[花邊] Josh Hart:Draymond Green欠KAT一個道歉

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (Fernando Torres #9)時間8小時前 (2025/03/15 19:49), 編輯推噓105(1181365)
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It’s not weak to apologize. 道歉並不代表軟弱。 As the Knicks prepared to face the Warriors on Saturday — a little over a week after Draymond Green’s callous and erroneous comments about Karl-Anthony Towns — forward Josh Hart said he doesn’t believe there will be carryover on the court but wished Green was more contrite. “I think KAT handled it the right way. For me, I have my own podcast and all that stuff. Whenever I’m wrong about something, I’ll sit there and say I was . For me, I wish he kind of did that, just apologized,” Hart said. “You don’t got to be embarrassed or feel like apologizing when you’re wrong isn’ t manly. I wish he did. Now that’s in the past and we’re moving on.” 當尼克隊準備在週六對陣勇士隊時—嘴綠對KAT發表錯誤的評論一週後—Josh Hart表示, 他不認為這件事會影響到比賽,但希望嘴綠能表現得更有悔意。 「我認為KAT處理得很好,對我來說,我也有自己的播客節目,如果我說錯話,我會站出 來承認」Hart說。 「我希望他能這麼做,只是道個歉而已,你不需要覺得道歉是一件丟臉或不夠有男子氣概 的事,我希望他能道歉,不過這也已經是過去的事了,我們會繼續向前看。」 Citing unnamed sources, Green said on his podcast that he heard Towns skipped their matchup on March 4 because the Knicks center was ducking longtime nemesis Jimmy Butler. Green hinted that Towns might’ve faked an injury but acknowledged, “I didn’t look that deep into it to figure out what his injury was.” In reality, Towns missed the game to attend the funeral of a close family friend who died after a long battle with breast cancer. Green, upon hearing that update, offered a nonapology and plug for his podcast. “We all experience death in one way or another and we’ll all experience it in the same way one day,” he said. “So, it’s unfortunate and you never wish that on anybody. “But the ‘Draymond Green Show with Baron Davis’ must go on.” 嘴綠在他的播客節目中,引用未具名消息人士的說法,稱他聽說KAT缺席3月4日的比賽是 因為不想與吉巴對陣,嘴綠暗示KAT可能是假裝受傷,但他也承認:「我沒有深入研究, 去了解到他的傷到底是什麼。」 事實上,KAT缺席比賽是因為參加一位親密友人的葬禮,這位友人在與乳腺癌長期抗爭後 去世。 在得知這一消息後,嘴綠並未正式道歉,反而順帶宣傳了自己的播客。 「我們每個人都會在某個時候經歷死亡,最終都會走向同樣的結局。」他說。 「這是遺憾的事,沒有人會希望這種事發生在任何人身上,但《Draymond Green Show with Baron Davis》仍然會繼續播下去。」 Towns had taken the high road, saying earlier this week, “I choose to approach that with love and not hate.” He added after Friday’s practice, “I ’m not worried about that. I’m worried about winning. I’m worried about playing [the Warriors on Saturday]. I’m not worried about that.” KAT選擇大度回應,他在本週早些時候說:「我選擇用愛來面對,而不是仇恨。」 他在週五訓練後說:「我不擔心那些事,我專注於勝利,專注於比賽,我只在乎如何擊敗 勇士。」 Green, a veteran agitator and four-time champion, has targeted Towns previously with insults and randomly tweeted about his lack of “mental edge” while watching a Knicks-Nuggets game. “KAT [defending] in a full front on Joker … even if you win the game it don ’t matter,” Green tweeted in January.. “You will never hold the respect from an opponent to win at the highest level … pride must make you sit down and guard, even if you give up 40. … Winning is a mindset, and in order to win a championship. … You have to win the mental edge … that’s why only a few guys per era win all the championships. … They understand that Thing.” 嘴綠這位四次總冠軍得主,過去曾多次針對KAT發表貶低的言論,甚至曾在觀看尼克對金 塊的比賽時,隨意發推批評KAT缺乏「心理上的優勢」。 「KAT採取全正面防守Joker,即使你贏了比賽也沒用」嘴綠在今年1月發推。 「你永遠無法獲得對手的尊重,無法在最高層級獲勝,自尊心應該讓你認真防守,就算被 對方砍下40分也無所謂,贏球是一種心態而要贏得總冠軍你必須取得心理優勢,這就是為 什麼每個世代只有少數球員能贏得所有的總冠軍,他們懂那個關鍵因素。」 Towns said last week he didn’t know why Green held an apparent grudge. KAT上週則表示,他不知道嘴綠為何會對他懷有敵意。 來源:https://reurl.cc/bW62vl -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742039398.A.BFB.html

