Conrad Brunner
Friday, Dec. 23, 2005
Q. I know there are reasons for (David) Harrison's
lack of playing time, namely fouls and productivity,
but aren't those problems that you need play out of
a player? He clearly has talent and skill, but he'll
never learn to play on a court when he's only in a
practice gym. I think his upside when he's in the
groove will really make us glad to have him, so why
not let him at least get his confidence up? He works
hard, I think we owe him that much. (Justin in Cape
Coral, Fla.)
Q:我知道 Harrison 上場時間少不是沒有原因,他容易犯規
Q. It was stated earlier that Jonathan Bender and the
Pacers would talk about his future. Has that happened
yet and what do you think is his future? (From Robert
in Charlotte, N.C.)
Q:之前已經報導過 Jonathan Bender 會與溜馬討論他的未來
A. Because of the holiday weekend, I thought I'd throw
in a bonus QOD, particularly since these are by far
the most common non-Ron-Ron-related queries I've been
receiving lately.
畢竟,這些問題是除了 Ron Artest 之外最多人提起的話題。
Harrison is in something of a pickle, as it comes to
playing time. Because the combination of Austin
Croshere and Jermaine O'Neal has worked so well with
the first unit, Jeff Foster has remained with the
second unit. The Pacers need Foster to play himself
back into basketball shape, so he's going to get the
largest share of frontcourt minutes off the bench. That
doesn't leave much for Harrison. It's a frustrating
position for the young center because he has worked
hard to get, and stay, in very good condition. But
he just has to be patient, stay in shape and keep
his head in the game because you never know when an
opportunity will arise.
談到 Harrison 的上場時間是個難題。因為 Austin Croshere
與 Jermaine O'Neal 的先發組合真的太有效率, Jeff Foster
必須退到替補陣容來。溜馬需要 Foster 找回他百分之百的身手
, Harrison 就沒有太多上場時間可以用了。剛剛進聯盟的新人
保持在很好的狀況(卻不能上場)。但是, Harrison必須要有耐
As for Bender, the decision is in his hands and the
Pacers are in a wait-and-see mode. The meeting between
Bender, his agent and Pacers management has taken place,
the facts have been spelled out and both sides have
agreed the next step must be taken by Bender. Because
the contemplation of retirement, particularly when
forced by medical issues, is such a momentous decision
for a young player, he understandably is taking whatever
time he feels he needs to make it final. Until then,
the Pacers will simply wait.
至於 Bender ,現在決定權都在他手上,球隊則採觀望的態度。
Bender 、他的經紀人以及溜馬隊管理階層已經談過,雙方已經
達成共識,而這個共識就是下一步會由 Bender 來走。因為要
不論這需要多久時間。在 Bender 做出決定之前,溜馬隊只會
Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Q. Knowing the Pacers' strengths and weakness, which
type of placer should Donnie Walsh be searching?
Someone with the same characteristics as (Ron) Artest?
Or would it be wiser to search for another type of
player, maybe a sharp-shooter or an All-Star center?
(From Gaston in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Q:熟悉溜馬隊體質的 Donnie Walsh 在尋找什麼樣的交易
人選呢?是另一個 Ron Artest 嗎?還是一個優質射手或是
A. Even without Artest, the Pacers are well-covered
at every position including small forward, where Stephen
Jackson and Danny Granger give every indication of
forming a strong combination. So there isn't a pressing
need to fill or add depth to a certain position. There is
a relative dearth of two types of players league-wide
right now: consistent shooters and skilled big men. So
those types are always on the radar screen of most teams.
A:即使沒有 Artest,溜馬隊在每個位置仍然有足夠的兵源,
Stephen Jackson 跟 Danny Granger 在小前鋒位置的表現就是
Realistic in his approach, Walsh acknowledges he probably
won't be able to acquire a player of similar skill level
to Artest because of the circumstances. Given that, he's
indicated he'd prefer to find a younger player (or two)
with an eye on both the present and future, rather than
adding an older veteran (with a bigger contract) as a
stop-gap measure.
做事務實的 Walsh 知道在這種情況下他可能沒辦法找到跟 Artest
Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2005
Q. I'm writing this from New Zealand (a country
where rugby is the No.1 sport) but, apart from that,
I am a big NBA fan and also an even bigger Pacer fan.
We have three good centers on roster. Why aren't we
starting with any of them and we have one of the best
power forwards in the league playing out of position at
center. Could you give me some answers to this please?
(From James in New Zealand)
A. Two words: Austin Croshere. The 6-10 veteran has
been extremely effective at power forward, meshing very
well with Jermaine O'Neal. In 13 starts, Croshere has
averaged 9.8 points and 7.5 rebounds while shooting 51.2
percent from the field and, more importantly, the team
has gone 10-3. Croshere's perimeter threat helps spread
the defense, creating space for O'Neal. Just think back
to the last game Croshere missed, last Wednesday night in
Boston. Without that one additional shooter on the floor,
the Celtics' defense essentially collapsed around O'Neal
making life miserable for the entire offense.
A:一句話:「 Austin Croshere 」。這位6呎10吋的戰將
打大前鋒真的太稱職,跟 Jermaine O'Neal 的搭配太順暢。在
,更重要的是球隊在這13場中拿下10勝。Croshere 在外線帶
給對手的威脅有效的分散敵人防守的壓力,讓 O'Neal 有活動的
空間。想想上次沒有 Croshere 的比賽吧,上週三我們對上波士
頓,沒有多一位射手在場上,塞爾蒂克得以把重兵部屬在 O'Neal
The deployment of the traditional centers has been
a halting process for a variety of reasons. Jeff Foster
missed the first month of the season with a sore
Achilles and still is playing his way into shape. With
the opportunity for regular playing time in front of him,
David Harrison has struggled with some of the same
problems that plagued him as a rookie, the biggest being
his proclivity for foul trouble. Scot Pollard has been
bothered by a sore back for some time and the veteran
big man has been generally reserved as a specialist for
matchups against behemoths like Shaquille O'Neal.
有幾個理由讓我們遲遲沒有依照傳統方式來使用中鋒。Jeff Foster
而在 David Harrison 這邊,雖然有出賽機會,但是他卻受到幾個
問題困擾,身為新人的他犯規過快、貢獻度不夠。Scot Pollard 也
Shaquille O'Neal 這種人肉戰車要進攻時就需要派上 Pollard。
It's possible, once Foster is up to speed, that Coach Rick
Carlisle will return to a more traditional lineup. For time
being, however, Croshere has held his own as a rebounder,
generated plenty of energy with his hustle and offered a
much-needed offensive threat in the absence of Ron Artest.
As long as this lineup combination is working, there's little
motivation to make a change.
一旦 Foster 完全進入狀況,很有可能 Rick Carlisle 教練會開始
派出比較傳統的陣容。然而,目前來看,Croshere 身為籃板搶手、
之地,特別在 Ron Artest 不在的情況下。只要這樣的陣容有用,
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