[外電] 熱門選秀人選的好壞,和他們在活塞的位置

看板Pistons (底特律 活塞)作者 (無奈小袋鼠)時間3年前 (2021/07/22 23:43), 3年前編輯推噓110(1111114)
留言226則, 24人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
Making the Case: Debating the pros, cons of top prospects and their Detroit Pistons fit 選他的理由:熱門樂透人選的好與壞,還有他們在活塞陣容中的位置 https://on.nba.com/3iDYdiq 專欄作者: Keith Langlois The Pistons have had more than three weeks now to digest the reality that they won the NBA draft lottery. Two weeks from tonight they’ll at last put their cards on the table. It stands to reason that they’re now deep into the process of evaluating the five players Troy Weaver said would stand as legitimate candidates to go No. 1 after the lottery results. 活塞團隊已經花了三週多的時間來消化他們真~的抽到了狀元籤這件事情,距離掀開他們 底牌的時刻也只剩下兩週(此專欄發表於7/15日)。現在管理團隊也要深入評估那五位Troy Weaver提到,值得用狀元籤來選的熱門球員了。 Not that there are any flies on the wall of the gleaming new Pistons Performance Center where Weaver and his inner circle are huddled, but if there were what might they know about the discussions taking place? 並不是說現在有人在Weaver和他的決策小圈圈身上裝了竊聽器,但如果真的有人聽到了, 那他會聽到活塞的管理團隊現在在討論什麼呢? There is a case to be made for each of the consensus top five players to be the Pistons pick – and, perhaps, a case to be made against each of them. We’ ve posted profiles of each of those players – Evan Mobley, Jalen Green, Jonathan Kuminga, Jalen Suggs and Cade Cunningham – though, as we've cautioned, those aren't necessarily the five players Weaver had in mind for Pistons possibilities. 管理層必須對於為什麼要選這五位最佳球員的原因取得共識─並且很可能需要對於"不選 他們"的原因也取得共識─Evan Mobley, Jalen Green, Jonathan Kuminga, Jalen Suggs 還有Cade Cunningham。畢竟,Weaver心裡所想的人選也可能不在這五人之中。 (一定要搞到這麼刺激嗎...) So let’s make the case for each one – and a case against each one for devil ’s advocate purposes. 所以,這篇文章我們就來拋磚引玉一下,提出一些支持和反對選擇這五個人的原因吧 CADE CUNNINGHAM SHOULD BE THE No. 1 PICK BECAUSE … Playmakers have never been more valuable in an NBA where equilibrium has tilted toward offense and the Pistons need an infusion of playmaking to catch up to the field. And playmakers with elite size – Cunningham is 6-foot-8 with a 7-foot-1 wingpsan – are especially coveted. Combine that with potentially elite 3-point range – Cunningham hit 40 percent from the 3-point line at Oklahoma State on high volume despite marginal talent around him and invariably being the focal point of opposition defenses – and Cunningham adds up to the most complete offensive prospect in years. He’s also a responsible and disruptive defender who’ll better enable the switching defenses central to Dwane Casey’s blueprint at that end. Cunningham’s ability to serve as a primary facilitator will expand the lineup possibilities available to Casey and help ease the burden on Killian Hayes as an inexperienced point guard. 他值得成為狀元,因為─進攻組織者(playmaker)在NBA從來沒有比現在這個大進攻時代 還要更有價值,而且活塞正需要一個這樣的球員來趕上這個潮流。何況,一個大size的 進攻組織者─CC那6呎8的身高和7呎1的臂展─更是讓人口水直流。再加上3分射程的潛力 ─CC在奧克拉荷馬大學時,即使因為隊友能力有差距而被重兵看防,還是能夠繳出40%的 3分命中率─以及完整的進攻技能包。還要提到他作為一個盡責且具破壞力的防守者,有 能力成為Casey陣容藍圖中的防守中樞。 CC活化陣容的能力也能夠幫助Casey將手上的球員表現提升一個檔次,並且幫忙減輕還 需要持續累積經驗的Hayes在場上的負擔。 ON THE OTHER HAND … Cunningham is quite possibly the least athletic of the top five prospects and there’s a case to be made that the lack of high-end explosiveness will cap his playmaking effectiveness. Cunningham’s efficiency numbers at Oklahoma State required him to connect on an inordinate number of contested shots. There’s a school of thought that he’ll become even more devastating in the NBA surrounded by shooters and benefit from greater spacing, but doubters exist who wonder if the greater size, length and speed/quickness of NBA defenses will simply mean a greater percentage of Cunningham’s attempts will be of the contested variety in the NBA. 