[花邊] 騎士連續3場落後15分後逆轉 賽後進行檢討

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (嘆息之雨)時間14小時前 (2025/03/05 19:31), 9小時前編輯推噓14(14016)
留言30則, 21人參與, 6小時前最新討論串1/1
隨隊記者chris fedor的文 https://x.com/ChrisFedor/status/1897198358953124061 https://pse.is/78p2eg CHICAGO — The Cavs had just extended their winning streak to 11 games with yet another 20-plus point win. But it wasn’t a celebratory visitor’s locker room inside Chicago’s United Center. At least, not right away. Because the final score was in no way indicative of Cleveland’s substandard performance, needing to rally from a one-time 15-point deficit against a mediocre opponent missing six rotational players. 騎士在芝加哥客場以20分以上的勝分打贏公牛,取得11連勝後並未馬上在更衣室慶祝 因為最終比分並未反映騎士低於水準的表現,對面公牛躺了6個人 但騎士卻一度落後15分需要苦苦追趕 “Unacceptable,” Donovan Mitchell said following the 139-117 triumph. “We have to stop doing that. We are a talented team and we are winning these games . But at some point it’s going to come back to bite us in the butt. We have to come out sharper. We have to come out and set the tone. Those things can’t happen.” 米丘:"這是難以接受的。""我們必須停止這種情況,我們有天賦贏得這些比賽,但這種 先大幅落後再來追分的方式,遲早會出問題。必須從開場就進入狀況,設立明確的基調 ,這種開場大幅落後的情況不該再發生。" Only they have been. Frequently. On Friday night, Cleveland went down 25-3 in the first five minutes against mighty Boston, trailing for more than 38 minutes before a gutsy fourth quarter rally that stunned the sellout TD Garden crowd. Sunday was similar, with Portland scoring the first basket and leading the entire first quarter. The young Blazers, fighting for a spot in the play-in tournament, were up double digits at halftime and led for nearly 39 minutes overall, by a game-high 18 — until the Cavs flipped a switch and prevailed in overtime. Then came Tuesday night. Falling behind early for the third straight game. A nasty trend. 這些事已經連續發生了 上週對青賽,開場5分鐘就被打爆,3-25落後22分,前38分鐘都是落後狀態,直到第四節 才逆轉 打阿拓也是,整個第一節都是阿拓領先,騎士半場落後雙位數,第三節一度落後18分, 直到末節調整狀態後拖入OT逆轉 今天也是,連續三場 一個很糟糕的趨勢 “It’s definitely a bad habit. We all know it is,” Jarrett Allen said. “We have these slow starts that we need to get rid of. When we start playing teams that are going to be in the playoffs, they are going to attack us early and we can’t always go down first and have to fight back. Makes it so much harder . But the thing about this team, we will develop a bad habit and we will change it in a couple games. I’m not worried.” Allen:"我們都知道這絕對是壞習慣,這種慢熱的情況必須改掉,在面對季後賽等級的 隊伍時,對面會快速進入狀態,不能總是先落後再來追分,這會讓比賽變得很艱難。 不過我們總是能盡速改掉壞習慣,所以對此並不擔心。" Allen has a point. A little more than a month ago, Cavs coach Kenny Atkinson noticed some troubling slippage on defense, citing a lack of focus and attention to detail. He told players that closeouts had to be sharper and communication needed to be amplified. Over the last 15 games, Cleveland ranks third at that end of the floor. Then came a pointed conversation about boxing out — a result of seeing his team get out-muscled on the interior a few times in February. The Cavs are 10th in rebounding percentage overall but fifth since Jan. 29. JA說的沒錯 大約一個月前,總教練阿金注意到防守出現令人擔憂的下滑,指出球員缺乏專注跟對細節 的重視,防守溝通必須加強,收縮必須做得更好,在過去15場比賽中,騎士防守排行聯盟 第三 之後2月時數次被對手內線壓制,阿金也檢討了卡位問題,此後騎士的籃板數排名也有所 提升 The newest objective is starting fast. “We held ourselves accountable,” Mitchell said. “It’s three games in a row now. That’s the challenge. We’re winning games. But