[外絮] Bronny James來到克里夫蘭了!

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洞77)時間1月前 (2024/12/28 14:19), 編輯推噓-43(236638)
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Bronny James is in Cleveland! https://bit.ly/3W0eeE2 https://i.imgur.com/2bqBSZ6.jpeg
CLEVELAND — The Cleveland Charge and South Bay Lakers are going head to head th is week, and bringing in fans is one player in particular. 克里夫蘭——本週,克里夫蘭衝鋒隊與南灣湖人隊展開對決,而吸引眾多球迷目光的,是一 名特別的球員。 Public Hall Cleveland was packed Friday night as the two G-League teams battled it out. 週五晚上,克里夫蘭公共禮堂(Public Hall Cleveland)座無虛席,兩支G聯盟球隊激烈較 量。 "We're here to cheer on the Charge. That's what we're here for," Joe Akosi said, surrounded by his family. “我們是來為衝鋒隊加油的,這就是我們的目的,”Joe Akosi說,他身邊圍繞著家人。 Ryan Nolan said he was there rooting for the Cleveland Charge as well, but South Bay Lakers Shooting Guard Bronny James is who brought him to the game. Ryan Nolan表示,他同樣是來支持克里夫蘭衝鋒隊的,但真正吸引他來現場的,是南灣湖人 隊的得分後衛Bronny James。 "I just know there's going to be a lot of hype around the Lakers, so hopefully w e can pull this out," he said. “我知道湖人隊一定會吸引大量關注,希望我們能贏下這場比賽,”Ryan說。 Watley Turner also came to the game Friday night. It was his first Cleveland Cha rge game. Watley Turner也參加了週五晚上的比賽。這是他第一次觀看克里夫蘭衝鋒隊的比賽。 "I just want to come and support the best way I can," Turner added. "I saw him w hen he was younger. Now I get to see him when he's older, so it's gonna be a gre at game. Hopefully he gets enticed to maybe come this way one day." “我只是想以我能做到的最好方式來支持,”Turner補充道。“我曾經在他小時候見過他。 現在我可以看看他長大後的表現,這會是一場精彩的比賽。希望有一天他會被吸引過來加入 我們這邊。” If you're wondering who Bronny James is, he's the son of four-time NBA champion Lebron James. 如果你不知道布朗尼是誰,他是四次NBA冠軍LeBron James的兒子。 Bronny was just assigned to the South Bay Lakers on Thursday after being shuffle d back and forth between the G-League and the NBA this year. 布朗尼在本週四剛剛被分配到南灣湖人隊。本賽季,他多次在G聯盟和NBA之間切換。 Terrell and Taylor Husband came for the Cleveland Charge but said Bronny was one to watch this week. Terrell and Taylor Husband是為了克里夫蘭衝鋒隊而來,但他們表示,布朗尼是本週比賽 中值得關注的球員之一。 "I rooted for his father when he first came so I wanna see what his son is like, " Terrell said. “當他父親剛進聯盟時,我支持過他父親,所以我想看看他的兒子是什麼樣的,”Terrell 說。 Although Bronny now plays for South Bay, fans tell me Cleveland will always welc ome him with open arms. 儘管布朗尼目前效力於南灣湖人隊,粉絲們表示,克里夫蘭永遠會敞開雙臂歡迎他。 "Cleveland loves you. He's always welcome here. It's like this will always be hi s home," Ryan shared. “克里夫蘭愛你。他永遠受歡迎,這裡就像是他的家一樣,”Ryan分享道。 The Cleveland Charge pulled a win on Friday with an ending score of 125-113. The Cleveland Charge will play the South Bay Lakers again on Saturday, Dec. 28, at 7 p.m. in Public Hall Auditorium. 週五的比賽中,克里夫蘭衝鋒隊以125比113的比分贏得了比賽。 克里夫蘭衝鋒隊將於12月28日(週六)晚上7點,在公共禮堂球場再次對陣南灣湖人隊。 - 畢竟從小在這長大,Bronny在克里夫蘭真的很受歡迎 不知道以後有沒有機會看到他為克里夫蘭效力呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735366761.A.61A.html

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12/28 14:20, 1月前 , 5F
克里夫蘭的水草又肥沃起來了 美國詹家要了!
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12/28 14:22, 1月前 , 14F
能到處找這種幹文來發 恆心毅力給推
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經典浮木文 不忍噓
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勇士輸球 朗尼文連發 sop
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12/28 14:23, 1月前 , 19F
77其實應該在FB開一個幫你間專板 會賺錢
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12/28 14:23, 1月前 , 20F
看了一下standings 也難怪啦 XDDDD
12/28 14:23, 20F

12/28 14:24, 1月前 , 21F
丟臉到沾蒜都看不下去了 口憐
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12/28 14:27, 1月前 , 24F
湖人贏勇士輸 這位sop 大家都很熟悉了 沒啥梗了
12/28 14:27, 24F

12/28 14:27, 1月前 , 25F
勇士輸球 太子的弄臣來洗文 大家尊重點 人家很辛苦
12/28 14:27, 25F

12/28 14:27, 1月前 , 26F
加油好嗎 不然每天浪費時間又沒梗xd
12/28 14:27, 26F

12/28 14:27, 1月前 , 27F
人家可是很努力在找bronny的文章 找到說不定還會看
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12/28 14:29, 1月前 , 30F
趁跨年沒人約 趕快自己在家想一些新梗吧?
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sun of gaot!!!!
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12/28 14:37, 1月前 , 39F
12/28 14:37, 39F
還有 48 則推文
12/28 16:11, 1月前 , 88F
現在山寨的比較受歡迎 假羊信徒一堆
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12/28 16:47, 1月前 , 95F
推文現在都只剩說個笑話最後噗個氣 沉澱下新梗好不
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躲起來了喔 噗噗噗
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12/28 17:37, 1月前 , 101F
好了啦 沒梗了就下去
12/28 17:37, 101F

12/28 18:01, 1月前 , 102F
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12/28 18:07, 1月前 , 103F
你的勇士一直輸 還不回去哭 每天酸lbj兒子 到
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12/28 18:32, 1月前 , 108F
湖人贏 詹酸只能躲廁所哭哭
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12/28 18:57, 1月前 , 110F
好了啦 怎麼整天幹網軍的事啊
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12/28 19:09, 1月前 , 113F
好了啦 閒閒沒事做喔
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12/28 19:24, 1月前 , 114F
這篇還好吧 幫補
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12/29 10:39, 1月前 , 123F
沒梗就不要硬擠 可憐吶 噗
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12/29 22:33, 1月前 , 126F
菲哥 a516這幾個臭味相同咖 聚再一起剛好
12/29 22:33, 126F

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12/30 09:59, 127F
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