[閒聊] 阿泰又放話

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Miami Heat)時間19年前 (2006/05/07 02:42), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
不要錢的阿泰 orz... Artest insists he would play for free next season if it guaranteed the Kings would keep Bonzi Wells and coach Rick Adelman. Wells, the Kings' leading scorer in their first-round series, is a free agent on July1. Adelman is in the final year of his contract, too, and Kings owners Joe and Gavin Maloof have given no hint to his future with the team. "I'll give up my next year's salary to keep Bonzi Wells," Artest said. And Adelman? "I'll give him my salary, too," Artest said -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DAING 來自: (05/07 02:43)

05/07 02:44, , 1F
05/07 02:44, 1F

05/07 13:04, , 2F
05/07 13:04, 2F

05/07 17:48, , 3F
XD 可能他以為唱片會大賣.不缺錢..
05/07 17:48, 3F

05/07 23:10, , 4F
05/07 23:10, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #14NEuknb (PACERS)