[外絮] 獨行俠老闆有望接拉斯維加斯金沙集團CE0

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洛城浪子)時間5小時前 (2025/03/10 19:55), 5小時前編輯推噓102(1121052)
留言174則, 137人參與, 1小時前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/dallasnews/status/1898579496975974650 https://reurl.cc/Nbz3bn Dallas Mavericks governor Patrick Dumont in line to become Las Vegas Sands CEO Dallas Mavericks governor Patrick Dumont is poised to become the next CEO of Las Vegas Sands, the resort and casino development company founded by his late father-in-law, Sheldon Adelson. 達拉斯獨行俠管理層 Patrick Dumont 即將成為拉斯維加斯金沙集團的下一任執行長, 該度假與賭場開發公司,由他的已故岳父 Sheldon Adelson 創立。 The board of directors intends for Dumont to take over as chairman and CEO in March 2026, when Robert Goldstein transitions to the role of senior advisor, the company announced Thursday. Goldstein will serve until March 2028, according to a news release. 根據該公司週四的公告,董事會計劃由 Dumont 於 2026 年 3 月接任董事長兼執行長, 屆時現任執行長 Robert Goldstein 將轉任高級顧問。 根據新聞稿,Goldstein 將擔任該職位至 2028 年 3 月。 Dumont and his mother-in-law, Miriam Adelson, purchased a majority stake in the Mavericks from Mark Cuban in December 2023. As governor, Dumont represents the team on the NBA Board of Governors. Dumont 與其岳母 Miriam Adelson 於 2023 年 12 月, 從 Mark Cuban 手中收購了獨行俠的多數股權。 作為球隊管理層代表,Dumont 負責在 NBA 理事會中代表獨行俠。 Adelson is the largest shareholder of Sands, which operates casino resorts in Singapore and Macau. It reached an agreement to sell its Las Vegas properties, including The Venetian, in 2021. Adelson 是金沙集團的最大股東,該公司在新加坡和澳門經營賭場度假村。 金沙於 2021 年達成協議出售其位於拉斯維加斯的資產,包括威尼斯人酒店。 An entity connected to Sands owns most of a 182-acre tract of land in Irving that could be used for a new Mavericks arena, if the city approves an application to rezone the area. 與金沙集團相關的實體擁有位於 Irving 的大部分 182 英畝土地, 該地區若獲得城市批准重新劃分區域,可能成為獨行俠新主場球館的所在地。 Since his first interview as team governor, Dumont has been clear about his vision for a new arena, though he has said the franchise will fulfill its American Airlines Center lease, which expires in July 2031. 自擔任球隊管理層代表以來,Dumont 一直明確表達對新球館的願景, 儘管他表示球隊將履行與美國航空中心(American Airlines Center)的租約, 該租約將於 2031 年 7 月到期。 The zoning changes don’t guarantee the arena would be built in Irving, but they would create a high-intensity mixed-use area that in part would be earmarked for “an arena with a minimum of 15,000 seats and/or an indoor theater with a minimum of 4,000 seats.” 雖然區域變更並不代表球館一定會建在 Irving, 但這項計畫將打造一個高密度的綜合用途區域,其中部分區域將預留給 「至少 15,000 個座位的球館和/或至少 4,000 個座位的室內劇院。」 The application also would clear the way for the construction of a destination resort with one or more luxury hotels, which “may include Casino Gaming if authorized by the Constitution and laws of the state of Texas.” 該申請還將為興建度假勝地鋪路,其中可能包括一座或多座豪華酒店, 並在德州憲法與法律允許的情況下,納入賭場博弈設施。 https://i.imgur.com/zudwmyI.png
Brother ruined our franchise and they gave this dude a raise. 老哥搞爛我們的球隊,然後升官發財了。 He married well. 他真的很會結婚。 Was hoping he would step down as GOV once he becomes CEO of Sands Vegas. 希望他在成為拉斯維加斯金沙集團執行長後,能辭去獨行俠管理層代表的職務。 Needs to surrender his Mavs duty 他應該放棄他在獨行俠的位置 I’m sure he has a dipshit kid to take his place. They always do. 我敢肯定就算他下台也會是另一個愚蠢小鬼來接他位置。永遠都是這樣 Only a matter of time. Vegas Mavs. 看來拉斯維加斯獨行俠只是時間的問題了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741607727.A.839.html

03/10 19:55, 5小時前 , 1F
03/10 19:55, 1F

03/10 19:56, 5小時前 , 2F
不可能 絕對不可能 老詹已經預定了(x)
03/10 19:56, 2F

03/10 19:56, 5小時前 , 3F
03/10 19:56, 3F

03/10 19:57, 5小時前 , 4F
原來他還不是金沙集團CEO喔 我以為他本來就是了
03/10 19:57, 4F

03/10 19:57, 5小時前 , 5F
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03/10 19:57, 5小時前 , 6F
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03/10 19:59, 5小時前 , 11F
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03/10 20:00, 5小時前 , 12F
03/10 20:00, 12F

03/10 20:01, 5小時前 , 13F
睹俠隊 正式上線啦~
03/10 20:01, 13F

03/10 20:01, 5小時前 , 14F
這兩年要神抽 才救得了未來五年
03/10 20:01, 14F

03/10 20:01, 5小時前 , 15F
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03/10 20:03, 5小時前 , 18F

