[外絮] 不滿LBJ被批評 嘴綠痛批SAS懦弱

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Draymond Green Blasts 'Weak' Stephen A. Smith for Critical Comments on LeBron Ja mes 來源:https://bit.ly/4icfGfu https://i.imgur.com/DE7ipoT.jpeg
Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green believes Stephen A. Smith went too far with his critical comments of LeBron James and his son Bronny. 金州勇士前鋒 Draymond Green 認為 Stephen A. Smith 對 LeBron James 和他兒子 Bronn y 的批評太過火了。 "A lot of problems that guys have with media is ... To call something that that man did bull---- and weak ... Like those are words, where we grew up ... Like yo u get hands put on you ... " Green said. "The problem that people have with medi a is, you go on there and go 'Oh, that's weak!' Like ... Weak? 「很多球員對媒體的不滿就在於…… 你直接說那個男人做的事情是狗屁、是懦弱的…… 我 們從小長大的環境裡,這種話說出口…… 你是會被揍的……」Green 說道。「球員對媒體 的不滿就在於,你上節目就直接說『啊,那太懦弱了!』懦弱? "Calling another man weak? That's just ... Not basketball. Which is actually wha t 'Bron was saying in the first place. Like, let's keep it basketball because ca lling a man weak, that's not basketball. And you're paid to talk about basketbal l. You call 'Bron weak for stepping to you, but you're taking shots at him as a father on TV. Behind a camera. Most would say that's weak." 「說另一個男人懦弱?這根本不是籃球,而這其實正是 LeBron 當初想表達的意思。保持在 籃球範圍內,因為說一個男人懦弱,這不是籃球。你拿錢是來談籃球的,你說 LeBron 走過 來找你是懦弱的,但你卻在電視上、在鏡頭後批評他作為一個父親?大多數人都會覺得,這 才是真正的懦弱。」 https://x.com/artofdialogue_/status/1901021967647379883?s=46 https://i.imgur.com/3YnvgDv.jpeg
Following a January 28 game in which Bronny James missed all five of his shot at tempts, Smith on ESPN's First Take criticized the elder James and claimed that t he Los Angeles Lakers star's son is "only in the NBA because of his dad." 1 月 28 日的一場比賽中,Bronny James 5投0中。Smith 在 ESPN 節目《First Take》中 批評 LeBron James,並聲稱洛杉磯湖人球星的兒子之所以能進 NBA,完全是因為他爸。 The elder James, during a Lakers game earlier Mar. 6, confronted Smith on the co urt about his comments on his son. Smith addressed the tense interaction and sai d he "understood" where James was coming from. But days later during an appearan ce on the Gil's Arena podcast, Smith characterized James's confrontation of him as "weak" and "bull----." 3 月 6 日湖人比賽期間,LeBron 當場對 Smith 針對自己兒子的言論提出質疑。Smith 事 後談及這次緊張的對峙,表示他「理解」LeBron 的反應。然而,幾天後在《Gil's Arena》 播客節目中,Smith 卻又將 LeBron 的舉動形容為「懦弱」和「狗屁」。 And Green feels such comments made Smith look weak. 而 Green 則認為,這樣的言論反而讓 Smith 顯得懦弱。 "Reach out to that man [James] and talk to him after somebody said something to you and you know you're wrong," Green said, suggesting that Smith should have re ached out to James. "So reach out to that man and talk to him. But you didn't. Y ou didn't reach out and talk to him. That's weak." 「你應該主動聯繫 LeBron,和他談談,畢竟你也知道自己說錯話了。」Green 表示,暗示 Smith 應該主動與 LeBron 溝通。「所以你應該主動聯絡那個人,和他好好談談。但你沒有 ,你沒有這麼做。這才叫懦弱。」 "That's what we call weak. Where I'm from? The guys that I was raised by? The me n that had an impact on my life? That's what we call weak." 「這就是我們認為的懦弱。在我們出身的環境裡、在影響我成長的那些男人眼中,這就是懦 弱。」 - 「你應該主動聯繫 LeBron,和他談談,畢竟你也知道自己說錯話了。」 大家覺得嘴綠這次說的如何呢? [花邊] Josh Hart:Draymond Green欠KAT一個道歉 “It’s not weak to apologize.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742137917.A.4AA.html