03/15 19:52, 8小時前 , 1F
確實 造謠造口業真的離譜
03/15 19:52, 1F

03/15 19:53, 8小時前 , 2F
推KAT 人真的很好
03/15 19:53, 2F

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03/15 19:54, 8小時前 , 7F
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03/15 19:55, 8小時前 , 8F
JB 嘴綠跟KAT都有一點恩怨?
03/15 19:55, 8F

03/15 19:55, 8小時前 , 9F
Josh Hart說得很好 嘴綠能聽進去嗎
03/15 19:55, 9F

03/15 19:55, 8小時前 , 10F
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03/15 19:56, 8小時前 , 11F
笑死 當事人都已經沒在鬥了 綠師傅還亂嘴呀 明天軟
03/15 19:56, 11F

03/15 19:56, 8小時前 , 12F
糖肯定爆發 打爆勇士矮子陣
03/15 19:56, 12F

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03/15 19:57, 8小時前 , 14F
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03/15 19:58, 8小時前 , 15F
嘴綠這咖真的很扯 只要隊迷才會去捧這咖
03/15 19:58, 15F

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03/15 20:00, 8小時前 , 20F
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03/15 20:01, 8小時前 , 21F
NBA這麼多人 有精神疾病也不是什麼怪事
03/15 20:01, 21F

03/15 20:01, 8小時前 , 22F
哈特哥這個格局太高了 要嘴綠道歉跟要了他的命一樣
03/15 20:01, 22F

03/15 20:01, 8小時前 , 23F
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03/15 20:02, 8小時前 , 24F
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03/15 20:03, 8小時前 , 25F
還沒道歉喔 想裝死混過去阿
03/15 20:03, 25F

03/15 20:04, 8小時前 , 26F
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03/15 20:05, 8小時前 , 27F
狐假虎威的貨色 連格調都沒了
03/15 20:05, 27F

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03/15 20:06, 8小時前 , 30F
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03/15 20:06, 8小時前 , 31F
嘴綠那種水準的人格 應該是不會做什麼
03/15 20:06, 31F

03/15 20:07, 8小時前 , 32F
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03/15 20:11, 8小時前 , 34F
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03/15 20:11, 8小時前 , 35F
推 哈特
03/15 20:11, 35F

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03/15 20:13, 8小時前 , 38F
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03/15 20:13, 8小時前 , 39F
03/15 20:13, 39F
還有 117 則推文
03/15 23:47, 4小時前 , 157F
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03/15 23:48, 4小時前 , 158F
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03/15 23:50, 4小時前 , 159F
不知道該道什麼歉 真的假的啦...
03/15 23:50, 159F

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03/16 00:12, 4小時前 , 169F
寄生咪咧 你最愛的湧湧 還是這咖太讓人丟臉推不下去
03/16 00:12, 169F

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03/16 00:27, 4小時前 , 173F
其實如同士官長後段看狀元浪費天賦 恨鐵不成鋼吧
03/16 00:27, 173F

03/16 00:28, 4小時前 , 174F
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03/16 00:29, 4小時前 , 175F
也有自卑轉自大 畢竟嘴綠對順位比他前面的都記很熟
03/16 00:29, 175F

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03/16 00:42, 4小時前 , 178F
嘴綠會反省 就不是現在這樣 真的是破產版俠客
03/16 00:42, 178F

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03/16 00:55, 3小時前 , 182F
畢竟是Green 跟某群綠色一個樣
03/16 00:55, 182F

03/16 00:57, 3小時前 , 183F
嘴綠會反省 就不是現在這樣+1
03/16 00:57, 183F

03/16 00:59, 3小時前 , 184F
勇不道歉 謝謝
03/16 00:59, 184F

03/16 01:03, 3小時前 , 185F
糖糖人格真的超好的 狼迷永遠感謝他
03/16 01:03, 185F

03/16 01:18, 3小時前 , 186F
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03/16 01:21, 3小時前 , 187F
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03/16 01:23, 3小時前 , 188F
綠色 是原諒的顏...沒事
03/16 01:23, 188F

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03/16 02:05, 2小時前 , 192F
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03/16 02:22, 2小時前 , 193F
嘴綠真的很噁= =
03/16 02:22, 193F

03/16 03:35, 1小時前 , 194F
哀 體系綠葉咖小人得志雞犬升天跟著拿個4冠真以為自
03/16 03:35, 194F

03/16 03:35, 1小時前 , 195F
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