[外絮] LBJ、Bronny否認2022年車禍所涉及的指控

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洞77)時間4周前 (2025/02/28 14:11), 編輯推噓-96(2812443)
留言195則, 152人參與, 3周前最新討論串1/1
LeBron, Bronny James 'deny each and every allegation' made in lawsuit involving 2022 car crash 來源:https://bit.ly/3FazNvN On October 22, 2024, Bronny James made his professional debut with the Los Angel es Lakers and in the process paired with LeBron James to become the first father -son duo to share an NBA floor. A day later, the pair found themselves sued in L os Angeles County Superior Court for their alleged involvement in a car crash ou tside of Los Angeles. 2024 年 10 月 22 日,Bronny James 在洛杉磯湖人隊進行了職業生涯首場比賽,並與 LeB ron James 搭檔,成為首對在 NBA 場上共同出場的父子組合。隨後一天,這對父子在洛杉 磯高等法院遭到起訴,指控他們涉及洛杉磯郊外的一起車禍。 That lawsuit claims that they "negligently owned, controlled, repaired, entruste d, maintained and operated an automobile as to cause it to, and it did, become i nvolved in an accident or collision" and was filed by April Almanza Lopez and Ki ara Rae McGillen. 該訴訟聲稱他們“疏忽地擁有、控制、修理、委託、維護並駕駛一輛汽車,導致該車發生事 故或碰撞”,由 April Almanza Lopez 和 Kiara Rae McGillen 提起。 The complaint stems from an alleged car accident that took place on Nov. 13, 202 2 -- when Bronny was still in high school. Lopez owns the vehicle, but the compl aint states that both Lopez and McGillen were passengers in the accident that to ok place on Pearlblossom Highway near the intersection at 87th street in Littler ock, California, per the Los Angeles Times. Lopez and McGillen claim the vehicl e was damaged and that they suffered injuries in the alleged incident. 這起訴訟源於 2022 年 11 月 13 日發生的車禍,當時 Bronny 還在高中就讀。Lopez 擁有 該車輛,訴狀指出,Lopez 和 McGillen 都是該車禍的乘客,事故當時位於加州 Pearlblos som Highway 和 87th 街道交叉口附近,根據《洛杉磯時報》的報導。Lopez 和 McGillen 聲稱車輛受損,並在該事件中受傷。 On Feb. 20, attorneys representing both LeBron and the 20-year-old Bronny wrote that they "deny each and every allegation contained in the complaint and further deny that plaintiffs have been damaged in the sum or sums alleged, or any other sum or sums, or at all." In that filing, their attorneys ask the judge to rule in their favor and award costs incurred from the lawsuit. 2 月 20 日,代表 LeBron 和 20 歲的 Bronny 的律師寫道,他們“否認訴狀中所提的所有 指控,並進一步否認原告所稱的損害金額或任何其他金額。” 在這份文件中,他們的律師 請求法官作出對他們有利的裁決,並要求賠償訴訟所產生的費用。 Neither the Palmdale Sheriff's Station nor the California Highway Patrol have re ports on the alleged crash, as they told ESPN. The two members of the James fami ly are not the only possible defendants listed, as multiple "Does" are included. 據 ESPN 報導,Palmdale 警察局和加州公路巡警並未對該車禍提供報告。該訴訟中不僅有 James 兩位成員作為可能的被告,還列出了多個“Does”(指代不明的被告)。 The plaintiffs are seeking unspecified damages for both injuries suffered in the accident as well as damages and depreciation to the car. 原告對事故中所遭受的傷害以及車輛的損壞和貶值要求不具體的賠償金。 - 人沒事就好,也希望後續能釐清事發經過 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740723098.A.2C1.html

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沒空 人家剛贏球
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辛苦了 今天打比較久
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02/28 14:13, 4周前 , 17F
笑死 到底忍了多久 要贏球才發
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ID正確 朗文轉移
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02/28 14:14, 4周前 , 30F
忍到現在才PO 辛苦了
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02/28 14:14, 4周前 , 33F
真的嗎? 勇士總冠軍!
02/28 14:14, 33F

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02/28 14:14, 4周前 , 35F
內容0 動機100
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02/28 14:15, 39F
還有 116 則推文
02/28 15:12, 4周前 , 156F
成天在污辱這個帳號的原名 丟人現眼
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02/28 17:57, 4周前 , 172F
版主不出來管? 啊 原來是同一掛的啦
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02/28 18:11, 4周前 , 175F
這種咖不用桶 哈哈 鄙視這裡的人
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02/28 18:27, 4周前 , 177F
刪羊 不如你講講看這篇有什麼問題需要刪吧
02/28 18:27, 177F

02/28 18:27, 4周前 , 178F
你這麼會刪 應該能有很棒的見解 對吧
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笑死 翻成這樣
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02/28 18:44, 4周前 , 183F
有這時間發廢文 還不如趕快找湖人金身的影片
02/28 18:44, 183F

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02/28 19:26, 3周前 , 187F
補血 對事不對人 反觀
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02/28 20:56, 3周前 , 189F
姆迷大舉進攻 幫補血
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02/28 23:40, 3周前 , 192F
可憐,廢文王狂刷存在感,結果還是 X9
02/28 23:40, 192F

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03/01 05:41, 3周前 , 195F
不會刪的啦 小弟上週那麼努力 現在換老大出來保駕了
03/01 05:41, 195F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dmLEQB1 (NBA)