[外絮] 獨行俠剛剛賭上了一整個世代的好感

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洛城浪子)時間4小時前 (2025/02/03 17:18), 4小時前編輯推噓215(22712201)
留言440則, 229人參與, 2小時前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/mikelikessports/status/1886123926318620745 https://www.dmagazine.com/sports/2025/02/doncic-mavericks-trade-davis/ The Mavericks Just Wagered a Generation’s Worth of Goodwill 獨行俠剛剛賭上了一整個世代的好感 Davis brings plenty of selling points, too, and there will be a lot of time to consider what one of the great big men of his time adds to this organization. But that time is not now, a day when Dallas woke up to shock and sadness. As Holland Murphy, one of the least sports-inclined people in our office, wondered only semi-jokingly on Microsoft Teams this morning, “Is this what it was like to be a Dallasite in 1963?” Her 5-year-old was curled up in his bed this morning, crying about the Luka news. Davis 有他的優勢, 未來會有很多機會來討論這位本世代的頂尖內線球員能為獨行俠帶來什麼。 但不是今天,因為達拉斯市今天一覺醒來,只有震驚與悲傷。 正如我們辦公室裡一位對體育毫無興趣的同事 Holland Murphy, 在 Microsoft Teams 上半開玩笑地問:「這就是1963年達拉斯人的感覺嗎?」 她五歲的兒子今早躲在床上哭泣,因為他聽到了 Luka 被交易的消息。 (1963年美國總統John F. Kennedy在達拉斯遭到槍擊身亡) It has never been more obvious that Harrison, team governor Patrick Dumont, and the rest of the Adelson family are not from here, and that their time in Dallas did not overlap with any part of Nowitzki’s 21-year playing career. If that weren’t the case, they’d grasp that even a title, however unlikely— and considering the state of rival contenders, it is indeed unlikely—probably does not heal this wound on its own. To know Dallas is to understand that Nowitzki was not beloved for his championship ring nearly as much as for his embrace of a city that was always trying to measure up: as his unspoken, unwavering reassurance that this place was enough. That spawned what I’ve referred to as The Dirk Generation, millions of people who committed to a person as much as a team, whose Mavericks experience—if not Dallas experience —orbited around an adopted son of the city growing from a boy to a man in our presence, and celebrating all the great things he did along the way. Harrison、球隊老闆 Patrick Dumont 以及 Adelson 家族的其他成員, 從來不是這兒的人,這一點從未如此明顯。 他們在達拉斯的時間,也從未與 Nowitzki 21年的職業生涯重疊過。 若不是如此,他們應該能夠明白,即使這筆交易最後奇蹟似地帶來了一座總冠軍 ——考慮到其他爭冠球隊的狀況,這個可能性微乎其微—— 這道傷痕恐怕也不會因此痊癒。 了解達拉斯的人都知道, Nowitzki 之所以被這裡愛戴, 不僅僅是因為他拿到了總冠軍,而是因為他全心擁抱了這整座城市。 給予這個總是試圖證明自身價值的城市裡, 那種無聲且堅定的態度:讓整座城市感受到「我們這裡已經夠棒了」。 這種情感,催生了所謂的「Dirk世代」, 數百萬人不只是忠於一支球隊,而是忠於這個人。 他們的獨行俠記憶——甚至可以說是達拉斯記憶——圍繞著這位全城的義子, 見證他從青澀少年成長為成熟男人,並在這段旅程中,一同慶祝他締造的所有輝煌時刻。 Insofar as any of the clumsy parallels between Nowitzki and Doni ever made sense, the greatest was the possibility of Doni walking the path his mentor laid out. The Dirk Generation could raise The Luka Generation, and 40 years of people would enjoy something far rarer than a championship in today’ s transient, transactional sports world. There is no guarantee that would have happened, of course. Perhaps Doni would have demanded a trade eventually, or perhaps the city would someday turn on him for the same reason his team did. But neither of those outcomes was imminent, which means the Mavericks decided to take that experience away from people, without extracting anywhere close to the fortune it ought to cost. That will hang over the organization for decades. 儘管人們試圖將 Nowitzki 與 Luka 相提並論,這些比較或許有些牽強, 但其中最具意義的一點,是 Luka 原本有機會踏上他的導師曾鋪過的道路。 「Dirk世代」原本可以孕育出「Luka世代」, 讓這座城市的球迷,在長達 40 年的時間裡,擁有一種遠比總冠軍更為珍貴的體驗—— 在這個講求短期成效、交易頻繁的體育世界中, 見證一位傳奇球員從年輕小將一路成長、奉獻整個職業生涯。 當然,這一切並無法保證一定會發生。 也許 Luka 最終仍會要求交易,或許有一天, 這座城市會因為與球隊相同的理由而對他失去耐心。 但這些情況都並非迫在眉睫, 而獨行俠卻主動選擇剝奪球迷這樣的機會,且換來的回報遠不及應有的價值。 這筆交易的影響,將長久籠罩在這支球隊的歷史之中。 Never mind that, though. The Mavericks think they know best: that casting out a favorite son will help them win with hired guns, and that winning is enough for its own sake. They’d better be right. 不過算了啦,反正獨行俠認為他們自己最懂: 他們相信,放棄這位深受全城喜愛的球星,能夠讓球隊靠著外來的傭兵奪冠, 只要能夠拿到勝利本身就有足夠的價值。 希望他們是對的啦。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738574290.A.550.html

