[外絮] Andre Iguodala 球衣退休儀式

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Warriors retire former Finals MVP Andre Iguodala's jersey 來源:https://es.pn/4k8t9pX https://i.imgur.com/zt1HzFh.jpeg
SAN FRANCISCO -- With his family and former teammates such as Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson on hand, Andre Iguodala was honored Sunday by the Golden State War riors as the franchise raised his No. 9 jersey to the rafters at the Chase Cente r. 舊金山——在他的家人和前隊友,如Stephen Curry與Klay Thompson在場的見證下,Andre Iguodala在週日接受了金州勇士隊的榮耀,該隊將他的9號球衣掛上了Chase Center的天花 板。 https://i.imgur.com/3Lusyxx.jpeg
Iguodala became only the seventh Warriors player to have his jersey retired, joi ning Wilt Chamberlain (No. 13), Chris Mullin (No. 17), Nate Thurmond (No. 42), A lvin Attles (No. 16), Rick Barry (No. 24) and Tom Meschery (No. 14). Iguodala成為第七位球衣被退役的勇士球員,與Wilt Chamberlain(13號)、Chris Mullin (17號)、Nate Thurmond(42號)、Alvin Attles(16號)、Rick Barry(24號)和Tom M eschery(14號)一起,成為勇士隊的傳奇之一。 https://i.imgur.com/b2iUXSx.jpeg
Iguodala spent much of his retirement ceremony speech thanking behind-the-scenes staff members of the Warriors organization, and his gratitude extended to fans and teammates. 在他的退役儀式演講中,Iguodala大部分時間都在感謝勇士這個組織的幕後工作人員,他的 感謝之情也延伸到球迷和隊友。 https://i.imgur.com/skCjcr4.jpeg
"None of this would have happened without all of you, the fans," he said. 「沒有你們,球迷們,這一切不會發生。」他說。 "We haven't really had time to reflect, Steph, you made the world turn. That is not something you say lightly. You trulychanged the game of basketball. It was beautiful. ... I understood my role. I understood the genius of Draymond [Green] , the genius of Klay, the genius of Kevin Durant. ... Shaun Livingston and I ... we had this unique team that understood, had this precious ultra-talented assas sin. Steph, none of this happens without you." 「我們還沒有真正反思,Steph,你讓世界轉動,這不是隨便說說的話。你真的是改變了籃 球比賽,而這是美麗的。... 我明白我的角色。我也明白Draymond [Green] 的天賦、Klay 的天賦、Kevin Durant的天賦。... Shaun Livingston和我... 我們擁有一支獨特的隊伍, 大家互相理解,並擁有這位珍貴的超級天才刺客。Steph,沒有你,這一切都不會發生。」 https://i.imgur.com/rlToPJB.jpeg
The versatile forward, who was one of the Warriors' most significant acquisition s in franchise history in 2013 and sacrificed by coming off the bench, is the fi rst from the four-championship Golden State dynasty core to have his jersey reti red. Curry, Thompson and Green will certainly join Iguodala once they retire. An d Durant, who won two titles and two Finals MVPs with Golden State, is expected to receive the honor as well. 這位多才多藝的前鋒,2013年加入勇士隊並付出了犧牲,從替補打起,是勇士四冠王朝核心 中首位被退役球衣的球員。Curry、Thompson和Green一旦退役,勢必會加入Iguodala的行列 。Durant則有可能會繼續接受這一榮譽,因為他與勇士隊一起奪得了兩次總冠軍並兩度獲得 總決賽MVP。 Curry called it "weird and surreal" to see Iguodala be the first from the champi onship core to be honored. Curry also said Iguodala's decision to join the Warri ors and add his basketball IQ was a pivotal moment for the franchise and helped turn a contender into a dynasty. Curry表示,看到Iguodala成為首位被退役球衣的冠軍核心成員,這讓他感到「奇怪而不真 實」。Curry也說,Iguodala選擇加入勇士並帶來他的籃球智慧是這支球隊的轉折點,幫助 勇士從一支有競爭力的隊伍變成了王朝。 https://i.imgur.com/zSiViNm.jpeg
"Since you left that locker room, it has been hard to fill that void," Curry sai d. "But you also left me with the title of oldest Warrior. ... When we see that jersey up in the rafters, deservedly so, it just sinks in that we are old." 「自從你離開更衣室後,很難填補這個空缺。」Curry說。「但你也留下了我這個‘最年長 勇士’的頭銜。... 當我們看到那件球衣掛在天花板上、覺得理所當然的時候,就會感覺到 我們變老了。」 https://i.imgur.com/HKmduP3.png
