McCarty 婉拒 DePodesta 邀請
如果你看過 Moneyball 這本書就知道 Oakland 背後真正的英雄是哈佛高材生
Paul DePodesta 現在他到 Dodgers 有更充足的子彈打仗,實現他的夢想,這
時他發帖子到東岸邀請成績普普的板凳一壘手 David McCarty 去 LA 擔任
farm director
David McCarty 球員生涯成績平平,並且曾在 Oakland 和 DePodesta 共事,
他還有什麼特殊之處?答案是他是大聯盟少數的名校高材生,他是 Mussina
史丹佛大學畢學弟,DePodesta 對他的組織能力有信心有意網羅
不過 David McCarty 給予婉拒
"Right now, my focus is on helping this ball club get to the playoffs
and win the World Series."
" It's another challenge, but after 85 years, did any of you think that
getting over this final hurdle and winning it all was gonna be a cakewalk?
No, it'll be more fun this way."
---- Curt Schilling
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