now that is the challenge within that — coming out sharp.” Missing their first seven 3-point attempts and 13 of the first 15, the Cavs finished with just 24 points in the first quarter, tied for the sixth-lowest output this season. A few minutes into the second quarter, they were behind by 15. They even trailed at halftime. Again. It was a tie game with about seven minutes remaining — until the Cavs outscored Chicago 32-10 the rest of the way. “We have to be careful,” Atkinson admitted. “This league is too hard. We had a great fourth quarter but for three quarters we were sleepwalking. If you play with your food too much ... for a team with the best record in the league, that’s not our identity.” “We weren’t playing our type of basketball,” Allen added. “It just clicked at the end.” 新的課題是快速暖機進入狀態 米丘:"已經連續三場了,我們持續在贏球但仍須面臨開場慢熱問題,這是個挑戰,我們需 要快速進入狀態" 今天騎士的前七次3分出手都沒進,前15次3分投籃只中2,第一節只拿到24分 是本賽季第6低,進入第二節後一度落後15分。 然後在末節剩下7分鐘,處於平手後一波32-10爆打帶走比賽 "我們必須要小心"阿金承認,"聯盟競爭激烈,我們有個很棒的第四節,但前三節打得很 迷航,不能總是這樣掉以輕心......這對一隻聯盟最佳戰績的球隊來說,並非該有的風格 跟標準" JA補充道"我們並沒有打出應有的風格,直到最後才開始發力挽回。" The Cavs, who rested Evan Mobley on the first night of a back-to-back, won the decisive fourth quarter, 43-23. They built the lead to a game-high 24, eventually overwhelming and outclassing the undermanned Bulls. It took just seven minutes of high-level basketball to turn a competitive game into another rout. Only it shouldn’t have gotten to that point. 騎士在B2B比賽的第一場輪休Mobley,以43-23的第四節表現取勝。只打了7分鐘的高水準 表現,就把領先擴大至比賽最大的24分差,輾壓了人手不足的公牛,把膠著的比賽變成 大勝,但這本並不應該這樣發展。 “We came in after the game and talked about how we have to get off to better starts,” sixth man Ty Jerome said. “Playing around with the game can come back to bite us.” Mitchell blamed the starters for not setting the tone. Darius Garland said he ’s sensing a lack of energy at the outset — walking the ball up the floor, getting into sets slowly, not making the extra rotation. Jerome:"我們賽後進行了討論,我們必須在開局時做得更好,如果繼續這樣散漫下去 遲早會付出代價" 米丘認為先發球員們沒有在比賽開始時設定好基調,沒有展現出應有強度好好掌握節奏 Garland則感覺在比賽開局時球隊缺乏精力,進入進攻戰術速度過慢,沒有做好輪轉 Most nights, Tuesday’s result would lead to a joyful vibe. The Cavs currently hold the NBA’s longest active win streak. The 51-10 mark is the 10th-best start in league history. A 16th win by at least 20 points is a franchise single-season record. The magic number for the Eastern Conference’s top seed is 14. But beyond the end result, that wasn’t a quality showing. The Cavs demand better from themselves. They have bigger goals in mind. With about a month remaining in the regular season, it’s about continuing to build habits. Championship habits. Not bad ones. 大多數的夜晚,這場的勝利結果會令人感到愉快。騎士目前保持著NBA最長的連勝紀錄 (11連勝)。51-10的戰績是聯盟歷史上第十好的開局,16場20分以上勝利是隊史紀錄。 東部第一的魔術數字還有14。 但除了結果外,這場比賽表現並不優質。騎士對自己有更好的要求,有更大的目標。離 例行賽結束大約還有一個月,球隊需要繼續養成好的、冠軍級的習慣,而非壞習慣。 “I think it shows where our goals are and where we want to be,” Jerome said. “We know how hard it is to get where we want to go, and we can’t keep messing around like that with the game like that.” Jerome:"我認為這表現出了我們球隊的目標跟方向" "我們知道達到冠軍的目標有多困難,我們不能再這樣打下去,必須更加專注投入比賽" ---------------------- 附個這三場的LEAD TRACKER 對青賽 最後123:116 https://i.imgur.com/ACF2BiW.png
對阿拓 最後133:129 https://i.imgur.com/1ppAbVT.png
對公牛 最後139:117 https://i.imgur.com/7s14BfQ.png
結果看起來好但從開頭看 真的會吐血 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741174291.A.9FB.html

