[情報] Bird willing to trade unruly Pacers

看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Ich liebe Dich)時間19年前 (2006/05/11 17:24), 編輯推噓1(100)
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http://myurl.com.tw/3lrd Bird willing to trade unruly Pacers INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Indiana Pacers president Larry Bird said the team's players will shape up or play elsewhere next season. 大鳥說本隊球員有的下季將會在其他隊打球。 The Pacers entered this season with championship aspirations, but they traded an unhappy Ron Artest and dealt with numerous injuries on their way to a 41-41 record and a first-round playoff exit. Bird said he likes the Pacers' talent and doesn't plan to make major changes this summer. But he made it clear Wednesday he's done dealing with bad attitudes, selfishness and laziness. 本隊本來以總冠軍為目標,但交易不開心的阿泰以及許多傷兵人數後, 季末戰績為41勝41敗且在季後賽第一輪出局。 大鳥說他喜歡球隊的天份,暑假時不會做出太大的改變。 但是星期三他明確的說將會交易差勁態度、自私、懶惰的球員。 (評語:醜臉大概第一個被開刀,小汀其次,大哈也危險。) "They're the ones that have to make the changes," he said. "If they can't make the changes, yes, we have to look to move them." "那些人才是應該改變的",大鳥說。"如果他們不能改變,是的,我們將會看到交易他們"。 Bird said he expects to build around Jermaine O'Neal, despite trade rumours. 大鳥說他期望以小歐為中心,不在意那些關於交易小歐的傳言。 "I don't know who out there you could trade Jermaine for and get somebody better". "我不知道你可以從哪邊交易到誰比小歐更好的球員" 以下不翻譯了,要去上課。 -- 從今以後,我只相信我自己。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/11 21:58, , 1F
官網轉述的 Bird 談話還是把大哈放在培養名單中
05/11 21:58, 1F
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