[外電] Allen gets out guitar, sings for TV ad

看板RayAllen作者 (數學老師)時間19年前 (2005/05/08 05:52), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Ray Allen, who tried his hand at acting and starred in the film "He Got Game," is testing his musical chops during a television ad that's scheduled to debut during the playoffs and is a part of the NBA's "Trophy Luv" campaign. 大意是在講Allen在電視廣告上唱歌 In an amusing 30-second clip, the Sonics guard is sitting on a couch and playing a guitar while serenading the Larry O'Brien championship trophy. Allen在修剪出來的30秒廣告片段裡,坐在沙發上彈著吉他演奏歌曲 When asked how long he practiced playing the guitar before filmi ng the ad, Allen said: "I've got a guitar in my garage and that' s where it's been for a long time. I know a couple of chords, bu t that's about it. I played the piano growing up." 當問到他在拍這廣告之前,練習了多久的吉他。 Allen說:我從我的倉庫裡拿到吉他,而那吉他待在倉庫裡面很久了。 The commercial opens with Allen strumming his guitar and singing. 廣告開頭是Allen自談自唱 Allen: "Isn't it romantic, the way we are tonight, you and I, tw o stars in the sky." (Ray's dog howls, either really happy about the attempt at singing ... or not.) Allen: "Oh stop it, don't be jealous because I found somebody special." (howls) Allen: "She may be far from Seattle, but never far from my heart." Allen: "Yooou are my dream come truuuuue." (more howling) (Allen唱歌) "I was told I was on key," Allen said yesterday. "But put it like this, my 'American Idol' dreams are definitely down the drain." From:http://0rz.net/0c0lA 翻外電比我想像中要難的多@@ 很多是大概看的懂他要表達什麼意思... 但是要用中文敘述出來頗困難orz... 沒翻的地方就是我不會翻譯的... 看有沒有熱心板友要幫忙翻譯的~有些地方也看不太懂@@ -- RayAllen板 千呼萬喚始出來摟~ 歡迎各位喜愛Ray的朋友進來玩喔~^^ Σ美國籃球群組 NBAStar 球星 ΣNBA球員板 RayAllen NBA. ◎優質射手雷阿倫 mathteacher -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 05/08, , 1F 05/08, 1F 05/08, , 2F
哪裡可以看到這個廣告啊?? 05/08, 2F 05/08, , 3F
目前還沒看到,如果我有逛到我會放上來~ 05/08, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #12VJYQ4o (RayAllen)