但~是~CC很有可能是選秀前五人選中運動能力最糟的,而缺乏頂級爆發力很可能限縮他 在NBA場上的進攻和組織表現。CC在奧克拉荷馬大學的效率值和他缺少隊友支援導致高比 例的倉促出手選擇有關。所以雖然有不少人認為在NBA,他如果有更多射手的支援和更寬 的進攻空間,表現將會更驚人;但心存懷疑的人則認為NBA更快更長更強的防守者,將會 逼出CC更多胡亂出手的狀況。 JALEN GREEN SHOULD BE THE No. 1 PICK BECAUSE … Nobody else in this draft class has the potential to lead the league in scoring and the only way to have a chance to field a truly title-worthy team – the ingredient necessary to win playoff games – is to have someone with the combination of athleticism and scoring chops that Green possesses in abundance. There’s a little more projection with Green as far as his ability to harness his offensive skill set, but you don’t have to squint very hard to see that it’s within his grasp. Green is also a very neat fit with last year’s three first-round rookies – Killian Hayes as the pass-first point guard, Saddiq Bey as the high-volume 3-point threat and Isaiah Stewart as the physical screen-setter, rebounder and interior presence. 他值得成為狀元,因為─在今年的選秀人選中,沒有人有他這個等級的得分能力了。而 若要組出一個能夠贏得冠軍的陣容─能夠贏下季後賽的重要條件─一定不能缺少一個 Green這樣既有運動能力又有得分手段的球員。Green還有更多值得讓人期待的進攻潛力 能夠開發,而且你不太需要費心仔細看,也能看出他距離兌現這些潛力並不太遙遠。 Green本身也非常適合和活塞去年的三名新人─以傳導為主的後衛Hayes、具有不錯三分 能力的Bey和能量滿點的掩護者籃板手內線球員Stewart─組成一套年輕活力的陣容。 ON THE OTHER HAND … Green had more turnovers (40) than free throws (35) in 15 G League games, which might be a red flag for a shooting guard who wasn’t his team’s primary ballhandler and whose athleticism logically should have resulted in opponents resorting to fouling him more than they did to prevent him from scoring at the rim. Maybe that doesn’t scare anyone away, but it does underscore the uncertainty of projecting teenagers based on relatively tiny sample sizes. 但~是~在15場G聯盟的比賽中,Green的失誤(40)比他的罰球(35)還多,這對於一個並非 隊上主要控球者而且具有理應造成更多犯規的高運動能力的球員來說,可能是一個重大 警訊。這個數據可能不會把對他有興趣的人嚇跑,但是在這樣參考樣本不多的情形下, 還是必須要考慮Green累積的表現數據背後可能具有的高度不確定性。 JONATHON KUMINGA SHOULD BE THE No. 1 PICK BECAUSE … In a world where each of the consensus top five prospects max out, Kuminga is a good bet to appear in more All-Star games than anyone else. He’s got very similar measurables to Cade Cunningham but comes with an extra top gear or two. He’s also 13 months younger than Cunningham and there are a lot of teams that lean heavily into draft age when extrapolating future impact. Kuminga requires the most projection of the top five, but the potential outcome is a player who at age 25 generates the most value for his franchise. 他值得成為狀元,因為─假如在未來這五個狀元候選人的潛力都能夠徹底發揮,Kuminga 可能會是這五個人之中入選明星賽最多次的人。他的天花板跟CC很像,甚至還有一兩項 數據可能發揮得更優。他的年紀也比CC還小了13個月,而很多球隊在評估球員的天花板 時,也會把年紀當作一個考慮因素。Kuminga在這五個人中大概是地板最低的人,但在25 歲時,他也有最大的潛力成為球隊上最有價值的球員。 ON THE OTHER HAND … Betting on Kuminga reaching his potential would be an easier call in a draft without the star quality apparent in prospects like Cunningham, Jalen Green, Jalen Suggs and Evan Mobley. And not that the presence of Sekou Doumbouya, a similar prospect with similar development challenges blocking his path to stardom, should be a disqualifier in consideration of Kumgina, but it’s perhaps a legitimate tiebreaker. 但~是~如果沒有其他四個強力候選人的話,要賭一把Kuminga的潛力絕對是很值得考慮的 。