Iguodala helped Golden State win titles in 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2022. The 6-foot -6 swingman won Finals MVP in 2015, averaging 16.3 points, 5.8 rebounds and 4.0 assists in the six-game Finals win. He was inserted into the starting lineup aft er Golden State trailed 2-1 in the series to the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the Wa rriors won three straight games. Iguodala幫助金州勇士隊贏得了2015年、2017年、2018年和2022年的總冠軍。他在2015年的 總決賽中榮膺總決賽MVP,場均16.3分、5.8個籃板和4.0次助攻,幫助勇士隊以4-2戰勝克里 夫蘭騎士。他在勇士隊2-1落後的情況下進入首發陣容,接著勇士隊連贏三場比賽。 https://i.imgur.com/udyVA5n.jpeg
He averaged 6.9 points, 3.8 rebounds and 3.4 assists in 26.0 minutes over eight seasons (2013-19, 2021-23). 他在八個賽季(2013-19,2021-23)中,場均6.9分、3.8個籃板和3.4次助攻,平均上場26. 0分鐘。 "I think we all can feel it but this isn't just about a number going into the ra fters," Curry said. "This is about a player who changed the course of our entire franchise. ... You were the first one to choose us, and that meant the world. F or a team that knew we were good but didn't know how to get to that next level, you unlocked so much confidence, so much IQ, so much maturity to what we did. 「我想我們都能感受到這一點,但這不只是關於一個數字被掛上天花板。」Curry說。「這 是關於一位改變我們整個球隊命運的球員。... 你是第一個選擇我們的,那對我們來說意義 重大。對於一支知道自己很強但不知道如何邁向下一層次的球隊來說,你解鎖了許多信心、 智慧和成熟。」 "You sacrificed ego for excellence, which for us is the Warriors way." 「你為卓越犧牲了自我,而這正是勇士隊的精神。」 https://i.imgur.com/vR9iTjf.jpeg
On a day when the Warriors celebrated their previous championships, they also ha d Jimmy Butler make his home debut and kept things rolling with their newest sta r. The Warriors routed the Dallas Mavericks 126-102 on Sunday. Butler has helped Go lden State begin to turn around its season, with the Warriors improving to 5-1 w ith the forward in the lineup. Four of the wins have come in blowout fashion. Th e Warriors (30-27) have won three straight for the first time since Nov. 15. 在勇士隊慶祝他們過去的冠軍時,他們也迎來了Jimmy Butler的主場首秀,並以126-102大 勝達拉斯獨行俠。Butler幫助勇士隊扭轉本賽季的局面,勇士隊在他上場的比賽中取得了5 勝1負的戰績,四場勝利均為大比分獲勝。勇士隊(30勝27敗)也迎來了三連勝,這是自11 月15日以來的首次。 https://i.imgur.com/pxQgiEl.jpeg
Curry led the Warriors with 30 points and seven assists. Butler scored 18 points and had five assists but his impact has gone beyond statistics. Butler's presen ce has rejuvenated Curry, Green and coach Steve Kerr, and the team looks vastly different from the one that struggled before the trade. Golden State is two game s back in the loss column of the sixth-place LA Clippers. The Warriors say sixth , which avoids the play-in, is their goal with 25 games remaining in the season. Curry以30分和7次助攻領銜勇士隊,Butler則貢獻18分和5次助攻,但他的影響力超越了數 據。Butler的到來讓Curry、Green和教練Steve Kerr重新焕發活力,球隊看起來與交易前的 困境完全不同。金州勇士隊目前落後第六名洛杉磯快艇兩場,並表示他們的目標是確保進入 第六名,以避開附加賽,距離賽季結束還有25場比賽。 "The game feels easier for us right now," Kerr said. "Jimmy, the game makes sens e when he is out there. He gets to the line. He makes plays. ... You can feel th e difference for sure." 「對我們來說,現在比賽感覺變得更輕鬆了。」Kerr說。「Jimmy,當他在場上時,整個比 賽變得有條理。他能去罰球線,並製造進攻機會。... 你絕對能感受到這種不同。」 After the win, the Warriors held their ceremony for Iguodala with representative s of the six Warriors legends who already had their jerseys retired in attendanc e. In addition to current players, former teammates such as Livingston were ther e, as well as Rob Pelinka, Iguodala's former agent and the Los Angeles Lakers' g eneral manager. Thompson and Mavericks GM Nico Harrison stayed to attend the cel ebration. Former Warriors GM Bob Myers spoke at the ceremony after calling the g ame for ESPN. 在比賽結束後,勇士隊舉行了Iguodala的球衣退役儀式,儀式上有六位勇士隊傳奇球員的代 表出席。除了現役球員,像是Livingston等前隊友也來到現場,還有Iguodala的前經紀人、 洛杉磯湖人隊總經理Rob Pelinka。Thompson和獨行俠總經理Nico Harrison也留下來參加慶 祝。前勇士隊總經理Bob Myers在為ESPN播報完比賽後,發表了演講。 The team also showed congratulatory video messages from Durant, who received an ovation from the fans when his message appeared on the big screen; Clippers All- Star James Harden; Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra; former Warriors assistant co ach Luke Walton; and fellow Arizona standouts such as Richard Jefferson and Chan ning Frye. 球隊還播放了Durant的祝賀影片,他出現時收到了球迷的熱烈掌聲;快艇隊全明星James Ha rden;邁阿密熱火隊教練Erik Spoelstra;前勇士助理教練Luke Walton;以及其他來自亞 利桑那州的知名球員,如Richard Jefferson和Channing Frye,也發送了祝賀信息。 https://i.imgur.com/y6BcMNZ.jpeg
