[外絮] Bill Simmons:NBA老闆擔心阿拉伯組世界

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (上邪!我欲與君相知)時間8小時前 (2025/03/17 15:34), 8小時前編輯推噓107(1092106)
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https://reurl.cc/QYpKgO Bill Simmons:NBA老闆擔心阿拉伯組世界聯賽 This past January saw a slew of headlines regarding the possibility of a new international professional basketball league involving Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund and LeBron James’ business partner, Maverick Carter. 今年一月,有大量報導指出沙烏地阿拉伯主權基金與LeBron James的商業夥伴Maverick Carter可能攜手成立一個新的國際職業籃球聯盟。 But while, like many, Bill Simmons initially dismissed such discussions as “bulls**t,” the Sports Guy has since changed his tune. 不過,和許多人一開始一樣,Bill Simmons最初也把這些討論當作「胡扯」,但這位籃球咖後來改變了看法。 On the latest episode of The Bill Simmons Podcast, The Ringer founder discussed the state of the NBA with Kirk Goldsberry. And in doing so, Simmons revealed that while he originally thought that Carter and Co. were attempting to leverage the NBA regarding the ownership of a potential expansion team in Las Vegas, he now thinks the prospect of a rival international league is a strong possibility. “They have got a s**tload of money for this and a plan,” Simmons said of the league. “And everything I’ve heard is that it’s kind of real. I don’t know if they have all the money yet, but they have enough that — could you form a six-team league and convince five, six, seven stars to basically jump when their contracts [are up]?” 在最新一集的《The Bill Simmons Podcast》中,The Ringer創辦人Bill Simmons與Kirk Goldsberry討論了NBA的現況。而在對話中,Simmons透露,雖然他一開始認為Maverick Carter等人只是想藉此對NBA施壓,爭取未來在拉斯維加斯擴編球隊,但現在他認為成立一個高強度的國際籃球聯盟的可能性相當高。 Simmons談到這個聯盟時說道:「他們為此準備了超多錢,還有一個計畫。根據我聽到的消息,這事是有點認真的。我不確定他們現在是否已經籌齊所有資金,但他們的資金至少足夠讓他們——比如說成立一個六支球隊的聯盟,並且說服好幾位球星,可能5位?6位?7位?在合約結束後直接跳槽。」 The ex-ESPN columnist proceeded to speculate about the possibility of the potential league making a run at Los Angeles Lakers star Luka Don i , who can be a free agent as early as 2026. And while the idea of a star of Don i ’s caliber leaving the NBA for another league — let alone one without a proven track record — might seem far-fetched now, we’ve already seen the way in which Saudi Arabia’s money has shifted the paradigms in golf and soccer. 這位前ESPN專欄作家接著推測,這個潛在聯盟有可能會試圖挖角洛杉磯湖人球星77 Luka Don i ,畢竟他最快在2026年就能成為自由球員。雖然現在看來,像Don i 這種等級的球星離開NBA、加盟一個毫無過往紀錄的新聯盟似乎有些牽強,但我們已經親眼見識到沙烏地阿拉伯的資金如何徹底改變高爾夫和足球的格局。 “Could this be a LIV situation?” Simmons said, referring to the Saudi Arabia-backed golf league. “What does he care? He doesn’t have any loyalty to the NBA. He just got traded. Could you build a league and have like six, seven Luka-type guys? ‘Hey Luka, here’s a hundred million dollars a year, you’re playing a 35-game season and you’re gonna be the face or one of the faces of this league.’ “Like I think it’s real. And I think the NBA owners are a little more worried about it than I think has been reported so far.” While Simmons may not be a Shams Charania-type insider, he’s clearly well-connected in the NBA, especially at the ownership level. As such, his comments regarding the potential viability of a Saudi Arabia-backed rival league are certainly noteworthy and breathe new life into a story that many — himself included — didn’t give much credence to when it was first reported two months ago. Simmons提到:「這會不會變成像LIV那樣的局面?」他指的是沙烏地阿拉伯資助的LIV高爾夫聯盟。「他(Don i )在乎嗎?他對NBA並沒有什麼忠誠度,剛被交易過來而已。你能不能打造一個聯盟,網羅六、七個像Luka這樣的球星?‘嘿,Luka,這裡一年一億美金,打一個35場的球季,你就是這個聯盟的門面之一。’」 「我覺得這是真的。而且我認為NBA的老闆們對此的擔憂,比目前媒體報導的還要來得更多。」 雖然Simmons不像Shams Charania那樣是個專業爆料記者,但他在NBA,特別是老闆層級,確實有不錯的人脈。因此,他對這個沙烏地阿拉伯資助的潛在一級聯盟的看法值得注意,尤其是他本人在兩個月前的消息剛出來時也曾經抱持懷疑態度,如今卻重新點燃了這個話題的討論熱度。 譯者:考慮到現在聯盟門面都是外國人… , 同樣離鄉背景但是拿2倍或是更多的錢? 真的怕爆 。如果77跑走 ,我真的哭暈在廁所。雖然八字還沒一撇就是了 真難想像字母、小丑、77、SGA、斑馬這些聯盟當打之年的球星一口氣離開NBA,對NBA是多恐怖的打擊 突然想到Nico交易77的理由… ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742196877.A.E6C.html ※ 編輯: azlbf ( 臺灣), 03/17/2025 15:35:03