而且隊上已經有一個潛力和養成挑戰都和Kuminga很相似的年輕球員Doumbouya了,雖 然這不一定是不選Kuminga的原因,但是這還是一個值得考慮的因素。 JALEN SUGGS SHOULD BE THE No. 1 PICK BECAUSE … If it’s a question of the total package – offense, defense, athleticism, character, leadership traits – then Suggs is pretty hard to ignore. His two-sport dominance as a Minnesota prep, where he led both the football and basketball teams to state titles and was named both Mr. Basketball and Mr. Football, is a testament to Suggs’ winning DNA. In another age, maybe some would see overlap with Killian Hayes but in today’ s NBA having the ability to pair two guards as adept at playing off the ball as on it – and with the size to facilitate the manipulation of matchups to their team’s advantage at either end – seems more an argument in favor than against. 他值得成為狀元,因為─如果把各種能力綜合考量─進攻、防守、運動能力、個性和領 導特質─Suggs肯定是很引人注目的人選。他在明尼蘇達高中時期的校隊隊長雙棲,帶領 籃球和美式足球校隊拿到州冠軍並且獲選為籃球先生和美式足球先生,說明了他血管中 流著贏家的血液。在其他時代,大家大概會覺得他的角色和Hayes重疊。但是現在的NBA 流行擺個雙衛在場上,加上在攻守兩端都有優勢的身材條件,使得把Suggs和Hayes一起 上場看起來更像是個優點而不是缺點。 ON THE OTHER HAND … The 3-point shot has become such a defining tool for players and the fact Suggs comes in as an average shooter – he hit 34 percent from the college line – diminishes the likelihood he’ll have enough offensive impact to warrant the top pick. There are also legitimate questions if Suggs has enough distributing instincts or vision to be a high-level point guard as much as a combo guard. 但~是~具有三分投射能力在現在的NBA實在太重要,使得在大學賽場上僅有34%三分命中 率的Suggs可能無法產生作為狀元需要有的進攻影響力。而他是否具有一個高效率控衛或 雙能衛所需的傳球視野和直覺也是一個值得考慮的問題。 EVAN MOBLEY SHOULD BE THE No.1 PICK BECAUSE … If a 6-foot-8 playmaker is unique and invaluable, what does that make a 7-foot playmaker? Mobley’s ceiling is preposterously high as someone with elite shot-blocking and rim-protection potential combined with his ability to be a one-man fast break and serve as a pick-and-roll facilitator. The Pistons see Isaiah Stewart as a player who can pound opponents inside with his physicality but also step outside and hit shots when the matchup warrants as much. A fully realized Stewart next to a fully realized Mobley would be bonkers. 他值得成為狀元,因為─如果一個身高6呎8的進攻組織者是這麼的特別且無價,那一個 7呎高的呢?既能送火鍋、保護籃框,又能夠一條龍快攻、組織擋拆,Mobley的天花板簡 直高到突破天際。活塞現在已經有可以靠活動力穩住禁區防守也能夠靠身高在外線當高 砲台的小史都,如果他和Mobley兩個人能夠在同一隊兌現天賦,那還不把大家都逼瘋了!? ON THE OTHER HAND … The 215 pounds is cause for concern – especially if there’s reasonable doubt about how much Mobley’s lean frame can accommodate even as he physically matures and benefits from NBA-level weight-training sophistication. Mobley’s ability to play on the perimeter is a wonderment for a 7-footer, but if he’s relegated to playing almost exclusively on the perimeter because a lack of strength forces him away from the paint then his ceiling is lowered by a few levels. Also warranting debate are the many stretches of Southern Cal games where Mobley seemed content to blend in rather than assert himself in step with his superior talent level. 但~是~他只有215磅的體重是個隱憂,即使他可以吃完NBA等級的重量訓練菜單,他瘦削 的骨架也不知道是否可以承受增重後的肌肉量。Mobley以他7呎的身高在球場上能夠辦到 的事情的確令人嘖嘖稱奇,但是如果因為力量不夠打不進禁區,那他的球員價值就要一 次調低好幾級了。此外,在南加大的比賽中,Mobley似乎滿足於依靠他現有的能力打比 賽,而不是持續強化他的技能或天賦。 ------------ 選秀快到了,NBA官網的專欄Keith Langlois前兩個禮拜陸續從活塞的角度介紹五個狀元 候選人,然後濃縮成這篇文章。大家如果有興趣我再試試把五篇專文也翻過來跟大家分 享,或是挑其中兩三個人翻一下。 今天也出了一篇二輪籤的使用方法,好像也很值得關注。 雖然我還是覺得...拜託Weavor就把CC選起來就好了~~~不要搞事啊~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pistons/M.1626968597.A.459.html ※ 編輯: wunai ( 臺灣), 07/22/2021 23:43:48