"I had the opportunity to kind of help those guys as they were younger coming in to their own," Iguodala said about the Warriors when he joined them. "But then a lso, it's rare, I think, in professional sports to see a guy that's kinda still in his prime and kinda take a back seat or actually willingly move out the way f or the up-and-coming guys. Steph, it wasn't that hard to move out the way. Klay too, Draymond too, so it was just a great, unique situation. It's actually funny that you start to celebrate it while it's kind of still going on. Those guys ar e still on the court, still playing very well. 「當我加入勇士隊時,我有機會幫助那些年輕球員成長。」Iguodala說。「但同時,我認為 在職業體育中很少見到一位仍在巔峰期的球員,能夠退到一邊,甚至願意為新一代球員讓路 。Steph,對我來說,讓路並不難。Klay也是,Draymond也是,所以這真的是一個極為特殊 的情況。其實,當你還在場上時,很難去真正欣賞自己所做的事情。這些球員依然在場上, 依然打得非常好。」 "It worked out perfectly with Klay being able to be here. ... I don't know if yo u're ever really able to appreciate what you've done because you're still in it, and my life right now is like I'm still in it, it's even more busy, so hopefull y get a chance to properly reflect, but just that competitive nature and spirit. You never really get a chance to appreciate your accomplishments." 「Klay能夠在這邊陪伴我,讓我覺得一切都非常完美。... 我不確定是否能真正欣賞自己所 做的事情,因為我依然在其中,生活變得更加忙碌。希望能有機會好好反思,但那種競爭精 神從來沒有停過,你永遠無法真正欣賞自己的成就。」 https://i.imgur.com/qMxdPus.jpeg
- 很有誠意的一場退休儀式,勇士王朝第一個退役球衣的球員-Andre Iguodala 文有點長,分享一下退役儀式的細節給喜歡他的球迷看看! https://i.imgur.com/0hlZtWE.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740385573.A.53C.html

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※ 編輯: LukaDoncic77 ( 臺灣), 02/24/2025 16:28:28

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那些年有小AI照三餐鎖爛姆斯真的很令人放心 尤其是
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17年總冠G3最後騎士落後3分 右側底角抄姆斯那球
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Zaza應該是下一個 帶領勇士絕境逆轉 成就勇士
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02/24 16:33, 1月前 , 23F
幫熊熊噓 幫威力噓
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02/24 16:38, 1月前 , 28F
冠軍戰 the搶斷,還被踢蛋,真的是勇士王朝大功臣
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02/24 16:44, 1月前 , 34F
沒辦法 這個敗人品欠噓
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還有 288 則推文
02/25 01:45, 1月前 , 327F
就事論事 結果還是有人在亂
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02/25 02:54, 1月前 , 330F
職業道德 勇士文化
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02/25 03:01, 1月前 , 331F
幫dlo bamba AR AD JV噓
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02/25 03:45, 1月前 , 333F
勇士就一堆道德低下的咖 傷人的傷人 領錢不報到的
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02/25 09:09, 1月前 , 344F
這裡的人有病 真的有病
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02/25 09:09, 1月前 , 345F
你媽才道德低下 真的是夠白癡
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02/25 09:57, 1月前 , 348F
實質MVP 推推
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02/25 11:38, 1月前 , 350F
沒職業道德的咖 也只有勇迷挺了
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02/25 12:12, 1月前 , 351F
這個球員的運動精神挺缺乏 因此噁心而讓人不舒服
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02/25 13:33, 1月前 , 355F
謝謝你 AI
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02/25 15:05, 1月前 , 358F
抱歉了原po 這球員欠噓
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02/25 17:43, 1月前 , 359F
勇士的聖人 他隊的吉巴人
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02/25 18:21, 1月前 , 360F
幫噓 沒多強還很當自己是一回事
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