03/05 19:32, 14小時前 , 1F
事不過三 一直這樣開局真的頭暈...
03/05 19:32, 1F

03/05 19:33, 14小時前 , 2F
03/05 19:33, 2F

03/05 19:33, 14小時前 , 3F
03/05 19:33, 3F

03/05 19:34, 14小時前 , 4F
不過至少很有韌性 落後多少分 都想打回來
03/05 19:34, 4F

03/05 19:34, 14小時前 , 5F
03/05 19:34, 5F

03/05 19:46, 13小時前 , 6F
我還以為是故意的XD 那真的需要上緊發條 感覺連勝太
03/05 19:46, 6F

03/05 19:46, 13小時前 , 7F
多懈怠了都要落後很多才發力追 不過聯盟第一還要開
03/05 19:46, 7F

03/05 19:46, 13小時前 , 8F
03/05 19:46, 8F
哪可能是故意的… 把那三場 騎士的隊名跟結果遮起來 只貼上半場的分差演變 還連三場 這只會讓人以為這是隻墊底球隊吧

03/05 19:47, 13小時前 , 9F
阿金季初沒多久就幫忙上發條了 就贏球是好事情
03/05 19:47, 9F

03/05 19:48, 13小時前 , 10F
但一直贏不代表你真的就那麼強 那個專注度跟注意力
03/05 19:48, 10F

03/05 19:48, 13小時前 , 11F
03/05 19:48, 11F

03/05 19:49, 13小時前 , 12F
03/05 19:49, 12F

03/05 19:54, 13小時前 , 13F
03/05 19:54, 13F

03/05 19:55, 13小時前 , 14F
03/05 19:55, 14F
※ 編輯: cross980115 ( 臺灣), 03/05/2025 19:57:02

03/05 19:56, 13小時前 , 15F
03/05 19:56, 15F

03/05 19:58, 13小時前 , 16F
03/05 19:58, 16F

03/05 20:06, 13小時前 , 17F
03/05 20:06, 17F

03/05 20:09, 13小時前 , 18F
03/05 20:09, 18F

03/05 20:10, 13小時前 , 19F
季後賽再這樣搞真的會下去 是該好好檢討
03/05 20:10, 19F

03/05 20:13, 13小時前 , 20F
03/05 20:13, 20F

03/05 20:21, 13小時前 , 21F
03/05 20:21, 21F

03/05 20:28, 13小時前 , 22F
前七次3分出手都沒進,前15次投籃只中2 還能得24分
03/05 20:28, 22F
那個15次應該也是3分出手 是我翻的不夠通順 稍微改了下 查了下第一節騎士3分出手 2/12 第二節前3次3分出手也都沒進 應該是指這段時間的3分出手

03/05 20:28, 13小時前 , 23F
雷霆則是領先然後被追被超前 這兩隊玩得不一樣
03/05 20:28, 23F

03/05 20:28, 13小時前 , 24F
現在到底打多快啊 ..
03/05 20:28, 24F
會這樣提是因為後續命中率有修正 到終場3分出手是17/48 ※ 編輯: cross980115 ( 臺灣), 03/05/2025 20:49:06

03/05 21:20, 12小時前 , 25F
上半場坦隊 下半場強隊
03/05 21:20, 25F

03/05 21:35, 12小時前 , 26F
03/05 21:35, 26F

03/06 00:27, 9小時前 , 27F
03/06 00:27, 27F
因為對面躺了6個人 而我們有實力打爆 卻要搞到”大幅落後再來追分”,這本來就不應該發生 應該更早進入狀態然後早早拉開分差 而非慢熱到大幅落後再來反超打爆 這幾場追回來了,但季後賽可沒得說場場這麼慢熱還能夠追回來,搞不好就被一波帶走 這並不是冠軍級隊伍該有的習慣

03/06 00:30, 9小時前 , 28F
03/06 00:30, 28F
※ 編輯: cross980115 ( 臺灣), 03/06/2025 00:34:52

03/06 01:05, 8小時前 , 29F
對到有頂級巨星強拉尾盤的 騎士這套就不行了
03/06 01:05, 29F

03/06 02:41, 6小時前 , 30F
03/06 02:41, 30F
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