Fw: [新聞] Kim Clijsters skipping French Open

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1FZa9k8C ] 作者: leetaka (LeeTaka) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞] Kim Clijsters skipping French Open 時間: Wed Apr 18 12:26:19 2012 克媽跳過紅土賽季與法網 Kim Clijsters skipping French Open 克媽將跳過法網與整個紅土賽季,以專注在適應溫網與倫敦奧運的草地場上。 BRUSSELS -- Kim Clijsters will skip the French Open and clay-court season to focus on adapting to grass ahead of the London Olympics and Wimbledon. 這位比利時名將在上個月邁阿密網賽受到臀部肌肉的撕裂傷,而恢復情況比預期還緩慢。 她將在三周內恢復訓練。 The Belgian's recovery has been going more slowly than expected, after she tore a hip muscle last month during the Sony Ericsson Open in Florida. She will resume training in about three weeks. 克媽在週二說:「我現在的體能狀況並不夠允許我準備好參加法網。」 Clijsters said Tuesday that "my current physical condition does not allow me to be ready for Roland Garros." 在今年將告別職業的賽季,克媽專注在奧運賽事上。她將從06/17、溫網前一周的荷蘭賽事 ('s-Hertogenbosch)開始草地賽季。 In her farewell season, Clijsters has focused on the Olympics. She will open her grass-court season at the Rosmalen tournament in the Netherlands starting June 17, one week before Wimbledon. 而倫敦奧運的網球項目將在07/28開賽。 Tennis at the London Olympics starts July 28. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/clijsters-still-injured-skip-french-171556106--oly.html http://goo.gl/uYubJ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: leetaka 來自: (04/18 12:26)

04/18 12:35, , 1F
04/18 12:35, 1F

04/18 12:59, , 2F
怎麼一直無限受傷循環= =
04/18 12:59, 2F

04/18 13:07, , 3F
生了孩子 身體 復原狀況 就比較差阿
04/18 13:07, 3F

04/18 13:29, , 4F
借轉荷比盧 謝謝
04/18 13:29, 4F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: okk (, 時間: 04/18/2012 13:30:02

04/18 21:59, , 5F
蛤QQ...不過還是健康最重要 希望趕快恢復阿~~
04/18 21:59, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1FZb5R4v (NED-BEL-LUX)