January 25, 2006
An active day for the inactive Pacer
Artest-Stojakovic trade with Kings on hold
不啟用名單上的球員渡過活躍的一日-Artest-Stojakovic 交易喊停
記者: Mark Montieth
The most confusing, frenzied day in the Ron Artest trade watch ended the
way it began: without a deal.
Artest 交易事件發生以來最令人困惑、傷神的一天以呼應事件開頭的方式結束-
A swap of Artest for Sacramento's Peja Stojakovic appeared imminent
Tuesday afternoon after Artest's agent, Mark Stevens, told The Star
that it was pending league approval.
Artest 與國王隊 Peja Stojakovic 一對一的交易進度在周二下午 Mark Stevens
( Artest 經紀人)告訴印城星報時處於「只等聯盟批准」狀態。
By early evening, media reports claimed the swap of two former All-Star
forwards was off because Artest had vetoed the move. The Sacramento Bee,
citing sources close to the deal, reported that Stevens called the Kings
and told them Artest did not want to play there.
當天傍晚,這筆涉及兩位前全明星賽等級前鋒的交易卻成為一場空-因為 Artest
的反對。宣稱其消息來源得知交易進度的沙加緬度蜂報(The Sacramento Bee)報導
Stevens( Artest 經紀人)電洽國王隊轉告他們 Artest 不想要在當地打球。
Artest told The Star he was not opposed to playing in Sacramento, or
anywhere else, but wanted to meet with officials from whichever team
he goes to.
Artest 告訴印城星報他並不反對在沙加緬度或是任何地方打球,但是他想要與
"It's not that I don't want to play there . . . I'm letting my agent
handle things," said Artest, who was placed on the inactive list by
the Pacers on Dec. 12 after he requested a trade. "I just want to meet
with team officials of whichever team I'm headed to."
與對方球隊管理階層碰面。」溜馬隊在去年12月12號 Artest 做出交易要求後
Ultimately, the trade was left up in the air after Artest and Kings
co-owner Joe Maloof said they had not rejected the idea.
最後最後,在 Artest 與國王隊擁有者之一 Joe Maloof 表示他們他們還未駁斥
"It's not over," Maloof told the Bloomberg News agency. "It's not dead yet.
We'll sleep on it and work at it again (today)."
Maloof 告訴 Bloomberg News(新聞機構):「這還沒結束。這還沒蓋棺論定。
Artest, reached late Tuesday at his home in Indianapolis, said he is open
to all possibilities.
周二晚間在 Indianapolis 家中被聯絡上的 Artest 說他心態開放,接受所有可能性。
"Whatever my agent tells me to do, that's what I'll do," he said. "I'm
going to do whatever the rules say."
Stevens was unavailable for comment Tuesday evening.
周二當天 Stevens( Artest 經紀人)沒有能夠再度被聯絡上。
Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh declined to speak with reporters Tuesday beyond
a statement released by the team.
周二當天,溜馬CEO Donnie Walsh 除了官方聲明之外拒絕向媒體發表任何意見。
"As I have said before, until there is a deal completed, we do not have
a deal," Walsh said in the statement.
在官方聲明中,Donnie Walsh 表示:「正如我先前所說,交易不會完成,除非我們
Artest dismissed an ESPN report that he was to meet with Walsh this morning.
Artest 駁斥ESPN的一項報導,該報導指出 Artest 今早將與 Walsh 會面。
"Nobody has told me about that," he said.
Artest 說:「沒人告訴我這檔事。」
Artest also denied an ESPN report he has bought a home in Los Angeles,
although he said he has rented an apartment short term.
Artest 也駁斥ESPN的另一項報導,該報導指出他已經在 Los Angeles 購屋。
He added that he has not given thought recently to where he would like
to play.
"Right now I'm a Pacer," he said. "I've only been watching the Pacers
and Kobe Bryant."
他說:「現在,我是溜馬隊球員。我只看溜馬隊比賽,還有 Kobe Bryant。」
Should the deal fall through, the Pacers will move to one of their other
options. Team president Larry Bird said Monday the team is considering
offers from "five, maybe six" teams.
假如這項交易無法成立,溜馬將會轉向其他選擇。球隊總裁 Larry Bird 週一表示
The Kings, meanwhile, find themselves in an awkward position with Stojakovic,
a popular player who has appeared in more games for the franchise than
anyone since it moved to Sacramento.
同時,國王隊發現他們與Stojakovic 之間的關係處於一個尷尬的地位,Stojakovic
David Bauman, Stojakovic's agent, told Bloomberg the Kings told him
Stojakovic had been traded. Stojakovic initially was told to fly home
rather than play Tuesday at Philadelphia. Later he was instructed to
stay at the hotel and accompany the team to New York for its game tonight.
"It's unbelievable," Bauman said.
Stojakovic 的經紀人David Bauman 告訴 Bloomberg News(新聞機構)國王隊告訴
他 Stojakovic 已經被交易。 Stojakovic 原本被告知不用隨隊到 Philadelphia
New York 進行比賽。 Bauman 說:「這真是不可思議。」
Stojakovic told ESPN.com, "The way I was treated today, I was disappointed.
I feel kind of disrespected with the way I found out. Thank God they have
TVs here. I understand being traded, but this situation is weird. I had
already planned my flight back to Sacramento, and now everything is reversed.
Stojakovic 告訴ESPN.COM:「我對於自己今天被對待的方式感到失望。
"I guess this is just a business, but the way I was told and the way I found
out, I feel I deserved better from (Kings owners Joe and Gavin Maloof).
Anybody can get traded in the NBA, but the way I found out, it was
disrespectful. I deserve better after 71/2 years."
始末的方式。。。我覺得我值得(國王隊老闆Joe and Gavin Maloof)更妥善的
Stojakovic can opt out of his contract after this season. It expires after
next season.
Stojakovic本季後可以 opt out 他的合約,下一季他的合約就到期。
Joe Maloof revealed his interest in Artest earlier Tuesday in an interview
televised by ESPN. While not confirming the trade, he spoke of Artest as if
it had been completed.
周二稍早, Joe Maloof(國王隊老闆之一)在ESPN播出的專訪中揭露他對 Artest
的興趣,雖然他沒有在專訪中確認交易的事實,他談論 Artest 的方式卻彷彿交易已經
"Whatever the negatives were, we're going to set them behind us," Maloof said.
Maloof 說:「不管前面多少阻礙,我們都會把它們拋到腦後。」
Maloof praised Artest, who played in the 2004 NBA All-Star Game and was
voted Defensive Player of the Year that season.
Maloof 讚許 Artest 這位2004全明星賽出賽選手,也是該季年度防守球員獎得主。
"I think he's a terrific player, one of the top players in the NBA," Maloof
said. "He's very passionate about the way he plays. He's tough-minded. He's
strong. He defends people. He's a wonderful athlete. He's a great player."
Maloof 說:「我想他是個很棒的球員,NBA頂尖球員之一。他對於自己打球的方式
Star reporter Mike Wells contributed to this story.
Call Star reporter Mark Montieth at (317) 444-6406.
印城星報記者 Mike Wells 也協助本報導的撰寫。
Mark Montieth 的電話是(317) 444-6406.
Copyright 2006 IndyStar.com. All rights reserved
opt out 需要專人解釋囉。。。
Oops Pacers
謝 Sweeptime ~~~ 「they had not rejected the idea」
應該是 他們還未駁斥此一構想
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