02/03 17:19, 4小時前 , 1F
02/03 17:19, 1F

02/03 17:19, 4小時前 , 2F
02/03 17:19, 2F

02/03 17:19, 4小時前 , 3F
小牛拿過冠軍了 需要的是情緒價值XD
02/03 17:19, 3F

02/03 17:20, 4小時前 , 4F
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02/03 17:20, 4小時前 , 5F
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02/03 17:20, 4小時前 , 6F
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02/03 17:20, 4小時前 , 7F
現任老闆開賭場的 果然是有新思路 反正粉絲和賭客
02/03 17:20, 7F

02/03 17:20, 4小時前 , 8F
一樣 都是當韭菜割
02/03 17:20, 8F

02/03 17:21, 4小時前 , 9F
真的只有不愛NBA 的老闆才敢這樣交易
02/03 17:21, 9F

02/03 17:21, 4小時前 , 10F
02/03 17:21, 10F
※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 02/03/2025 17:22:02

02/03 17:21, 4小時前 , 11F
幹他媽的 小牛管理層 跟新老闆 全部去給狗幹
02/03 17:21, 11F

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02/03 17:22, 4小時前 , 19F
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02/03 17:23, 4小時前 , 20F
唉 球團選擇炒短線
02/03 17:23, 20F

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02/03 17:23, 4小時前 , 29F
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02/03 17:23, 4小時前 , 30F
奪冠也是遺憾好嗎 而且小牛已經拿過一次了 球迷更
02/03 17:23, 30F

02/03 17:23, 4小時前 , 31F
77迷是真的多到誇張 我身邊大概7成的人都77迷
02/03 17:23, 31F

02/03 17:23, 4小時前 , 32F
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02/03 17:24, 4小時前 , 36F
KI 說不定也不想打了
02/03 17:24, 36F

02/03 17:24, 4小時前 , 37F
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02/03 17:24, 4小時前 , 38F
02/03 17:24, 38F
還有 362 則推文
02/03 18:37, 3小時前 , 401F
02/03 18:37, 401F

02/03 18:37, 3小時前 , 402F
It's business....
02/03 18:37, 402F

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02/03 18:39, 3小時前 , 406F
樓樓上 現在已經沒啥不可能了
02/03 18:39, 406F

02/03 18:39, 3小時前 , 407F
如果像5566說的那樣 德州人會高潮
02/03 18:39, 407F

02/03 18:40, 3小時前 , 408F
就算真的是 77也比旗子強多了
02/03 18:40, 408F

02/03 18:40, 3小時前 , 409F
02/03 18:40, 409F

02/03 18:41, 3小時前 , 410F
ai也是這樣說的 覺得獨行俠賺的人可能是組團迷吧
02/03 18:41, 410F

02/03 18:41, 3小時前 , 411F
的確是賭蠻大的 但小牛老闆或經營層認為他是對的
02/03 18:41, 411F

02/03 18:42, 3小時前 , 412F
就讓我們看下去 時間會證明誰眼光準確
02/03 18:42, 412F

02/03 18:44, 3小時前 , 413F
蛋雕自家神主牌 傷透球迷的心 怎麼那麼熟悉 好像那
02/03 18:44, 413F

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02/03 18:45, 3小時前 , 416F
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02/03 18:45, 3小時前 , 417F
77是真的有從Dirk傳承的 還不是那種兩代神主牌沒啥
02/03 18:45, 417F

02/03 18:45, 3小時前 , 418F
02/03 18:45, 418F

02/03 18:46, 3小時前 , 419F
關聯 單純球迷把自己希望投射上去那種
02/03 18:46, 419F

02/03 18:46, 3小時前 , 420F
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02/03 18:47, 3小時前 , 421F
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02/03 18:48, 3小時前 , 422F
好文 只能淚推了
02/03 18:48, 422F

02/03 18:50, 3小時前 , 423F
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02/03 18:51, 3小時前 , 424F
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02/03 18:53, 3小時前 , 425F
好文推 就算得到冠軍又怎樣,這樣對待盡心盡力的球
02/03 18:53, 425F

02/03 18:53, 3小時前 , 426F
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02/03 18:56, 3小時前 , 427F
那種戒指就是安慰獎 完全沒用
02/03 18:56, 427F

02/03 18:57, 3小時前 , 428F
這就像kobe連冠之後 拿亞軍把kobe蛋雕
02/03 18:57, 428F

02/03 19:01, 3小時前 , 429F
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02/03 19:02, 2小時前 , 430F
這也算企業責任一種? 球隊不在乎當地球迷很瞎
02/03 19:02, 430F

02/03 19:04, 2小時前 , 431F
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02/03 19:05, 2小時前 , 432F
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02/03 19:06, 2小時前 , 433F
這篇寫很好 D77是小牛這個世代的靈魂
02/03 19:06, 433F

02/03 19:06, 2小時前 , 434F
但是自己把靈魂送走的 怪不了其他人
02/03 19:06, 434F

02/03 19:07, 2小時前 , 435F
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02/03 19:07, 2小時前 , 436F
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02/03 19:07, 2小時前 , 437F
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02/03 19:09, 2小時前 , 438F
雖然不是小牛迷,這篇文章真的每次看都快流淚 QQ
02/03 19:09, 438F

02/03 19:11, 2小時前 , 439F
02/03 19:11, 439F

02/03 19:12, 2小時前 , 440F
02/03 19:12, 440F
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