[外絮] Bronny戰報:重返NBA賽場 潛力評估

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洞77)時間23小時前 (2025/03/05 15:59), 編輯推噓-45(418663)
留言190則, 117人參與, 7小時前最新討論串1/1
Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son returns as Lakers superstar achiev es 50k points milestone vs Pelicans (Mar. 4) 來源:https://bit.ly/4i65Tri https://i.imgur.com/fvSNBlC.jpeg
LeBron James' son, Bronny James, made his highly anticipated return to the LA La kers in Tuesday's clash against the New Orleans Pelicans. The Lakers steamrolled past their lottery-bound counterparts, allowing Bronny to get a run at the Cryp to.com Arena for the first time after Feb. 12. LeBron James 的兒子 Bronny James,在週二對陣 Pelicans 的比賽中,迎來了備受期待的 回歸,並重返洛杉磯湖人隊。湖人隊輕鬆擊敗了即將進入選秀抽籤的對手,讓 Bronny 在 2 月12日後首次在 Crypto.com Arena 上場。 Earlier in the night, LeBron scored his 50,000th career point in the NBA (regula r season and playoffs combined), making it the perfect time for Bronny to play f or the Lakers after a lengthy hiatus, with him suiting up for the South Bay Lake rs multiple times. 比賽開始不久,LeBron 完成了他 NBA 職業生涯的第 50,000 分(包括常規賽和季後賽), 這使得 Bronny 在經歷了一段長時間的休賽期後,回到湖人隊的時機顯得格外完美,他曾多 次為 South Bay Lakers 出戰。 Bronny played the final four minutes of the game against the Pelicans. The rooki e scored two points on 1 of 3 shots. Both his misses came from the free throw li ne. He had a rebound, one turnover and a +/- of -2. The Lakers won 136-115, with LeBron James dropping 34 points, eight rebounds, six assists and two blocks. Lu ka Doncic had 30 points, 15 assists and eight rebounds. Bronny 在對戰 Pelicans 的比賽中打了最後的四分鐘。這位新秀得到 2 分,投籃 3中 1。 他抓下 1 個籃板,1 次失誤,並且正負值為 -2。湖人隊以 136-115 獲勝,LeBron James 貢獻 34 分、8 籃板、6 助攻和 2 火鍋。Luka Doncic 則得到 30 分、15 助攻和 8 籃板 。 Bronny's only make was a layup against three Pelicans players. Here's the clip: Bronny 唯一的得分來自於在三名 Pelicans 防守球員包圍下的上籃。以下是該鏡頭的影片 : https://x.com/bleacherreport/status/1897163392923861286?s=46 South Bay reporter gets candid on LeBron James' son Bronny James' growth South Bay 記者坦言對 LeBron James 之子 Bronny James 成長的看法 Much has been made of Bronny James' archetype and potential as an NBA-caliber ro tation player for someone who was drafted 55th overall in the draft. However, th e scrutiny has come with LeBron James' endorsements of his son and the pressure that comes with their association. 關於 Bronny James 的原型和潛力,外界有很多討論,尤其是他在 NBA 這樣的輪換球員中 的潛力,儘管他在選秀中僅被選為第 55 位。然而,這些審視也伴隨著 LeBron James 對兒 子的支持,以及這種父子關係所帶來的壓力。 Bronny didn't have a promising start to life as a pro with the Lakers or in the G League with South Bay. However, he was in the process of building his confiden ce after a massive health scare in August 2023 derailed his basketball journey t o a degree. Bronny had an underwhelming college season at USC, but it wasn't tha t relevant as he made it to the pros, regardless. Bronny 在作為湖人隊或 South Bay G League 隊的一員初期並未展現出太大的亮點。不過 ,在經歷了 2023 年 8 月的一次重大健康危機後,他正逐步建立信心,這一事件一度讓他 的籃球之路受到了一定的阻礙。Bronny 在 USC 的大學賽季表現平平,但這並不影響他最終 成功進入了職業聯盟。 As he continues developing in the G League, South Bay reporter Raj Chipalu share d his insights on where Bronny James stands as a player during an appearance on Lakers insider Jovan Buha's podcast, "Buha's Block." 隨著他在 G League 繼續發展,South Bay 記者 Raj Chipalu 在接受湖人記者 Jovan Buha 的節目《Buha's Block》訪問時,分享了他對 Bronny James 作為球員的看法。 "He believes he's an on-ball guard," Chipalu said. "I still have healthy concern s about that ... Especially at that size, but he's definitely taken a huge leap from where he was at that first game to now. His confidence is just at a whole o ther level. To watch a guy that was refusing to shoot to take a bunch of a step back 3s ..” Chipalu 說:“他相信自己是個控球後衛。我對此仍然有些擔心...尤其是在他的身高情況 下,但他肯定比他在首場比賽時有了巨大的進步。他的信心已經提升到一個全新的層次。從 一個拒絕投籃的球員,到現在開始投進後撤步的三分球,這是令人驚訝的。” https://youtu.be/FhEKktNbKaQ?si=8NaXktJuwMSQH5oD
Chipalu assessed that Bronny James isn't ready yet to contribute as a backup poi nt guard on the Lakers, especially with the small sample sizes of him with the p arent team. However, Chipalu called Bronny the best on-ball guard on the South B ay Lakers. Chipalu 評估認為,Bronny James 目前還沒有準備好在湖人隊擔任後援的控球後衛,尤其 是考慮到他在母隊的出場樣本還非常少。然而,Chipalu 也稱 Bronny 是 South Bay Laker s 最好的控球後衛。 - 今天雖然只有2分,但身旁有姆斯跟77 相信布朗尼應該能學到很多控衛技巧吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741161546.A.449.html