03/10 20:04, 5小時前 , 19F
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03/10 20:05, 5小時前 , 20F
就仿效騎士老闆那一套嗎 但騎士老闆沒跟當地搞成
03/10 20:05, 20F

03/10 20:05, 5小時前 , 21F
03/10 20:05, 21F

03/10 20:05, 5小時前 , 22F
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03/10 20:05, 5小時前 , 23F
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03/10 20:06, 5小時前 , 24F
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03/10 20:06, 5小時前 , 25F
搬到哪裡對台灣牛迷沒差ㄅ 有在台達拉斯人嗎
03/10 20:06, 25F

03/10 20:07, 5小時前 , 26F
03/10 20:07, 26F

03/10 20:07, 5小時前 , 27F
03/10 20:07, 27F

03/10 20:07, 5小時前 , 28F
03/10 20:07, 28F

03/10 20:07, 5小時前 , 29F
恩 聽說他們重心在亞洲
03/10 20:07, 29F

03/10 20:08, 5小時前 , 30F
03/10 20:08, 30F

03/10 20:09, 5小時前 , 31F
小牛 => 小獨 => 小犢 => 小賭
03/10 20:09, 31F

03/10 20:09, 5小時前 , 32F
03/10 20:09, 32F

03/10 20:10, 5小時前 , 33F
03/10 20:10, 33F

03/10 20:10, 5小時前 , 34F
澳門獨行俠隊 準備好了
03/10 20:10, 34F

03/10 20:10, 5小時前 , 35F
這種政治氛圍 議會不通過可能性也是有的
03/10 20:10, 35F

03/10 20:11, 5小時前 , 36F
03/10 20:11, 36F

03/10 20:11, 5小時前 , 37F
拉斯維加斯 這塊大餅 有這麼容易拿嗎 大家眼紅咧
03/10 20:11, 37F

03/10 20:11, 5小時前 , 38F
穩了 犢掰賭來
03/10 20:11, 38F

03/10 20:11, 5小時前 , 39F
超屌 對這種人來說球團真的是小事 人生跟小說一樣猛
03/10 20:11, 39F
還有 95 則推文
還有 1 段內文
03/10 22:00, 3小時前 , 135F
03/10 22:00, 135F

03/10 22:00, 3小時前 , 136F
03/10 22:00, 136F

03/10 22:01, 3小時前 , 137F
要變成 ivring center 了嗎 XD
03/10 22:01, 137F

03/10 22:03, 3小時前 , 138F
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03/10 22:09, 3小時前 , 139F
03/10 22:09, 139F

03/10 22:10, 3小時前 , 140F
什麼都是假的 利益才是真的
03/10 22:10, 140F

03/10 22:10, 3小時前 , 141F
球員就是籌碼而已 球迷只能乖乖看戲
03/10 22:10, 141F

03/10 22:13, 3小時前 , 142F
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03/10 22:23, 3小時前 , 143F
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03/10 22:23, 3小時前 , 144F
03/10 22:23, 144F

03/10 22:28, 2小時前 , 145F
這樣獨行俠這個隊名也要換了吧 不然英文超級繞口
03/10 22:28, 145F

03/10 22:39, 2小時前 , 146F
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03/10 22:40, 2小時前 , 147F
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03/10 22:41, 2小時前 , 148F
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03/10 22:43, 2小時前 , 149F
賭俠阿 好念多了(X
03/10 22:43, 149F

03/10 22:48, 2小時前 , 150F
賭成功拿冠 賭失敗搬家 這叫winwin
03/10 22:48, 150F

03/10 22:51, 2小時前 , 151F
03/10 22:51, 151F

03/10 22:56, 2小時前 , 152F
難怪要Irving 地名 不要777 輸錢 哈哈哈
03/10 22:56, 152F

03/10 22:58, 2小時前 , 153F
拉斯維加斯賭俠隊 笑死
03/10 22:58, 153F

03/10 22:59, 2小時前 , 154F
拉斯維加斯 賭行俠
03/10 22:59, 154F

03/10 23:01, 2小時前 , 155F
03/10 23:01, 155F

03/10 23:02, 2小時前 , 156F
03/10 23:02, 156F

03/10 23:03, 2小時前 , 157F
03/10 23:03, 157F

03/10 23:06, 2小時前 , 158F
金沙首家線上賭場上線啦! 性感荷官在線發牌
03/10 23:06, 158F

03/10 23:06, 2小時前 , 159F
03/10 23:06, 159F

03/10 23:06, 2小時前 , 160F
03/10 23:06, 160F

03/10 23:08, 2小時前 , 161F
Only matter of time,Vegas Maverick
03/10 23:08, 161F

03/10 23:08, 2小時前 , 162F
03/10 23:08, 162F

03/10 23:09, 2小時前 , 163F
03/10 23:09, 163F

03/10 23:09, 2小時前 , 164F
03/10 23:09, 164F

03/10 23:14, 2小時前 , 165F
03/10 23:14, 165F

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03/10 23:25, 2小時前 , 167F
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03/10 23:25, 2小時前 , 168F
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03/10 23:26, 1小時前 , 169F
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03/10 23:29, 1小時前 , 171F
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03/10 23:39, 1小時前 , 172F
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03/10 23:48, 1小時前 , 173F
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03/10 23:53, 1小時前 , 174F
03/10 23:53, 174F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dpjClWv (NBA)