[瘟腥] 錢塞不住嘴

看板RedSox作者 (WBC荷蘭隊)時間12年前 (2013/04/13 01:15), 編輯推噓-30(6368)
留言50則, 45人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Bobby Valentine writing book 'Valentine's Way'; speculation Red Sox paid for silence appears wrong http://0rz.tw/dbNFB http://0rz.tw/l60Il http://t.co/aqWBwvY3aF BOSTON — Maybe now Dustin Pedroia will know what Bobby Valentine was trying to do. Valentine, the ex-Red Sox manager, has an upcoming book called "Valentine's Way," according to the Boston Herald, and Valentine is expected to write about his tumultuous 2012 with the Red Sox. Brad Lefton, who writes about baseball in Japan where Valentine used to manager, and leadership Dr. Robert Lefton are writing the book with Valentine, according to the report, with Simon and Schuster to publish. -- According to Free it’ll be a memoir and includes “his perspective on last season with the Red Sox.” Fun! -- 偷偷塞給他的錢沒屁用,8*v要跟當年日職的專欄家Brad Lefton、"leadership expert" Dr. Robert Lefton出書,裡面會寫到他在2012年波濤胸湧的起肖秘辛跟心路痢程。 (leadership expert顯然對他沒幫助...) -- 呸 -- https://twitter.com/MCandFriends/status/322346460567982081 Bobby Valentine has signed a book deal to publish his baseball memoirs. It's expected to top the charts in the fiction category. XD -- https://twitter.com/NotWallyGM/status/322760201700769792 Will Bobby Valentine's upcoming book be printed onto rolls of toilet paper, just for our convenience? good idea! -- http://ppt.cc/D3RL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/13 01:18, , 1F
fiction category XDDD
04/13 01:18, 1F
※ 編輯: XBogaerts 來自: (04/13 01:19)

04/13 01:40, , 2F
04/13 01:40, 2F

04/13 01:45, , 3F
盡量噓 不用客氣
04/13 01:45, 3F

04/13 01:51, , 4F
8BV納命來 還我Youkilis!!!
04/13 01:51, 4F

04/13 01:56, , 5F
04/13 01:56, 5F

04/13 02:16, , 6F
04/13 02:16, 6F

04/13 02:17, , 7F
04/13 02:17, 7F

04/13 02:18, , 8F
04/13 02:18, 8F

04/13 02:28, , 9F
04/13 02:28, 9F

04/13 04:33, , 10F
mother fucker 8DV
04/13 04:33, 10F

04/13 05:07, , 11F
04/13 05:07, 11F

04/13 05:17, , 12F
他這樣一直亂搞 難道真認為可以漂白?還是單純想賺錢?
04/13 05:17, 12F

04/13 07:22, , 13F
04/13 07:22, 13F

04/13 08:10, , 14F
04/13 08:10, 14F

04/13 08:15, , 15F
04/13 08:15, 15F

04/13 08:37, , 16F
凸! 這人有沒有羞恥心= =
04/13 08:37, 16F

04/13 08:48, , 17F
04/13 08:48, 17F

04/13 09:04, , 18F
老而不死謂之賊 8BV下地獄吧
04/13 09:04, 18F

04/13 09:30, , 19F
04/13 09:30, 19F

04/13 09:33, , 20F
弱智兒 8BV
04/13 09:33, 20F

04/13 09:44, , 21F
04/13 09:44, 21F

04/13 10:46, , 22F
04/13 10:46, 22F

04/13 11:11, , 23F
幹你媽的8BV, 還我光頭!!
04/13 11:11, 23F

04/13 11:15, , 24F
04/13 11:15, 24F

04/13 11:58, , 25F
弱智如果有名人堂 這傢伙一定是賽揚的等級
04/13 11:58, 25F

04/13 11:59, , 26F
04/13 11:59, 26F

04/13 12:04, , 27F
04/13 12:04, 27F

04/13 12:46, , 28F
WTF 8BV~只會嗆聲的廢物
04/13 12:46, 28F

04/13 13:36, , 29F
04/13 13:36, 29F

04/13 13:38, , 30F
04/13 13:38, 30F

04/13 13:50, , 31F
04/13 13:50, 31F

04/13 13:59, , 32F
去年爛得徹底才有今年的新.紅襪 只是沒看過這麼嘴的教練
04/13 13:59, 32F

04/13 14:03, , 33F
04/13 14:03, 33F

04/13 14:08, , 34F
04/13 14:08, 34F

04/13 15:05, , 35F
噓8BV 但大推今年新紅襪新氣象
04/13 15:05, 35F

04/13 15:05, , 36F
04/13 15:05, 36F

04/13 15:40, , 37F
04/13 15:40, 37F

04/13 17:35, , 38F
04/13 17:35, 38F

04/13 19:31, , 39F
04/13 19:31, 39F

04/13 19:50, , 40F
04/13 19:50, 40F

04/13 20:27, , 41F
居然把Youk丟去隔壁 吃便便吧
04/13 20:27, 41F

04/13 22:22, , 42F
04/13 22:22, 42F

04/13 23:17, , 43F
04/13 23:17, 43F

04/14 00:55, , 44F
8BV棄甲賽 還有人認為他來是幫上面的整頓嗎 科科
04/14 00:55, 44F

04/14 00:56, , 45F
目前看來他應該精神有問題 但還是很會找機會賺錢
04/14 00:56, 45F

04/14 21:42, , 46F
8BV吃屎 要不是你光頭王去年不會這樣被搞走
04/14 21:42, 46F

04/14 22:06, , 47F
04/14 22:06, 47F

04/15 21:57, , 48F
04/15 21:57, 48F

04/16 23:08, , 49F
爛人 還我YOUK啦
04/16 23:08, 49F

04/21 04:21, , 50F
爽 紐約之光 8BV
04/21 04:21, 50F
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文章代碼(AID): #1HQ44bRp (RedSox)