03/17 15:36, 8小時前 , 1F
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03/17 15:37, 8小時前 , 3F
77那個斯洛維尼亞文c打不出來 會直接被消失 記得修
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03/17 15:37, 8小時前 , 6F
Don i
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03/17 15:37, 8小時前 , 7F
原來台灣才是引領潮流 笑死
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03/17 15:39, 8小時前 , 11F
回家補 ,經驗中手機編輯下場都很慘
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03/17 15:43, 8小時前 , 16F
之前不是就有個nba球員跑去 結果退化太多很快就涼
03/17 15:43, 16F

03/17 15:44, 8小時前 , 17F
支持啊 NBA裁判太爛
03/17 15:44, 17F

03/17 15:44, 8小時前 , 18F
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03/17 15:44, 8小時前 , 19F
足球連姆巴佩這種正值顛峰都被挖去了 沙烏真要搞
03/17 15:44, 19F

03/17 15:45, 8小時前 , 20F
錢如果是nba2倍 吸引力很大吧
03/17 15:45, 20F

03/17 15:45, 8小時前 , 21F
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03/17 15:45, 8小時前 , 22F
哀不對不是姆巴配 記錯人ww
03/17 15:45, 22F

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03/17 15:46, 8小時前 , 25F
現在維尼就有可能去吧 賭行俠不給的油王給
03/17 15:46, 25F

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03/17 15:48, 8小時前 , 27F
錢夠多沒有不可能 主要還是NBA有頂薪限制 論砸錢
03/17 15:48, 27F

03/17 15:48, 8小時前 , 28F
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03/17 15:48, 8小時前 , 29F
是會砸輸人的 不像足球還能硬拚
03/17 15:48, 29F

03/17 15:49, 8小時前 , 30F
足球砸錢都沒辦法了 NBA市場比足球還小 阿拉伯人會
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03/17 15:52, 8小時前 , 38F
笑死足球哪有變 只是有球星去而已 還是沒人看
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03/17 15:53, 8小時前 , 39F
03/17 15:53, 39F
還有 138 則推文
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03/17 19:25, 4小時前 , 187F
生涯後段的明星 如果不需拼戒指了 就會想來這邊賺飽
03/17 19:25, 187F

03/17 19:27, 4小時前 , 188F
例如 Vucevic這種 一年七千萬以上的話 當然來
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03/17 19:42, 4小時前 , 196F
Don i懂哎
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03/17 20:02, 4小時前 , 198F
梅西就不想去啊 笑死 美足有錢有生活 幹嘛去那鬼地
03/17 20:02, 198F

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03/17 20:32, 3小時前 , 207F
比卡達更嚴吧,除非再下次阿聯 巴林拿到主辦權
03/17 20:32, 207F

03/17 20:36, 3小時前 , 208F
走下坡有可能啦 巔峰年輕的 真的只要錢不要榮耀?
03/17 20:36, 208F

03/17 20:49, 3小時前 , 209F
看看足球 組了還不是找一堆過氣球星沒屁用
03/17 20:49, 209F

03/17 20:53, 3小時前 , 210F
真的不要以為錢都有用啊 那些頂級球星在哪都領得到
03/17 20:53, 210F

03/17 20:53, 3小時前 , 211F
高薪 當然待在生活能過得爽的地方 再者 去那邊打菜
03/17 20:53, 211F

03/17 20:53, 3小時前 , 212F
雞聯盟 話題熱度至少少一半 不然足球都撒幣那麼多年
03/17 20:53, 212F

03/17 20:53, 3小時前 , 213F
了 也沒看見有巔峰時期的球星過去
03/17 20:53, 213F

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