07/23 00:00, 3年前 , 1F
07/23 00:00, 1F

07/23 00:06, 3年前 , 2F
Suggs還有一個缺點 就是運球不好 不過 要知道他是一次打兩
07/23 00:06, 2F

07/23 00:08, 3年前 , 3F
個運動 所以不論是三分或運球 其實應該都是可以克服的
07/23 00:08, 3F

07/23 00:20, 3年前 , 4F
有狀元籤最不可能的就是選suggs吧 PG最佳解就是CC了
07/23 00:20, 4F

07/23 00:21, 3年前 , 5F
不過如果活塞不是抽到狀元籤感覺suggs也不錯 很像billups
07/23 00:21, 5F

07/23 01:01, 3年前 , 6F
07/23 01:01, 6F

07/23 01:53, 3年前 , 7F
07/23 01:53, 7F

07/23 02:41, 3年前 , 8F
07/23 02:41, 8F

07/23 06:36, 3年前 , 9F
07/23 06:36, 9F

07/23 07:30, 3年前 , 10F
07/23 07:30, 10F

07/23 08:25, 3年前 , 11F
07/23 08:25, 11F

07/23 08:52, 3年前 , 12F
07/23 08:52, 12F

07/23 09:00, 3年前 , 13F
07/23 09:00, 13F

07/23 11:07, 3年前 , 14F
07/23 11:07, 14F

07/23 11:08, 3年前 , 15F
火箭又想找活塞談狀元籤交易 真的很不死心
07/23 11:08, 15F

07/23 11:52, 3年前 , 16F
一直炒高green的行情啊 又說比cc好 那就自己選就好了
07/23 11:52, 16F

07/23 11:52, 3年前 , 17F
嘛 一直來煩我們幹嘛
07/23 11:52, 17F

07/23 12:03, 3年前 , 18F
07/23 12:03, 18F

07/23 12:21, 3年前 , 19F
大家都這樣 把Cade講超強
07/23 12:21, 19F

07/23 12:21, 3年前 , 20F
扯到活塞時 又說Green更棒
07/23 12:21, 20F

07/23 12:59, 3年前 , 21F
就一堆人一直覺得我們的陣容配不上cc啊 但目前我們
07/23 12:59, 21F

07/23 12:59, 3年前 , 22F
的輪值幾乎都是正資產 根本很容易為了cc調整陣容 而
07/23 12:59, 22F

07/23 12:59, 3年前 , 23F
07/23 12:59, 23F

07/23 14:10, 3年前 , 24F
Mobley不來試訓? 那應該就是不交易選CC了吧
07/23 14:10, 24F

07/23 14:39, 3年前 , 25F
07/23 14:39, 25F

07/23 14:39, 3年前 , 26F
調查 又說火箭持續跟活塞討論交易選秀權
07/23 14:39, 26F

07/23 14:57, 3年前 , 27F
07/23 14:57, 27F

07/23 14:57, 3年前 , 28F
07/23 14:57, 28F

07/23 14:59, 3年前 , 29F
如果是2號籤+22年的火箭首輪+未來火箭首輪 我覺得可以
07/23 14:59, 29F

07/23 15:00, 3年前 , 30F
火箭的23跟24籤吸引力太少了 後段首輪籤還不如二輪籤
07/23 15:00, 30F

07/23 15:12, 3年前 , 31F
看虎撲的火箭迷很堅持只能2號籤+活塞受保護首輪 高於這些
07/23 15:12, 31F

07/23 15:12, 3年前 , 32F
他們就崩潰 真的好笑 人人都是火箭GM
07/23 15:12, 32F

07/23 15:17, 3年前 , 33F
如果拿cc跟他們換 說不定明年他們就季後賽邊緣了 那
07/23 15:17, 33F

07/23 15:17, 3年前 , 34F
07/23 15:17, 34F

07/23 15:32, 3年前 , 35F
火箭陣容現在就算加上CC應該也是西區墊底 唯一的看點wood
07/23 15:32, 35F

07/23 15:33, 3年前 , 36F
跟CC打擋拆吧KPJ那種腦子有問題的 應該是不會有什麼化學反
07/23 15:33, 36F

07/23 15:34, 3年前 , 37F
應 更不要說火箭陣容一堆負資產 wall的約清不掉很難補強
07/23 15:34, 37F

07/23 16:07, 3年前 , 38F
07/23 16:07, 38F

07/23 16:07, 3年前 , 39F
練了,還在選一個來搶時間? 還是乖乖選CC自用吧
07/23 16:07, 39F
還有 147 則推文
07/28 02:31, 3年前 , 187F
07/28 02:31, 187F