03/16 23:13, 6小時前 , 1F
真懦弱 我都直接揍的
03/16 23:13, 1F

03/16 23:13, 6小時前 , 2F
如果往嘴綠走過去就直接扁了 確實不會回家才評論
03/16 23:13, 2F

03/16 23:14, 6小時前 , 3F
03/16 23:14, 3F

03/16 23:14, 6小時前 , 4F
這次我挺嘴綠 SAS對老詹的言論確實越界了
03/16 23:14, 4F

03/16 23:16, 6小時前 , 5F
03/16 23:16, 5F

03/16 23:16, 6小時前 , 6F
03/16 23:16, 6F

03/16 23:17, 6小時前 , 7F
03/16 23:17, 7F

03/16 23:19, 6小時前 , 8F
03/16 23:19, 8F

03/16 23:21, 6小時前 , 9F
嘴綠先跟 KAT 道歉再來說啦
03/16 23:21, 9F

03/16 23:21, 6小時前 , 10F
SAS這種爛人 無需再讓他襯流量
03/16 23:21, 10F

03/16 23:22, 6小時前 , 11F
03/16 23:22, 11F

03/16 23:22, 6小時前 , 12F
確實懦弱 我都直接問他想要一拳一拐還是一腳
03/16 23:22, 12F

03/16 23:22, 6小時前 , 13F
跟 SAS 這樣玩有啥兩樣?
03/16 23:22, 13F

03/16 23:23, 6小時前 , 14F
03/16 23:23, 14F

03/16 23:23, 6小時前 , 15F
03/16 23:23, 15F

03/16 23:24, 6小時前 , 16F
03/16 23:24, 16F

03/16 23:24, 6小時前 , 17F
03/16 23:24, 17F

03/16 23:35, 6小時前 , 18F
知姆者綠也 兩人都是武術高手惺惺相惜
03/16 23:35, 18F

03/16 23:36, 6小時前 , 19F
你說得很對 因為之前你就是這樣對Towns
03/16 23:36, 19F

03/16 23:42, 6小時前 , 20F
你有資格講話? 先跟軟糖道歉再說吧
03/16 23:42, 20F

03/16 23:43, 6小時前 , 21F
嘴綠自從跟了富保之後 就變得很怕腿詹
03/16 23:43, 21F

03/16 23:44, 6小時前 , 22F
03/16 23:44, 22F

03/16 23:45, 6小時前 , 23F
跟富寶有啥關係 他們倆本來就麻吉 還共同投資一些東
03/16 23:45, 23F

03/16 23:45, 6小時前 , 24F
有商業利益合作在 當然老詹我大哥
03/16 23:45, 24F

03/16 23:47, 6小時前 , 25F
03/16 23:47, 25F

03/16 23:48, 6小時前 , 26F
03/16 23:48, 26F

03/16 23:48, 6小時前 , 27F
綠師傅就姆斯好麻吉 物以類聚
03/16 23:48, 27F

03/16 23:50, 6小時前 , 28F
03/16 23:50, 28F

03/16 23:55, 6小時前 , 29F
03/16 23:55, 29F

03/17 00:03, 5小時前 , 30F
03/17 00:03, 30F

03/17 00:03, 5小時前 , 31F
03/17 00:03, 31F

03/17 00:04, 5小時前 , 32F
SAS應該要說正確一點 他能進湖人 1000%因為他老爸
03/17 00:04, 32F

03/17 00:04, 5小時前 , 33F
叫LBJ 不然湖人有任何理由選他?
03/17 00:04, 33F

03/17 00:04, 5小時前 , 34F
03/17 00:04, 34F

03/17 00:06, 5小時前 , 35F
03/17 00:06, 35F

03/17 00:08, 5小時前 , 36F
03/17 00:08, 36F

03/17 00:26, 5小時前 , 37F
對喔 矮後衛大學場均5分能進NBA 絕對不是靠爸
03/17 00:26, 37F

03/17 00:34, 5小時前 , 38F
現代球員真的很閒 不是開直播就是講屁話 是關你屁
03/17 00:34, 38F

03/17 00:34, 5小時前 , 39F
03/17 00:34, 39F

03/17 00:35, 5小時前 , 40F
別隊的也要管 住海邊嗎
03/17 00:35, 40F

03/17 00:40, 5小時前 , 41F
整天講屁話 教球評該講什麼 馬上退休來講球啊
03/17 00:40, 41F

03/17 00:48, 5小時前 , 42F
03/17 00:48, 42F

03/17 00:51, 5小時前 , 43F
火腿粉->DLO粉->SAS粉 酸仔又多一個主子了
03/17 00:51, 43F

03/17 01:03, 4小時前 , 44F
03/17 01:03, 44F

03/17 01:20, 4小時前 , 45F
03/17 01:20, 45F

03/17 01:23, 4小時前 , 46F
03/17 01:23, 46F

03/17 01:23, 4小時前 , 47F
是因為字母才進聯盟 他才是完全對公鹿沒效益的那個
03/17 01:23, 47F

03/17 01:24, 4小時前 , 48F
03/17 01:24, 48F

03/17 01:51, 4小時前 , 49F
03/17 01:51, 49F

03/17 01:51, 4小時前 , 50F
03/17 01:51, 50F

03/17 02:10, 3小時前 , 51F
開始唱邱了 勇士不妙
03/17 02:10, 51F

03/17 02:11, 3小時前 , 52F
KAT:Am I a joke to you???
03/17 02:11, 52F

03/17 02:53, 3小時前 , 53F
03/17 02:53, 53F

03/17 02:56, 3小時前 , 54F
03/17 02:56, 54F

03/17 03:02, 2小時前 , 55F
03/17 03:02, 55F

03/17 03:16, 2小時前 , 56F
03/17 03:16, 56F

03/17 03:30, 2小時前 , 57F
流量人好好跟P G一起下去吧
03/17 03:30, 57F

03/17 03:34, 2小時前 , 58F
03/17 03:34, 58F

03/17 03:44, 2小時前 , 59F
03/17 03:44, 59F

03/17 04:01, 1小時前 , 60F
03/17 04:01, 60F

03/17 04:10, 1小時前 , 61F
03/17 04:10, 61F

03/17 04:38, 1小時前 , 62F
03/17 04:38, 62F
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文章代碼(AID): #1drkezIg (NBA)