03/05 15:59, 23小時前 , 1F
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03/05 16:00, 23小時前 , 5F
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03/05 16:00, 23小時前 , 6F
他是不是又變壯了 ......
03/05 16:00, 6F

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03/05 16:03, 23小時前 , 15F
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03/05 16:03, 23小時前 , 16F
他就是LBJ Buff機,老爸為了讓他上會認真打
03/05 16:03, 16F

03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 17F
之前看到LBJ就是開嘴 現在都嘴巴閉閉只敢發皇子文
03/05 16:04, 17F

03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 18F
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03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 19F
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03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 20F
幫補 一群對人不對文的 讓想認真討論朗尼的也沒辦
03/05 16:04, 20F

03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 21F
法 唉
03/05 16:04, 21F

03/05 16:04, 23小時前 , 22F
03/05 16:04, 22F

03/05 16:05, 23小時前 , 23F
唉 你到底要玩多久
03/05 16:05, 23F

03/05 16:05, 23小時前 , 24F
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03/05 16:06, 23小時前 , 25F
03/05 16:06, 25F

03/05 16:06, 23小時前 , 26F
03/05 16:06, 26F

03/05 16:06, 23小時前 , 27F
如果有一大群人都對人不對文 那可能是那個人的問題
03/05 16:06, 27F

03/05 16:07, 23小時前 , 28F
建議自我檢討 對啊 :)
03/05 16:07, 28F

03/05 16:07, 23小時前 , 29F
去工作 真的
03/05 16:07, 29F

03/05 16:07, 23小時前 , 30F
朗尼是用到你家WIFI嗎 很針對耶
03/05 16:07, 30F

03/05 16:07, 23小時前 , 31F
03/05 16:07, 31F

03/05 16:08, 23小時前 , 32F
爸爸 你要看的朗文來了
03/05 16:08, 32F

03/05 16:08, 23小時前 , 33F
下不了台很痛苦嗎 整天發廢文
03/05 16:08, 33F

03/05 16:09, 23小時前 , 34F
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03/05 16:09, 23小時前 , 38F
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03/05 16:09, 23小時前 , 39F
03/05 16:09, 39F
還有 111 則推文
03/05 18:47, 21小時前 , 151F
03/05 18:47, 151F

03/05 18:48, 21小時前 , 152F
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03/05 18:51, 21小時前 , 153F
不用對不起吧 畢竟被一群人點名調侃的不是我呀 :)
03/05 18:51, 153F

03/05 18:52, 21小時前 , 154F
我們對話過程中 你那句對人不對文又被抓出來笑了
03/05 18:52, 154F

03/05 18:52, 21小時前 , 155F
我才對不起你 不該第一個抓你出來笑 好多人跟上 :(
03/05 18:52, 155F

03/05 18:54, 21小時前 , 156F
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03/05 19:02, 20小時前 , 157F
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03/05 19:06, 20小時前 , 158F
噗 我只能說你小劇場真的挺多的 這點倒是挺佩服你XD
03/05 19:06, 158F

03/05 19:08, 20小時前 , 159F
對不起啦 真的 我不該讓大家注意到你的推文
03/05 19:08, 159F

03/05 19:10, 20小時前 , 160F
a5好努力推唷 加油:)
03/05 19:10, 160F

03/05 19:10, 20小時前 , 161F
我都不覺得怎麼樣的事你可以在那一直提 會不會太貼
03/05 19:10, 161F

03/05 19:10, 20小時前 , 162F
心了 看來我好像應該在意一下了 不然對你多不好意
03/05 19:10, 162F

03/05 19:10, 20小時前 , 163F
03/05 19:10, 163F

03/05 19:13, 20小時前 , 164F
哦 ... 畢竟每個人臉皮厚度不一樣 :/
03/05 19:13, 164F

03/05 19:16, 20小時前 , 165F
03/05 19:16, 165F

03/05 19:27, 20小時前 , 166F
快樂寶貝 嘻嘻
03/05 19:27, 166F

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03/05 20:00, 19小時前 , 172F
那真實太感謝你了 原來我臉皮那麼薄
03/05 20:00, 172F

03/05 20:00, 19小時前 , 173F
愛朗尼 亂噓的建議桶一桶
03/05 20:00, 173F

03/05 20:00, 19小時前 , 174F
原來那麼多人在點名喔 我好難過喔:(
03/05 20:00, 174F

03/05 20:00, 19小時前 , 175F
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03/05 20:23, 19小時前 , 178F
03/05 20:23, 178F

03/05 20:24, 19小時前 , 179F
整天在那秀下限 還怪人家點名你
03/05 20:24, 179F

03/05 20:24, 19小時前 , 180F
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03/05 20:27, 19小時前 , 181F
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03/05 20:50, 19小時前 , 185F
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03/05 23:38, 16小時前 , 186F
湖迷真可怕~ 這麼酸不得 當初就別搞特權
03/05 23:38, 186F

03/05 23:39, 16小時前 , 187F
演一齣皇子大戲 然後對酸的人進行人格毀滅
03/05 23:39, 187F

03/05 23:53, 16小時前 , 188F
03/05 23:53, 188F

03/05 23:54, 16小時前 , 189F
03/05 23:54, 189F

03/06 08:19, 7小時前 , 190F
鐵血兩分 有老爸風範
03/06 08:19, 190F
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