07/28 02:31, 3年前 , 188F
07/28 02:31, 188F

07/28 02:33, 3年前 , 189F
07/28 02:33, 189F

07/28 02:33, 3年前 , 190F
07/28 02:33, 190F

07/28 02:36, 3年前 , 191F
07/28 02:36, 191F

07/28 02:37, 3年前 , 192F
07/28 02:37, 192F

07/28 02:38, 3年前 , 193F
看起來很官方啊,他沒說CC跟Gren Mobley同一檔吧
07/28 02:38, 193F

07/28 02:38, 3年前 , 194F
07/28 02:38, 194F

07/28 02:40, 3年前 , 195F
07/28 02:40, 195F

07/28 02:40, 3年前 , 196F
一些就代表CC也在裡面 並不是CC獨強吧
07/28 02:40, 196F

07/28 02:43, 3年前 , 197F
我覺得以那兩個為標準 誰看起來都很普通
07/28 02:43, 197F

07/28 08:33, 3年前 , 198F
07/28 08:33, 198F

07/28 08:33, 3年前 , 199F
07/28 08:33, 199F

07/28 09:01, 3年前 , 200F
QO開了也不能拿來交易吧 只是讓Diallo跟FJ變RFA而已
07/28 09:01, 200F

07/28 09:01, 3年前 , 201F
但他們依舊是沒有合約的自由球員 主要這兩隻去年薪水
07/28 09:01, 201F

07/28 09:01, 3年前 , 202F
都很低 QO應該分別2M跟1M左右就能搞定 自由市場上有
07/28 09:01, 202F

07/28 09:01, 3年前 , 203F
07/28 09:01, 203F

07/28 09:04, 3年前 , 204F
07/28 09:04, 204F

07/28 09:08, 3年前 , 205F
對啊但我們就有跟的權利 別人想要還得看weaver 我想d
07/28 09:08, 205F

07/28 09:08, 3年前 , 206F
07/28 09:08, 206F

07/28 11:02, 3年前 , 207F
Diallo 外線如果練起來 一張15m/y的合約都算划算吧
07/28 11:02, 207F

07/28 15:53, 3年前 , 208F
個人認為Diallo 簽下來的話,JJ應該在球季中交易底線會被
07/28 15:53, 208F

07/28 15:53, 3年前 , 209F
07/28 15:53, 209F

07/29 05:48, 3年前 , 210F
喔喔 我只是說他們換不了籤、自由球員市場還沒開市
07/29 05:48, 210F

07/29 05:48, 3年前 , 211F
現在Diallo還是無約在身的狀態 就看開市後Weaver有沒
07/29 05:48, 211F

07/29 05:48, 3年前 , 212F
07/29 05:48, 212F

07/29 12:49, 3年前 , 213F
Diallo 已經給OQ了啊,變RFA
07/29 12:49, 213F

07/29 12:49, 3年前 , 214F
07/29 12:49, 214F

07/29 12:49, 3年前 , 215F
07/29 12:49, 215F

07/29 15:43, 3年前 , 216F
有開QO就是會留了啦 用多少錢留 可能還取決於剩下的非保證
07/29 15:43, 216F

07/29 15:43, 3年前 , 217F
07/29 15:43, 217F

07/29 15:45, 3年前 , 218F
07/29 15:45, 218F

07/29 17:25, 3年前 , 219F
之前看選秀活塞都樂透中段 晚一個小時再看還看的到 這一次
07/29 17:25, 219F

07/29 17:25, 3年前 , 220F
07/29 17:25, 220F

07/29 20:30, 3年前 , 221F
07/29 20:30, 221F

07/29 20:35, 3年前 , 222F
等8:00選完cc就可以看後面weaver還有沒有動作了 期
07/29 20:35, 222F

07/29 20:35, 3年前 , 223F
07/29 20:35, 223F

07/29 21:05, 3年前 , 224F
明天一定準時看 唱名CC
07/29 21:05, 224F

07/30 06:30, 3年前 , 225F
07/30 06:30, 225F

07/30 15:56, 3年前 , 226F
07/30 15:56, 226F
文章代碼(AID): #1W-P8LHP (Pistons)
文章代碼(AID): #1W-P8LHP (Pistons)