doesn’t want to come over and mess up the flow and chemistry that we have been building up. But I don’t think it’s gonna be a problem. I've been in every situation in the sense of being the main guy, having to [take a step back]. For our team, w e’re gonna still play the same way. It's just that we got another elite weapo n on both ends of the floor.” 登登談到可愛回歸後他的角色會如何改變: 「有趣的是,今天我和Kawhi在板凳上聊到了這個話題。無論他什麼時候回來,我都跟他 說,‘就慢慢融入吧。’他感覺自己不想打亂我們一直在建立的節奏和化學反應。但我不 認為這會成為問題。我經歷過各種情況,比如作為球隊的核心,或者需要退居次要位置。 對於我們的球隊來說,我們還是會以同樣的方式打球。只是現在我們多了一位在攻防兩端 都非常出色的武器。」 ——— 第一段真的就是且看且珍惜QQ 然後斑馬真的猛(蠻想看登登搭配斑馬的感覺~ 最後 個人希望可愛回來不要打亂現在球隊的步調! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735389481.A.6E6.html ※ 編輯: SeanLi1013 ( 臺灣), 12/28/2024 20:38:27

12/28 20:38, 14小時前 , 1F
12/28 20:38, 1F

12/28 20:42, 14小時前 , 2F
登這球路應該可以打到40 去抱腿吧
12/28 20:42, 2F

12/28 20:43, 14小時前 , 3F
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12/28 20:44, 14小時前 , 6F
12/28 20:44, 6F

12/28 20:45, 14小時前 , 7F
好笑的是 下一個世代的門面幾乎都不是美國人
12/28 20:45, 7F

12/28 20:47, 14小時前 , 8F

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12/28 20:57, 14小時前 , 12F

12/28 21:01, 14小時前 , 13F
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12/28 21:03, 14小時前 , 14F
哀 可愛好好打球吧
12/28 21:03, 14F

12/28 21:07, 14小時前 , 15F
12/28 21:07, 15F

12/28 21:07, 14小時前 , 16F

12/28 21:09, 14小時前 , 17F
不用擔心 哈登都在籃網跟76那種狀況下打過球了 現
12/28 21:09, 17F

12/28 21:09, 14小時前 , 18F
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12/28 22:01, 13小時前 , 32F
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12/28 22:07, 13小時前 , 33F
鬍子都給鉛筆提過鞋了 難道還怕機器人
12/28 22:07, 33F

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12/28 22:40, 12小時前 , 39F
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12/28 22:56, 12小時前 , 40F
推文怎麼一堆動漫圖 還以為走錯版
12/28 22:56, 40F

12/28 23:02, 12小時前 , 41F
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12/28 23:32, 12小時前 , 44F

12/28 23:44, 11小時前 , 45F

12/29 00:13, 11小時前 , 46F
每次鬍子交易去抱腿的時候 他都成為那條最粗的腿
12/29 00:13, 46F

12/29 02:02, 9小時前 , 47F
12/29 02:02, 47F

12/29 04:13, 7小時前 , 48F

12/29 05:34, 6小時前 , 49F
12/29 05:34, 49F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dR_4fRc (NBA)