[外絮] Jabari Parker:我哪裡悲慘了?

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (@wojespn)時間6小時前 (2025/03/19 13:42), 編輯推噓123(126371)
留言200則, 144人參與, 2小時前最新討論串1/1
Jabari Parker opens up: “People say I’m a tragic story – what’s tragic abo ut me?” https://reurl.cc/qGdqD3 “People say I’m a tragic story. What’s tragic about me? I made millions of dollars, I fed my family, I brought my family out of the ghetto. Those same pe ople who probably wrote those stories haven’t even achieved 1% of what I’ve done,” Jabari Parker said. 人們說我是一個悲慘的故事,我哪裡悲慘了,我賺了數百萬美元,我養活了我的家人,我 把我的家人帶出了貧民窟,那些可能寫下這些故事的人甚至沒有取得我所做到事情的百分 之一。 “The most important thing for me is being in the moment. My success is that I get up and I can be with my loved ones, that I can talk to my friends and sha re this space. That’s all that matters to me. Everything else—money and the places I’ve been—I haven’t even given any importance to my draft position. I’ve fulfilled my dream; that’s all that matters to me. Of course, it would have been nice to be one of the best players in the NBA, but for me, playing h ere is the same. My life here is wonderful, and that’s why I keep my feet on the ground—nothing is guaranteed. I could have quit basketball at 14, and now , at 30, I’m still playing the sport I love, competing in the EuroLeague, in a spectacular city and club.” 對我來說,最重要的是我能站起來,和我所愛的人在一起,我能和我的朋友們分享,這對 我來說才是最重要的——我甚至沒有考慮過我的選秀位置;當然,成為NBA最好的球員之 一是件好事。我在這裡的生活也很精彩,這就是為什麼我腳踏實地——沒有什麼是可以保 證的,我可以在14歲時退出籃球,而現在,我已經30歲了,我仍然在一個美麗的城市和球 隊參加歐洲聯賽。 “I like to remind myself—I’m not even supposed to be playing anymore. How m any people are playing at a high level after what I’ve been through? I’ve to rn my ACL twice, with two meniscus repairs. I shouldn’t even be walking norma lly, but I’m playing at a high level.” 我該提醒自己——我甚至不應該再打球了。經歷了我這樣的經歷後,還有多少人能打出高 水準的比賽?我的ACL撕裂了兩次,做過兩次半月板修復。我甚至不能正常走路,但我還 在打高水準的比賽。 “I was at a point where I was accepting that I wouldn’t play for any team. I wasn’t answering my agent’s calls, and he came to see me at the training gr ound and said, ‘I’ve known you since you were little, and you need to keep p laying.’ Then my agent called me about Europe and asked if I could be in Barc elona the next day.” 當時我已經接受了自己不會為任何球隊效力的事實,但我沒有回覆經紀人的電話,他來訓 練場找我說,‘我從小就認識你,你需要繼續打球。’之後我的經紀人打電話給我,詢問 我是否可以在第二天前往巴塞隆納。 “I’ve never kept trophies at home, but the only shirt I’ll always keep at h ome is the Barca shirt,” Jabari Parker concluded. 我從來沒有在家裡保留過獎盃,但唯一一件我會永遠保留在家裡的球衣就是巴薩球衣。 短評或心得: 確實很不容易了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742362938.A.71C.html

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03/19 13:43, 6小時前 , 5F
確實 還有更慘的
03/19 13:43, 5F

03/19 13:43, 6小時前 , 6F
真的 我才悲慘
03/19 13:43, 6F

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03/19 13:44, 6小時前 , 14F
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦
03/19 13:44, 14F

03/19 13:44, 6小時前 , 15F
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03/19 13:44, 6小時前 , 16F
收入已經屌打99.99%的人了 能脫離貧民窟真的屌
03/19 13:44, 16F

03/19 13:44, 6小時前 , 17F
在酸民眼中 每個球員都嘛魯蛇
03/19 13:44, 17F

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03/19 13:46, 6小時前 , 24F
然後賺太多要被靠北 賺太少也要被靠北
03/19 13:46, 24F

03/19 13:46, 6小時前 , 25F
酸葡萄心態呀 可悲
03/19 13:46, 25F

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03/19 13:50, 6小時前 , 38F
貧民窟? 他爸在幹嘛?
03/19 13:50, 38F

03/19 13:50, 6小時前 , 39F
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦
03/19 13:50, 39F
還有 121 則推文
03/19 15:39, 4小時前 , 161F
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03/19 15:43, 4小時前 , 163F
一堆魯蛇臭酸 可悲!
03/19 15:43, 163F

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03/19 16:07, 3小時前 , 169F
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03/19 16:10, 3小時前 , 170F
推+%Z% 可惜就是受傷 不然也是很強的存在
03/19 16:10, 170F

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03/19 16:16, 3小時前 , 173F
五碳吉拉 還是好好在打球
03/19 16:16, 173F

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03/19 16:22, 3小時前 , 177F
謙虛的賈霸 明明賺超過50M美金 只說幾百萬
03/19 16:22, 177F

03/19 16:24, 3小時前 , 178F
相較於那些滿腦子what could've been、what if的人
03/19 16:24, 178F

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03/19 16:36, 3小時前 , 180F
心態很不錯 歐洲聯盟看能不能拼頂薪 價格不會輸NBA
03/19 16:36, 180F

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03/19 16:41, 3小時前 , 185F
確實 他賺的早就能爽爽退了
03/19 16:41, 185F

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03/19 16:52, 3小時前 , 191F
拿過大約一點都不慘沒錯 IT這種沒拿到的才真慘
03/19 16:52, 191F

03/19 16:58, 3小時前 , 192F
假霸哩算還好了 常看PTT會以為Ben Simmons是沒球打
03/19 16:58, 192F

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03/19 17:05, 2小時前 , 194F
真的 我最悲慘嗚嗚
03/19 17:05, 194F

03/19 17:05, 2小時前 , 195F
有個悲慘的nba生涯 但人生確實並不悲慘
03/19 17:05, 195F

03/19 17:22, 2小時前 , 196F
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03/19 17:30, 2小時前 , 197F
確實... 光是前幾順位能進聯盟拿到一份完整的合約,
03/19 17:30, 197F

03/19 17:30, 2小時前 , 198F
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03/19 17:31, 2小時前 , 199F
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03/19 17:40, 2小時前 , 200F
西門心態也很好啊XD ,也沒擺爛放話,都酸民給的標
03/19 17:40, 200F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dsbawSS (NBA)